The choice is yours

So, here it is. You choose the scene. I’ll write it. I’ll post it on my blog before Xmas…maybe even around my birth­day (Dec 11th) :)

I’ll keep this poll run­ning until Dec 1st.

OH, I was finally lucky enough to get invited to an Author Event — Megan from the Book Asy­lum was so gra­cious to extend the invi­ta­tion to me (I’m still freak­ing out over it). Details are still com­ing, but it will be in Boston around St. Patrick’s Day (March 17). Not only will I be there, but so will big­ger authors like Jes­sica Park, Amy Bar­tol, CJ Roberts, Rebecca Dono­van, Tar­ryn Fisher, Tara Sivec, Amber Lynn Natusch, as well as a bunch of other authors whom I’ll develop an even greater infe­ri­or­ity com­plex from.

I’d love to see you. I don’t want to drink alone!

What a week!

Not only did I release Into the Hol­low (which got to #128 on the Ama­zon Best Sell­ers list…nowhere near the Top 100 I wanted/wished for but it was pretty close) and you all left such stel­lar, enthu­si­as­tic reviews that made me want to cry (and I hate to cry), but.…

I moved out of my stu­dio apart­ment where I lived down­town in the city of Van­cou­ver for six and a half years and to an island. Salt Spring Island (close to D’Arcy Island haha). I’m now an islander, and my man and I have our cozy cottage!

There are deer every­where (photo taken from the bath­room win­dow downstairs)!

On Demon Wings got into the FINALS for the Best Hor­ror of 2012 from the GoodReads Awards! YOU CAN STILL VOTE - maybe I can win this thing?!

I announced I was releas­ing THIS book on Valentine’s Day

Ah, hell, let’s throw the cover in here too :)

I’m putting together a poll where YOU can all vote on what exclu­sive Perry and Dex scene you want me to write — for free — and I’ll release it around Xmas.

And Into the Hol­low made it to the #4 Best Sell­ing book on Smash­words! It’s the short­bus of best­sellers lists but, meh, I’ll take it!

OH and this is old news — three weeks old now — but in case you missed it, I dressed up as “Red Fox” and “Perry Palomino” for Hal­loween :D

It’s ALIVE!”

Into the Hol­low is now live on Ama­zon Kin­dle and Smash­words. Paper­back com­ing in Decem­ber. Nook and Kobo will prob­a­bly get it around then too, THAT’S THE WAY THEY WORKSLOW. But if you don’t want to wait weeks and weeks, get your epub copy from Smash­words today.

Ama­zon link:–12&keywords=into+the+hollow

Smash­words link:

This is how I feel:
Smiley face

Oblig­a­tory ‘Vote On Demon Wings for Best Hor­ror of 2012 and I’ll release a Dex Files novella’ plug:


To cel­e­brate The Devil’s Metal being on sale for 99 cents, I thought I’d share with you a poster that my cover artist Bret Tay­lor cre­ated for the band, Hybrid. It took a long time and was a true back and forth effort as I tweaked the char­ac­ters to what I needed them to look like.

I was going for that hand-drawn 70’s qual­ity that you found on many posters in the day. Bret came up with the won­der­ful logo and trippy ass background.

I’ve also got the Hybrid Molten Uni­verse album cov­ers too. I was going to release sound­tracks as a give­away and stick them in the pack­ages, but there wasn’t much inter­est in The Devil’s Metal as I had thought. BUT I may still do some­thing with them if the book takes off at some point or maybe around the time I release the sequel.

Any­way, here it is — the album design was totally based on Sage’s tat­toos :)

(Possibly) Great News!

So, by now you’ve heard that On Demon Wings was nom­i­nated for the GoodReads 2012 Best Hor­ror Award. And you know that I’m up against some pretty heavy com­pe­ti­tion in that category…most of the books are big names from big pub­lish­ers (which is why in my case, unlike most Acad­emy Award nom­i­na­tions, it actu­ally IS an honor to be nom­i­nated). You’ve also heard that if I make it to the finals, I will be releas­ing a spe­cial EIT scene for free, just as a thank you (oh and as vot­ing incen­tive, let’s not kid our­selves here).

(vote HERE)

Here’s the deal. The Semi-Finals for the award begin on the 12th, so I have to make it through the first round before ANY of this can happen.

Three Chances to Vote!

Open­ing Round: Octo­ber 30 – Novem­ber 11
Semi­fi­nal Round: Novem­ber 12 – Novem­ber 18
Final Round: Novem­ber 19 – Novem­ber 27

Then the finals begin on Novem­ber 19th. Which means that’s when I’ll find out if I’ve made it to the end. And if I do, I will not only release the free scene.…

.…I’ll release a novella! I’d love to do a free novella, unfor­tu­nately now that I write for a liv­ing, I can’t do that. Time spent writ­ing has to be able to put food on my table.

But it’s a novella you WILL love. It may mean Ada’s novella is get­ting pushed out of the way by a few months but that’s cool, right? BECAUSE

The novella will be The Dex-Files Part Two. OR as it will be titled: And With Mad­ness Comes the Light.

It will be a novella told from Dex’s POV and unlike the Dex-Files, it won’t be a col­lec­tion of scenes. It will explain from that last moment in Lying Sea­son, until the end of On Demon Wings, what was going on with Dex. His story of the months spent away from Perry. And YES it will include “that scene” dur­ing the exor­cism that all of you were so anx­ious to read :)

So there you have it peo­ple. I have ideas flow­ing, my cover artist on speed dial, I’m just wait­ing for Novem­ber 19th.

Of course, I can’t do this alone. I need your votes! Get your friends to vote, your fam­ily, your dog, what­ever. Get me to the finals at least and you will get your newest Dex-Files book in Feb/March of 2013! And remem­ber, I’ll need your votes again once I make it to the semi-finals on Mon­day (which I hope­fully will!)

Again, here’s the vot­ing link:

*dusts off hands*

Oh right, and in case you missed these tid­bits, Into the Hol­low is being released on Kin­dle and Smash­words on Novem­ber 15th for $3.99 (and for the last time, if you HAVE A NOOK you can DOWNLOAD FROM SMASHWORDS. It’s the same type of file, same price and you don’t have to wait MONTHS for Barnes and Noble to add it!!). Really hope you find that it’s worth the slight delay!

Also, The Devil’s Metal is just 99 cents on Ama­zon Kin­dle too:

(thanks again Heather for that Dex button!)

A teaser, a release date, a sale and a vote

Want­ing, need­ing, crav­ing some Into the Hol­low news?

Well, to start off, how about you vote for On Demon Wings in the 2012 GoodReads Awards. It’s such a freak­ing honor to be nom­i­nated (and I’m against Dean Koontz, omg) that I’m glow­ing just from that. But hey, wouldn’t it be cool if my book actu­ally made it to the finals? I would be danc­ing on the moon!

So, what you need to do is go here and VOTE for On Demon Wings as the Best Hor­ror of 2012.

Many peo­ple have asked why the other books aren’t nom­i­nated, but ODW was the only full-length EIT book released in 2012. Dark­house — Lying Sea­son were all released last year, if you can believe it (yup, released 4 books in one year!).

Any­hoo, yes, vote and I’ll reward you with a scene. I’ll decide on three pos­si­ble scenes I could write for you. You vote on which one I should write. And I’ll release it on the web­site for free. BUT.…and this is a big butt (much like my own)…I need to get to the finals first. Even if I don’t win the award, if I am a final­ist, then you guys win the scene! Deal?

So if you’ve already voted, get your friends and fam­ily to vote! Get on GoodReads and get peo­ple excited! I think Dex and Perry deserve a wee bit of recog­ni­tion these days and I would be hon­ored if they could get it.

Once again, go HERE and pick On Demon Wings — one vote for that is a vote for all EIT books :)

OH and I’m not done here, not by a long shot. I finally have a release date for Into the Hol­low. Thurs­day, Novem­ber 15th, the book will be live on Ama­zon and Smash­words. Sorry, Nook and Kobo users, this may take months for you (take it up with B&N) but you can always get your epub copy from Smashwords.


Here’s a lit­tle teaser for you :)


Up you go, drunky,” he said affec­tion­ately. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. My feet failed – I don’t know where they went – and I fell straight into his chest. Damn. I had for­got­ten how hard it was. He tight­ened his arms around me and, damn, I had for­got­ten how hard they were too.

I was stand­ing, no, lean­ing at angle, unwill­ing to help myself. I raised up my head so that my face was peer­ing at his, inches away, and smiled. “Thank you for catch­ing me.”

Will you be OK?” Rigby asked Dex. Dex nod­ded with­out tak­ing his amused eyes off of mine.

I’ve got her,” he said. I kept smiling.

He raised me up eas­ily and plunked me on my feet like he was stack­ing a chair. Then he put his arm around me, hold­ing me to him, and led me to our room.

Good night,” he told the guys over his shoulder.

They mum­bled some­thing I couldn’t hear and soon I was in the pitch black bed­room. Dex let go of me to close the door and I began to sway to the side. Sud­denly he was there, strong hands on me again, and lead­ing me to the bed.

Here, sit down,” he said plac­ing me on it. He began to take off my boots.

I didn’t want to sit up so I leaned back until I was flat on the bed. The room began to spin a bit.

It’s dark in here and spinny,” I mut­tered as he removed one boot. “Sorry if my feet stink.”

I’ve dealt with worse,” he said and quickly removed the other. I was left alone for a few sec­onds while he did some­thing in the cor­ner. Then light glowed behind my closed lids. I opened them. He had got­ten the kerosene lamp going.

His face appeared above me as he leaned over. “How are you feeling?”

Good,” I grinned. “Take off your shirt.”

He laughed. “Whoa, okay. You’re feel­ing fine, that’s for sure.”

How about your pants?”

His smile twisted. “Oh Perry. You should be care­ful of what you ask of me.”

I reached up and grabbed his head and pulled him down toward me. My body was being pumped full of alco­hol and the adren­a­line of being scared ear­lier and the charged con­cept of sleep­ing with him. Of being naked with him. Of hav­ing sex in front of the fire­place. It swirled around in my veins, mak­ing me feel deli­ciously heavy inside and at the same time mak­ing me crave him, like I was a space that needed filling.

My fin­gers buried them­selves in his hair, wrap­ping around the thick strands and hold­ing on tight. I brought his anx­ious face down to mine and whis­pered, “You’re going to have to take my clothes off then.”



LAST BUT NOT LEAST = Because all EIT books were slashed to 99 cents last month, I’m doing the same for The Devil’s Metal this month on Ama­zon — or at last until Into the Hol­low is released. It’s only fair! So if you haven’t snatched up the book, get on it while you still can at this super duper low price! And remem­ber, The Devil’s Reprise (#2) comes out in March/April so you don’t have too long to wait to get more sexy Sage and Dawn times.


Surrey International Writer’s Conference

This is a post I should have done a few week­ends ago when it hap­pened but alas, trav­el­ing and writ­ing got in the way. Any­way, here it is!

SINCE I am doing the RT con­fer­ence in Kansas City next year (hope to see you all there!), I thought I would go for the local SIWC — Sur­rey Inter­na­tional Writer’s Con­fer­ence on Octo­ber 20th in a city quite close to my own. I fig­ured it would be the per­fect primer for this whole “writer’s con­fer­ence” thing and I wasn’t disappointed.

Yup, my first con­fer­ence and the first per­son I saw was my Twit­ter pal Lorna Suzuki, whose fan­tasy series Imalgo is pretty much in devel­op­ment for a major motion pic­ture. Got her — and the screen­writer — to sign my book.

And soon dis­cov­ered that my table­mate was Diana Gabaldon.







Nat­u­rally I played it cool (snort) and dis­cov­ered that Diana is one cool (and stun­ningly, del­i­cately beau­ti­ful) cat. She had lots of great writ­ing and pub­lish­ing advice (stick to your guns, write what you want, don’t worry if you can’t clas­sify your books because she can’t really clas­sify hers…) and we enjoyed many a glass of chardon­nay together (though she now owes my part­ner a drink).

It was only at the last minute that my part­ner and her got talk­ing about the MacKen­zie clan…he a MacKen­zie and she knowl­edgable about every­thing on earth.

Along the way, I met EIT read­ers Joy and Deanne who were awe­some to meet, really great peo­ple, as well as Amanda and Poonam (who are also great, lol). It was a great way to ease into the con­fer­ence lifestyle and wow.…if I ever have lines like Diana, I don’t know what I’d do ! Actu­ally it was really fun lis­ten­ing to each and every fan praise her and her work. Strangely hum­bling :)

As my first con­fer­ence and book sign­ing, I per­son­ally thought it was a suc­cess and can’t wait to do it again!