The Dex Prize Pack

Happy New Year everyone!

In prepa­ra­tion for And With Mad­ness Comes the Light (EIT #6.5) com­ing out Feb­ru­ary 14th, 2013, I’ve put together a lit­tle prize pack for every­one who’s wished Dex Foray could be their book boyfriend.

You could win all of the following…

- A $30 Ama­zon Gift Card

- A Dex-Files skin for the Kindle/Nook/iPad of your choice OR an iPhone skin

- A poster of And With Mad­ness Comes the Light, signed by me

- A per­son­al­ized let­ter from Dex Foray to you

- A pair of Team Dex undies

- AND a Twat­waf­fle hoodie. Oh that’s right. The llama gets it’s own sweat­shirt and you’ll be the first to wear it :D

This prize pack is open inter­na­tion­ally and only goes out to one win­ner. To enter, please leave a com­ment below stat­ing why you’d pick Dex to be your book boyfriend of the year. To gain an extra entry, please tweet about why you’d pick Dex Foray to be your boyfriend — make sure to use the hash­tag #EIT so I can catch those extra entries.

I’ll leave this run­ning from Decem­ber 31st to Feb­ru­ary 1st, 2013.


  1. Jen says

    I would pick Dex to be my book boyfriend because:
    1) he named his dog Fat Rab­bit (aka — Fatty Rab!);
    2) he is an enter­tain­ing mix of respon­si­ble man and nutty boy; and
    3) he is a horn­dog that gives me but­ter­flies.
    When a man can stand out like that from the writ­ten page (and make me want to jump my hus­band), he deserves to be my book boyfriend.

  2. Lauren says

    I would choose Dex to be my book boyfriend because he’s so infu­ri­at­ingly sexy and witty. Even when he’s being a com­plete ass I still can’t help but smile. And love the Dex/Perry ban­ter too.

  3. Holly says

    Dex is hands down my book boyfriend of the year. Because I haven’t felt this drawn to a char­ac­ter in…well a damn long time, if ever. He is a snarky son of a bitch, acts like he’s a badass, but most of the time he is far more vul­ner­a­ble than he wants any­one to know he is. I love the fact that he now embraces his feel­ings for Perry and strives to be a good enough man to deserve her. And hell…I love how truly per­verted and twisted he is. Just when I think I have him all fig­ured out, he throws another curve ball in the mix. And I love that.

    So.…to sum up. Dex is my ulti­mate book boyfriend. He might be a saras­tic ass­hat at times, but I love him just the same. :)

  4. Angie says

    I relate to Perry’s char­ac­ter so much it’s insane (which is one of the rea­sons why I love the series so much) and I feel like any guy that would cap­ture her heart, would cap­ture mine as well. And Dex pretty much has. He’s become one of my favoritr male char­ac­ters of any series I’ve read. Thus, per­fect book boyfriend of the year.

  5. Dena says

    Dex just sucks you in. Hes the bru­tally hon­est bad boy with the soft inner soul. Hes defi­nately my book BF of the year , we are attracked to that one guy who would give up his world to pro­tect you and keep you safe and to love you for all you are.

  6. Michelle Summers says

    Every girl is attracted to the bad boy. And we are attracted to dam­aged men. So nat­u­raly a sexy dam­aged bad boy with a spe­cial abbil­ity is irri­sistable! Throw in the spo­radic sin­si­tiv­ity when you least expect it and were hooked.

  7. Sara says

    I’d pick him because he’s sexy, mys­te­ri­ous, flawed, likes adventure/living on the edge, has tat­toos, likes hockey, and knows how to sex a girl up!

  8. Angelina Gonzalez says

    Oh, he is men­tal, flawed, and broody. But he def­i­nitely cares. The hot­ness and music def­i­nitely com­plete the package.

  9. Lisa says

    I want Dex as my book boyfriend because he is so tor­mented and in my per­fect book world I could save him from all his demons!!

  10. Kimberley Turner says

    In a lot of ways Dex reminds me of my hus­band of 20 years before we were mar­ried. His smart a$$ remarks, sense of humor, and the way he says the right thing at the right time, (or wrong time). Ok, He’s STILL all those, but because of Dex, I get the “but­ter­flies” again. I LOVE this series, and can­not wait for Dex-Files 2, and I thought I read some­where of a Lit­tle Fif­teen com­ing soon too! You’re a won­der­ful & cre­ative writer. Keep up the Great work!!

  11. Maria Flores says

    Dex is very pro­tec­tive of peo­ple he cares about. He is not per­fect and has many vices, but he is loyal and very sweet. That fact that he expresses his emo­tions and lays it all out in the open, know­ing he is going to get hurt, shows that he is unafraid and will do any­thing for his love. Dex is the best boyfriend because he places you above any­thing else.

  12. pat forkap says

    Dex could be my boyfriend.….… throw me down.…love the hell out of me then go and do his thing while I do mine know­ing he all be there if I really need him!

  13. Elizabeth L. says

    I want Dex to be my book boyfriend! He seems sweet and so sexy, yet dark and slightly twisted, as well as funny with a love for qual­ity music. I’m look­ing for­ward to read­ing more of this series. :)

  14. Kelly says

    I’ve read numer­ous series and have a cou­ple favorites I love as book boyfriends ( Travis from Beau­ti­ful Dis­as­ter, Zadist in Black Dag­ger Broth­er­hood, Kel­lan in Thought­less & Sabin from Lords of the Under­world) but Dex has topped them all!!! He was so mys­te­ri­ous at first and I wasn’t sure how he felt about Perry and then when Dex Files was released and we got to read his point of view, I knew I was in love! I just picked up this series 5 days ago and of course bought & read them all and loved them!! It’s going to be tor­ture wait­ing for the next release to get my Dex fix!!!

  15. Dusty says

    I would pick Dex to be my book boyfriend because he’s so sweet and flawed all at the same time. Not to men­tion, Sexy. Did I men­tion Sexy? Ya. There’s that. MMMM Dex. Sorry. I for­got what I was saying. =)

  16. Tamara marberry says

    Dex would be my book boyfriend because he seems real. Real issues his life isn’t and wasn’t per­fect he isn’t per­fect, but he is ded­i­cated. He has his own val­ues and takes care of what is impor­tant to him. And he loves and it’s real love things don’t always go the way he plans but he is per­sis­tent. And he is an ass but a lov­able ass. Not to men­tion he sounds hot and comes up with names like twat­waf­fle lol come on what’s not to love.

  17. Mercedes Gabaldon says

    I would want dex to be my boyfriend because one he has a hot butt. Also he is a bad boy and I love bad boys. Oh an lets not for­get sexy as hell.!

  18. Megan S. says

    Dex is loyal. Dex knows when he f*cks up. And he knows how to say “I’m sorry.” I absolutely love Dex, even though he is far from per­fect. But that’s exactly what makes me LOVE him. He has FLAWS, unlike so many men in books these days. Dex is sweet, but the man has a mouth on him. Twat­waf­fle any­one? One of his most attrac­tive qual­i­ties is his humor. I think his wit is extremely sexy. He can make me laugh in one sen­tence and have me swoon­ing in the next. Move over Perry!! I look for­ward to get­ting my date with Dex on Valentine’s day.

  19. Amanda says

    Dex is a man of mys­tery and who doesn’t love a mys­te­ri­ous, tor­tured, hot guy? I mean, he has so many inter­est­ing lay­ers I would love to spend some time fig­ur­ing him out. :)

  20. Ashley McLean-Smith says

    Well, I would LOVE to have Dex as my boyfriend on or off his med­ica­tion. Just when you think you have Dex fig­ured out he flips on you and I love it! I love that he is sar­cas­tic and funny. He is the rea­son I now use the term Twatwaffle..hahaha. With all that said, I have a best friend that I also blog with that has deemed Dex as hers, he even sent her a birth­day mes­sage because he is so sweet :)

  21. Sherre L. says

    AHHHHH!!! Won­der­ful give­away. I hope I win.

    I want Mr. Dex to be my favorite book boyfriend of the year because he’s super sexy (of course that’s first). He’s a real man, not a pushover who does things like ask you if he can kiss you or treat you like you’re made of glass. He knows what he’s doing in the sack ( a def­i­nite require­ment) and he can get any­one through hell or high water, or high water in hell.He also has that sen­si­tive side, and that exquis­itely mus­cled body (did I men­tion that he’s sexy?) not to men­tion the new found super duper strength he’s recently acquired. I love me some dex!

  22. Teresa says

    Damn, I just fin­ished book 5 and i wish she would have returned Dex’s phone calls. I think he really does love her. How could you not love a man who risk his life to save you?

  23. Tammy Ann Webb says

    There are so many rea­sons that Dex makes a great boyfriend. He is a thinker with an explo­sive & moody personality.This seems to make him smart yet unpre­dictable some­times which would makes some­things fun and inter­est­ing. Perry always seems to be totally drawn to him sen­su­ally. He also seems so in tune with her that he always seems to know what she needs or wants. He is also always there when she really des­per­ately needs him even if they are angry with each other. He waited for her and became a bet­ter man in the mean time just FOR HER!! He is also okay work­ing with her and mak­ing his job flex­i­ble for her. How much more could you ask for? I want to know how to find this guy in the real world!!

  24. Gwen says

    I love his bru­tal hon­esty at times and that he always keeps me guessing.I really like that he has flaws and isn’t perfect!

  25. Robin Prete says

    Oh.My.God. I am des­per­ate for Dex to be real, and super jeal­ous that Karina Halle has the clos­est thing to the real him. What he said to Perry at the end of Into The Hol­low were the most beau­ti­ful words ever spo­ken. No book man will ever beat Dex as my book boyfriend.

  26. Yury Sanchez says

    oh! dex i love a man thats an ass half the time very bunt. Sorry i don’t like soft men at all times. Dex is a great per­son, i love him for who he is ;) wouldn’t mine to be with him at all. He’s my boyfriend of the years. MUAHZ!!! to dex and happy new years!!!!

  27. Jennifer P says

    I’d pick Dex because of his pro­tec­tive instincts when it comes to the one he loves. And of course because he is so sexy lol.

  28. Jessica Watterson says

    I would totally pick Dex to be my book boyfriend of the year because he is a manly man, and will always be there if you need res­cu­ing. Even though he’s screwed some things up he will do his best to atone and prove his devo­tion. aaww

  29. Nicole Cordell says

    Why would we not pick Dex ? He is sexy as all hell, has an amaz­ing pervy sense of humor, he can be sweeter than even he knows, he can pro­tect me from any # of things, includ­ing ghost! Dex has been my book boyfriend no mat­ter who else comes into my life i always com­pare them to Dex and always, always come back to him. No mat­ter how much i think i know him or think he can’t get any bet­ter he keeps sur­pris­ing me and gets bet­ter with every new thing we learn about him… Thank you Karina for giv­ing us Dex.. What would we do with­out him or you?? Please, Please pick me„ I want this one so bad i can taste the twat­waf­fle hoodie!!!! lol

  30. Katherine Troyer says

    I can’t wait for the Twat­waf­fle hoodie… will he be get­ting other mer­chan­dise as well??? How awe­some is that!!

  31. Brenna says

    Dex is my BB because he is 100% unique, bro­ken, crude, sweet, crazy HOTNESS! <3 <3 & of course, his rapist facial hair ;) I just can’t get him out of my head. Lit­er­ally no one else com­pares! Best char­ac­ter in any book, EVERRR!

  32. Shawna says

    I would pick Dex to be my book BF because sim­ply, he’s Dex. Smart, sexy, moody, loyal, emo­tional, crazy, beau­ti­ful, and much much more. Plus his devo­tion to Perry is sexy as all hell!!!!!! He would always be there for you in any sit­u­a­tion, whether it be hav­ing a nice din­ner or fight­ing off a crazy demon ghost..LOL. Plus, he’s so nor­mal, real and not by any means per­fect. Love you DEX :)

  33. Kelly says

    You mean Dex isnt already my book boyfriend? I though he was.…and he IS my boyfriend because he is as messed up as me, under­stands twinkies are appro­pri­ate birth­day treats, loves his dog, and is very tal­ented sex­u­ally. Duh!

  34. Julie Clark says

    I want Dex for a book boyfriend because he is a smar­tass, witty, charm­ing, fucked up, pas­sion­ate, and always there (mostly) to help you out of a scrape. Also when you hit the wrong let­ter when typ­ing he is sex!!!!! Hehehehe

  35. Tiffany Russell says

    It’s about hav­ing that one per­son who would do any­thing for you no mat­ter what the con­se­quences, get arrested if need be, just for you. With Dex I also think it’s the bad boy idea that every girl wants to be the one to tame.

  36. Sarah K. says

    I love Dex as my book boyfriend because while he is sexy as hell, he is also funny, smart, and sar­cas­tic. Not a wussy romance novel guy.

  37. HWatts says

    Dex is my ulti­mate book boyfriend because he is flawed, funny and invented my new favourite word twat­waf­fle!! As a teacher I intend to try and incor­po­rate this into my every­day vocab for my older students!!!!!

  38. Ingrid Elkner says

    It’s not fair.
    All the other girls were born like jig­saw puz­zle pieces that fit into other jig­saw puz­zle pieces. And even if they’re not a per­fect fit with a guy, they’ll lie to them­selves and make the pieces fit and live ever after — insert an adverb.
    Not me.
    I don’t fit with any­one.
    I was made with strange edges, carved with accents and details that most other girls don’t have. I look pretty nor­mal. But I’m not.
    I tell friends that I’m a “cus­tom build”, and to be with a guy he’d either have to be a uni­ver­sal plug, that can be with any­one, or another cus­tom build like me.
    But I never meet him, my dark-haired dreamer, my friend and lover who sees the world through eyes wide open, and in me does not glimpse the mon­ster I fear he’ll glimpse, but a dizzy­ing, lost crea­ture who is beau­ti­ful and wor­thy of his love.
    His custom-build.
    That is, until I met Dex.
    At first, he didn’t seem like my guy. Scruffy, a smoker, loud mouth, com­bat­ive. But that was just his cam­ou­flage, his long-worn barbed wire. A bro­ken soul with no inten­tion of mend­ing itself. But it did. It has. And where dark­ness filled the hol­low inside him, light creeped through, lit­tle by lit­tle, until he was no longer a bro­ken man, but a but a ground­ing, redeemed crea­ture who is beau­ti­ful and wor­thy of love — even from him­self.
    And though lust and intrigue is what I first felt for Dex Foray, over the span of nov­els he has become much more to me. Too real to be writ­ten. Too detailed to be fan­tasy. Too flawed to be man­u­fac­tured.
    My cus­tom build.

  39. Tess says

    I would pick Dex to be my book boyfriend of the year because he is D.ashing, E.xciting and X.-rated ;) I wouldn’t have “Foray”-ed into horror/romance genre if it weren’t for him! Love you Dex! <3

    Happy New Year Karina! Best wishes for 2013!

  40. Rhonda Beyer says

    I would pick Dex as my book boyfriend because he’s a real man, not every­body­has to be 6’7″ and body builder to be attrac­tive. Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. Dannette Moreno says

    Dex is absolutely amaz­ing, he is right up my alley in the sar­cas­tic asshol­ish way! absolutely adore him.

  42. Laura says

    So drunk com­ment­ing is the best way to talk about Dex. He is so bro­ken and frag­ile, but at the same time so sexy and con­fi­dent … I need him. The fact that he is a pervy weirdo is just an added bonus really.

  43. Fran Swarts says

    I want Dex for my book boyfriend because he is all man, and can also admit when he is wrong. He has a car­ing side, a bad boy side, a cute, funny, and lov­ing side. He is down to earth and a lit­tle bit of a mys­tery at times but all around good guy to be with.

  44. Michelle leblanc says

    I would like Dex to be my book boyfriend because I adore his witty humor I love that he is such a pig I wish I could have what Perry has with Dex their sex­ual chem­istry prac­ti­cally jumps off the pages of each book; they have that true love con­nec­tion no mat­ter what hap­pens they have each other’s backs. I love Dexs POVs because I love being in his head it’s nice to here what this guy is think­ing it’s very real and believ­able . I Want my own Dex! Then I will have what Perry has lol! It’s been a rough year on my fam­ily and I my hus­band passed away on Christ­mas Eve and my escape is books this is my favorite series, even if I don’t win keep doing what your doing you should be so proud of your­self I will con­tinue to vote for you and push your books to all my friends and their friends and fam­ily, thank you !

    Michelle Leblanc

  45. Valerie Ray says

    Because he is so sexy and sen­si­tive, even while being a jerk some­times. Mak­ing up after the jerk phase would be worth it!!!

  46. rebecca perry says

    I want Dex to be my book boyfriend Bc I can never quite fig­ure him out. Keeps me guess­ing and keeps Perry feel­ing safe in crit­i­cal moments, So nat­u­rally I’d feel that way too! He’s sexy, witty, sar­cas­tic as fuck. Oh and let’s not for­get that he has great taste in music. And he can sing! What can I say? I love Dex. :)

  47. Elizabeth says

    I’d pick Dex because he is com­pli­cated and mys­te­ri­ous and needs lots of love. I’d love to care for him :)

  48. Robin says

    I would luu­uvvvvv for Dex to be my book boyfriend because he seems so hard to get and I love chal­lenge. He likes to be com­bat­ive yet he wants the same thing as you do. He makes you work for him. Then , when you get him, he’s sweet, ten­der, HOT.. Loves giv­ing you plea­sure, like din­ing at the Y… :-). Would love a few nights with Dex. I am mar­ried for 20 yrs so this is as close to a BF i will ever get… Lol

  49. Kristilyn (Reading in Winter) says

    I would pick Dex as my book boyfriend because I think he would keep me in check — there’s NO suck­ing up com­ing from him! I think he would say what he thinks and wouldn’t let me always have my way. He would keep me grounded.

    Oh, and the lov­ing would be good. ;)

  50. Priscilla D. says

    I would have Dex as my book boyfriend because he is writ­ten as a crazy sexy, out spo­ken lov­able douche canoe that would just make life a lit­tle more inter­est­ing even if it was frus­trat­ing with him by your side.

  51. Kaitlin says

    I would pick dex bc of his kick­ass mus­tache and also bc I have a soft spot for bro­ken ppl and dex is a lot bro­ken. Love him!

  52. Desirae Hegarty says

    I’d pick Dex as my book boyfriend of the cen­tury! While he is the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of sexy, witty, and inter­nally gor­geous, his flaws truly make him per­fect and so very real­is­tic! This fic­tional char­ac­ter haunts my naugh­ti­est fan­tasies! I can hon­estly say I have never been so in love with a fic­tional man. My hus­band would be jeal­ous! Lol!

  53. Heidi says

    Oh oh oh oh — I’d pick Dex as my book boyfriend of the year because he is so fas­ci­nat­ingly com­plex and really hot — most of the time LOL. He can also be a bit dis­gust­ing — which can be fun…most of the time. Seri­ously, after Into the Hol­low, he just became so much more swoon-worthy.

  54. Chasity says

    Ok even though Im mar­ried I can dream right? Isnt there a say­ing you can look but you cant touch? How about lick? Is that even con­sid­ered touch­ing? Any­hoo, I’d pick Dex Foray to be my book boyfriend of the year because he is every­thing a book boyfriend should be. For starters he is oh so dreamy but a lit­tle crazy at the same time (which makes a great com­bi­na­tion). Also, he’s just enough pervy to make you want to jump his bones but not too pervy to make you go run­ning for the hills. And last but not least he makes me feel like he just gets me (and im sure that goes for every other girl read­ing, but BACK off ladies, he’s mine… :)~

  55. Elissa mariotti says

    Because Dex is just awe­some. Love his sense if humor and how he takes care of what’s his. Plus OMG sexy :)

  56. Erika Garcia says

    OMG Sooo where do I even begin to explain the rea­son­ing for every woman want­ing Dex Foray as a “Book Boyfriend”? He is rugged, straight for­ward, and def­i­nitely screwed up. But I think this is why we love him soo much. Karina, being a Woman, I can’t even imag­ine how you have pinned pointed a man’s thoughts so dead on. I mean you have had to of had some help from that boyfriend of yours cuz Man o Man is he ALL MAN!!! Dex is awe­some and I love him even more woo­ing Perry. I love that he is start­ing to come out of his shell and rec­og­nize that it’s ok to love her and tell her he loves her. Every wom­ans fan­tasy. And THIS is Why I LOOOOOVVE me some DEX FORAY!!!!

  57. Amanda Vega says

    I could write a state­ment about why I WOULD pick Dex, as my book boyfriend. See­ing as he’s my favorite book boyfriend of all time, i will instead, thank you for writ­ting my per­fect book boyfriend into exis­tence! Upon my first EIT book I started telling every­one I knew, to get the books and read. By book two, it was a well guarded secret love that I didn’t want to share. We are talk­ing seri­ously red cheeks and answer­ing “noth­ing”, way too fast when my hus­band asked what I was read­ing. Mmmm Dex Foray. Sigh. So buy­ing a Twat­waf­fle hoodie, regardless.

  58. Heather Krafft says

    Dex is an obvi­ous choice to be anyone’s book boyfriend, but for me specif­i­cally? He’s sexy, not typ­i­cal, full of mys­tery, funny, brood­ing, but most of all he is fiercely loyal and pro­tec­tive! My man has to be some­one I would trust my life to, and that is Dex up one side and down the other. In every sin­gle one of the books I have never feared for Perry’s life except for On Demon Wings (or at least until Dex showed up, at which time my heart leaped for joy). The other rea­son is how he makes Perry feel as a woman when no one else has. Every woman deserves a man like Dex to make her feel sexy and alive and full of pas­sion! And to know that he only has eyes for me? The icing on the cake is that he tat­tooed ‘and within your light I lose the mad­ness’ as a sym­bol for Perry on his body. He’s the total pack­age and the only bad thing is that he is not real!

  59. Jess says

    I’d choose Dex not only because he is awe­somely hand­some (well, sound­ing at least) but he is enough of a fuck­tard to keep my atten­tion and keep me on my toes, yet not enough of one to cause me to break it off with him! <3

  60. Kiana says

    I read a lot… This year I’ve read 75 books and a chunk of that 75 were all the EIT books ( and the Devil’s Metal). Dex is amaz­ing because he isn’t the bor­ing and typ­i­cal male char­ac­ter. He has flaws and needs help too. He doesn’t do all the sav­ing. There is bal­ance which I rarely see in books the books I read. He is unapolo­get­i­cally male and His crass hon­esty about his sex­u­al­ity is sexy. I am a les­bian, but Dex is one of the only male char­ac­ters that I can hon­estly say does it for me.

  61. Shelley says

    Who wouldn’t want Dex as there book boyfriend? With his good looks and wicked tongue, a man that can make you laugh and goes after what he really wants even though it took los­ing it to find out what he wanted. Who wouldn’t love a man that comes up with twat­waf­fel for a nick­name for the llama. :)

  62. Katie holmes says

    I have to pick Dex. I have read sev­eral super­nat­ural seri­ous from the Anita Blake series who has more than enough boy toys to choose from to Rachel Mor­gan and her love inter­ests sim­ply because in all the mad­ness Dex still has that feel of real­ness. He has flaws and lord knows his mood changes could keep a girl on her toes for quite a while…but at the same time he is real and also is the type of man a woman could go into that dark­ness for. Love the char­ac­ter and his flaws. :-)

  63. Beth McCraw says

    Dex is just per­fectly imper­fect. He screws up. Bad. But he learns and gets over it. And when he loves you (Perry) he loves with every­thing he has. He’s pas­sion­ate, screwed up, and even a tad crazy at times, but he would absolutely be the best guy to be on your side. There’s no doubt he would die for some­one he loves!

  64. Kristy says

    I would pick dex to be my book boyfriend because he has an amaz­ing heart. He doesn’t take him­self too seri­ously, is cocky and smar­tass, but he will do any­thing for those he cares about. Plus he is just hot– id love to have that stub­ble rub­bing on me. ;)

  65. Denise Clark says

    Dex is def­i­nitely my book boyfriend of the year because he is so unpre­dictable and mys­te­ri­ous. Keeps you guess­ing. Noth­ing nor­mal from that guy.

  66. Nicole says

    A cre­ative guy with tal­ent and musi­cal sense and he not only likes to sing but has a voice worth lis­ten­ing to. Ambi­tion, a wild streak and a Fat Rab­bit… what is not to like. Besides he seems pretty decent in bed too.

  67. Amber says

    Dex is my book boyfriend because he is crazy hilar­i­ous, endear­ingly per­verted, and rak­ishly hot, hot(yum yum) HOT!

  68. Kayla Veres says

    The rea­son I would pick Dex to be my book boyfriend is not only because he is hilar­i­ous but one of the most hon­est char­ac­ters in a book these days, He’s not per­fect, he makes mis­takes and he’s rough around the edges but aren’t we all?!?! His imper­fec­tions is perfection!

  69. Paula Novack says

    In my mind Dex is ALREADY my boyfriend. Just please don’t tell my hubby;) Dex is…God…he’s Dex. And I freak­ing love him. All of him. What a beau­ti­ful, bro­ken, hilar­i­ous man. He’s a guys guy, not some pretty boy fic­tional char­ac­ter. He’s got depth and char­ac­ter. He loves pas­sion­ately. I love that he is sar­cas­tic and witty. Humor is so sexy. Dex is so sexy;)

  70. Kayla Veres says

    The rea­son I would pick Dex to be my book boyfriend is not only because he is hilar­i­ous but one of the most hon­est char­ac­ter in a book these days. He’s not per­fect, he makes mis­takes and he’s rough around the edges but aren’t we all?!? His imper­fec­tion is perfection!

  71. Melissa Hardy says

    Dex is the best book boyfriend sim­ply because he is a smart ass, can make me laugh and can still be sweet at the same time! He has great taste in music and he doesn’t judge peo­ple. Not to men­tion he did send me the most awe­some birth­day mes­sage ever on face­book. Ahh, team Dex all the way…and he really is my #1, see the post I made at least 2 months ago, lol

  72. Francesca Kulzer says

    I want Dex to be my book BF because of his dirty mind and sense of humor. I think he could keep enter­tained for hours :)

  73. Brianne says

    First let me say I am a huge fan of the whole series!! Amaz­ing!! I can com­pletely relate to Perry in all ways. Dex is the first per­son who has really looked at Perry with wide eyes and unspo­ken truths. He is unex­pected. I love the softer side of him that sees the world through eyes that are bright and unblink­ing. He has a air of mys­tery still in him. I love how he shows love in just touch­ing and with his eyes. He tries to hide because hes scared to tell her how he really feels and its very human like. In most books I read the “hero” is untouch­able and the thing about Dex is he is so down to earth. Every time I read one of these books ( and believe me ive read them all about 5 times lol) i fall more in love with Dex and find myself root­ing for him.

  74. Andrea Escobar says

    Dex should be my book boyfriend because he’s more real than most if the liv­ing breath­ing boys around! And he is hilar­i­ous to boot! Team Dex!

  75. Cristina says

    The smarter part of me wants to smack the part that would love to be Dex’s cud­dle monkey.

    I fell for him the moment he admit­ted to check­ing out Perry’s ass. He just some­how had this way for mak­ing you feel like a sex object (through Perry, natch), but not in a sleezy way. He even made going to a strip club feel ok. Which isn’t to say he’s per­fect, he’s far from it. He’s quick with his tem­per… and he’s over­loaded with bag­gage. It just hasn’t taken away from his unques­tion­able loy­alty and ded­i­ca­tion. He’s matured to a point where he has let his emo­tions show, and those emo­tions are raw. Sure, he’s a bit of player, but the lady he chooses gets to ben­e­fit from his learn­ing curve. *wink*

    Boyfriend of the year? Still not sure based on some pre­vi­ous behav­iour… but he’s redeem­ing him­self, lit­tle by lit­tle… I’ll wait for him… he’s still raw cookie dough… and I want cook­ies. = D

  76. Annie says

    I’d pick Dex because he’s a doer. I hate bf’s who do noth­ing. I love the ten­sion, adven­ture, music, and hockey. (Go Can­nucks!!) #EIT

  77. Jenni Longdail says

    Lets see.…I am not sure what a book boyfriend is but.…I find him amaz­ing because he is NOT like most men in many ways. I love his hon­esty and intensity.…I love how he loves with every­thing he is and is slowly learn­ing to share it with­out so much fear. One could only WISH
    to be Perry Palomino.

  78. KristyLumpkins says

    Dex is sexy,mysterious, a boy and a man rolled into one! I love the way he argues with him­self to do the right thing! As I’m read­ing I’m try­ing to think of ways to help him through his strug­gles with his ill­ness! I love him and he makes me want a real life Dex, Being a para­nor­mal inves­ti­ga­tor I think we would make the per­fect cou­ple!!! Love, Love, Love him!

  79. Terri S says

    I would love to have Dex as a book boyfriend cause he’s sar­cas­tic, sexy, and oh so enig­matic! I can’t get enough of him!!!! Love the series and the char­ac­ters are like my favorite dys­func­tional fam­ily mem­bers. <3

  80. Tricia Smith says

    I don’t think there is just one thing I can pick about Dex. I think it is the “whole pack­age” that makes him the per­fect “book boyfriend”! :)

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