In the forgotten town of Red Fox, New Mexico, a Navajo couple is tortured by things unseen and by motives unknown. Wild animals slink through their house in the dark, a barrage of stones pound their roof nightly, and mutilated sheep carcasses are turning up on their property. Armed with a camera and just enough to go on, Perry and Dex travel to the desolate locale, hoping to film the supernatural occurrences and add credibility to their flailing webcast. Only their show has a lot more working against them than just growing pains. Tested by dubious ranch hands, a ghost from Dex’s past, and shapeshifting deception, the amateur ghost hunters must learn to trust each other in order to fight the most ancient of myths…or die trying.
Red Fox is the second book of the Experiment in Terror Series and a departure from Darkhouse. Aside from Perry and Dex officially having a working relationship, and a web series at stake (called, what else, “Experiment in Terror”), there are mythic supernatural elements, an eclectic cast of characters, and a lonely landscape that comes along for this fast-paced ride.
Red Fox — Excerpt
To read a sample chapter of Red Fox, Book Two in the Experiment in Terror Series, click HERE
Red Fox Book Trailer
In “Red Fox,” Perry Palomino and Dex Foray trade in the stormy Oregon coast for the unforgiving deserts of New Mexico, where they investigate a local rancher who is being terrorized by Navajo Skinwalkers.
Produced by Metal Blonde Books & Mollie Caselli
Shot and Edited by Mollie Caselli
Music: “Desert Skin” by Mike Shearer