To cel­e­brate Cyber Monday/Cyber Week + the hol­i­day sea­son approach­ing and all that jazz, all three Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Books are just $0.99 on Kin­dle until Decem­ber 2nd at mid­night. Pick up all three E-books for under $3 and get some­one addicted to the series read­ers are start­ing to com­pare to “crack” (I’m sure that’s a good thing in this case). Or, you know, save it for yourself.

Dark­house for just $0.99

Red Fox for just $0.99

and Dead Sky Morn­ing for just $0.99

I’m ALSO doing a give­away this week for you spe­cial peo­ple who want to help me pro­mote the sale. For every RT or Face­book post shared (and I am tal­ly­ing them up) for this blog link or the Ama­zon Kin­dle sale (or this link), I will enter you in to win one of 5 E-copies (any ver­sion) of LYING SEASON: Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #4. This book isn’t out until Decem­ber 13th but you can have it in your hands by Fri­day night.

All you need to do is lend me a hand and spread the word. That’s it!

To learn more about LYING SEASON — check out my (yes, I reviewed my own book, so shoot me :) review on GoodReads HERE.

And, yeah…cool cover, eh?



While I was perus­ing some of the deals on them inter­webs today, I thought “Wouldn’t it be great if Cyber Mon­day lasted all week?” and then “I should put my books on sale”

And so that’s what I did.

On Ama­zon, Kin­dle you can buy:

Dark­house for just $0.99

Red Fox for just $0.99

and Dead Sky Morn­ing for just $0.99

And if you’re new to the series and need a bit more info on read­ers favorite ghost-hunting duo, check out the win­ning reviews on Goodreads for Dark­house HERE, Red Fox HERE and Dead Sky Morn­ing HERE :)

Spread the word! At the end of the week, the prices are going back up!

Cover Reveal — The Benson EIT #2.5

The Ben­son is an Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror novella/short story that takes place between #2 Red Fox and #3 Dead Sky Morn­ing. Call it #2.5 if you will.

It should be pub­lished in the next few weeks as an E-book ONLY ver­sion through Smash­words (for Kin­dle, Nook, etc). It will also be.…FREE.

Yup. My gift to you, my loyal readers/new fans/curious looky­loos, etc, is that you won’t have to pay any­thing to own it.

What’s The Ben­son about? The Ben­son was actu­ally an episode of Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror that Perry Palomino and Dex Foray filmed (it was hinted at in Dead Sky Morn­ing), set in the sup­pos­edly haunted Ben­son hotel in down­town Port­land, Ore­gon. Now, I per­son­ally have stayed at this gor­geous, old hotel and I can per­son­ally tell you…there’s is some­thing a lit­tle off there.

What, though? You’ll have to read to find out :)






The Kindness of Strangers

To the man today who paid for my groceries,

I don’t nor­mally post these types of things here, but I gave you my busi­ness card with this web­site on it and per­haps you’ll see this. I hope you do.

Tonight I was remark­ing on how won­der­ful love is. How being in love and see­ing peo­ple in love, and lov­ing others…well, how is that ever a bad thing? It’s not. Love is good. It is kind. It is lovely. I thought the world needed more of it. I’m still right about that.

But you, good sir, you gave me hope that the world is at least not lack­ing it. Being a strug­gling artist and a moron at times, my bank card was declined while in line at the gro­cery store. The bill was over $60. The clerk already packed my bags. The line behind us was build­ing, peo­ple were impatient.

You were only buy­ing eggnog, yet you vol­un­teered to cover it. The whole bill. It made your eggnog cost $72.

I cer­tainly didn’t deserve it. You didn’t know me and you didn’t ask for any­thing in return, even when I insisted.

Love is all around. Indeed.

I hope only good things come to you. I have no doubt it will.

And I encour­age every­one else to pay it for­ward to some­one. I know I will be doing exactly that (donate that amount and more to the food bank). Do some good. Help some­one in need, big or small. Let’s show some love to each other, to our fel­low man. And keep that love going around and around.

Bless  you <3

Interviews with Karina Halle

How is everyone’s NaNoW­riMo com­ing along? Mines…eh, it’s get­ting there. My life got crazy turned around and busy as of late but I think things will be com­ing together. In fact, I will be fin­ish­ing up an Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Novella (#2.5) called The Ben­son and will be hav­ing that as a free e-book…so that counts for some­thing. Right? RIGHT?

Any­way, thought I’d throw up these two inter­views I did recently, a more lengthy one for The Van­tage mag­a­zine, and the other for Freado.

Read: Inter­view with Karina Halle @ The Vantage

Read: Inter­view with Karina Halle @ Freado (where you can win free books!)

NaNoWriMo, Lying Season and more

It’s that time of year again with aspir­ing and work­ing authors alike decide to buckle down and write 50,000 words in one month. Sounds daunt­ing, right? Well it is…but even if you don’t com­plete a novel, it’s usu­ally enough that the goal puts some fire under your ass. Who knows where that leads?

I did my own ver­sion on NaNoW­riMo (National Novel Writ­ing Month) in Novem­ber 2009. Actu­ally I cheated a bit. I started in Octo­ber. And my goal wasn’t to have so many words by one month, rather to get in the habit of writ­ing every day. And guess what hap­pened? By mid-November, I had DARKHOUSE and 82K words. A ter­ri­ble first draft, but it was done and I wouldn’t be where I am now had I not bit the bul­let and jumped right in. Prob­a­bly still think­ing about it…

This year I’ll be tak­ing part in the event. I’ll be doing it prop­erly this time, which doesn’t nec­es­sar­ily mean writ­ing every day (I’ve got a busy month) but it does mean I will have 50,000 words of Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #5 ON DEMON WINGS (work­ing title) down. Isn’t that awesome?

In the mean­time, here’s your first blurb about book #4 LYING SEASON (pub­lished Dec 13th 2011):

Ama­teur ghost-hunter Perry Palomino has already bat­tled ghosts, fought off skin­walk­ers and walked the fine line between life and death. But can she sur­vive bunk­ing down in Seat­tle for a week with Dex, the man she secretly loves, and his uber babe of a girl­friend, Jenn? And can she do so while being tor­mented by a mali­cious spirit from Dex’s increas­ingly shady past? With love and life in the bal­ance, Perry must dis­cover the truth among the lies or risk los­ing every­thing she’s ever cared about.

BTW thank you to all who down­loaded Dark­house, Red Fox and Dead Sky Morn­ing for free over the last 24 hours as part of the Hal­loween Sale. Hope you enjoy the books. For every­one else, the books are still avail­able on Smash­words and Kin­dle for less than $3.

OH and if you’re a dude, get on MOVEMBER this year. Grow a mus­tache (Dex proves ‘staches can be sexy) and raise some money and aware­ness for men’s health and cancers.