If Shoot­ing Scars gets into the Ama­zon Top 100 this week­end, I will write a Javier POV scene. There aren’t any scenes from his POV in the tril­ogy, so I thought that would be a nice treat/bribe for you all ;)

Cur­rently I’m think­ing about doing the scene where he would have found out who Eden White really was and what Travis had done to her. I feel like that will be fuck­ing awe­some to read and write!

So…if you’re wait­ing to buy the book…just buy it now and you’ll get this treat as a bonus :)

Would You Rather with Rachel Van Dyken

ruinWell, well, well. Today I have a spe­cial treat for you! I got to play Would You Rather with the one and only Rachel Van Dyken (her lat­est release, Ruin, is hot on the charts). Holy pro­lific author, Bat­man! This was so much fun and it was such an honor to twist this lovely woman’s brain around. So…here we go!

KH: Would you rather lie in a box full of angry scor­pi­ons for a half an hour or walk in the Sahara for three days with­out water?

RD: The idea of not hav­ing water TOTALLY freaks me out–I say angry scor­pi­ons, i can do any­thing for thirty min­utes, right??

KH: Would you rather be in a lov­ing rela­tion­ship with Michael Cera, in a life where you have a mil­lion lux­u­ries, or in a love­less but sex-filled mar­riage with Ryan Gosling, who cheats on you all the time?

RD: I had to think about this one. Im actu­ally ashamed that I had to think about it. Ryan Gosling is…well there are no words, but cheat­ing would make me cas­trate him in his sleep and then I’d be hus­band­less and prob­a­bly be in prison for murder—so lets go with Michael Cera?

KH: Would you rather live in the world of the House of Ren­wick or the world of Lon­don Fairytales?

RD: House of Renwick..I mean I love fairy tales don’t get me wrong…but the rakes in Ren­wick are my ultimate.…

KH: Would you rather have a night of hot sex with The Bet’s Travis or with Ruin’s Wes? (tough one, I know)

RD: WES!!!!!!!! I love Travis, but Wes is so sen­si­tive that I’m guess­ing it wouldn’t just be about the phys­i­cal but every­thing else…Wow is it hot in here?

KH: Okay…so that wasn’t a tough one! Would you rather be the pow­er­ful yet right­eous princess or the wild and wicked stepmother?

RD: Pow­er­ful Right­eous PRINCESS..i was a wicked step mother for my entire childhood–it scarred me for life and she never gets the prince. Two giant thumbs down.

KH: Would you rather have Kris­ten Bell or Amber Heard play you in the movie based on your life?

RD: I love love love both those actresses but in the end I’d have to go with Kristin bell I dig her per­son­al­ity ;)

KH: Would you rather never lis­ten to music ever again or never see a movie or TV show ever again?

RD: I’d rather never watch TV again I don’t think I could sur­vive with­out music!

Check out what other For­ever authors would rather do! 

Sins & Authors recap PLUS read CHAPTER ONE from Shooting Scars

Well it’s 16 days into August and it has been as busy as shit for me. I’m writ­ing The Devil’s Reprise and gear­ing up for the release of Shoot­ing Scars (sequel to Sins & Nee­dles) on the 20th. I’ve also been post­ing daily count down pics (I’m writ­ing this on Fri­day, so four days left!) AND I’ve been inter­view­ing an author every day. We talk about Sins & Nee­dles, Ellie, Cam­den, Javier and their books as well. And of course there is the mas­sive 30-ebook give­away where you can win 30 e-books from 30 diff authors, all whom have taken part in my inter­views and are cer­ti­fied awesome.

Here’s your count­down post for today (4 days out)

4 days

And here are a list of the inter­views I’ve done so far!

Inter­view with Court­ney Cole

Inter­view with S.L. Jennings

Inter­view with Janine Olsson

Inter­view with Kenya Wright

Inter­view with Carey Heywood

Inter­view with Bar­bie Bohrman

Inter­view with Jesse Lane

Inter­view with Chelsea M. Cameron

Inter­view with JA Huss

Inter­view with Ash­ley Wilcox

Inter­view with JB Salsbury

Inter­view with KT Grant

Inter­view with MJ Abraham

Inter­view with CC Brown

Inter­view with Joanna Wylde

Inter­view with Misty Provencher

And many more to come, includ­ing Rachael Wade, K.A. Tucker and Ella Fox!

And, of course, the raf­fle­copter giveaway

a Raf­fle­copter give­away

OH…right .…and that first chap­ter to SHOOTING SCARShttp://imperfectwomen.com/chapter-share-for-shooting-scars-by-karina-halle/

Sins & Authors — Interview with S.L. Jennings

Sins & Authors

It’s August 2nd (how the hell did THAT hap­pen?) which means the Sins & Authors inter­view #2 is here. Today we talk with S.L. Jen­nings, a fab­u­lously tal­ented lady (seri­ously I love her way with words) who recently became an NYT and USA Today Best-Selling Author for her book Fear of Falling. BIG con­grats to her!! I love, love, love this sassy broad.

And sud­denly I’m a 1940’s news­pa­per reporter…*cough* anyway…let’s start!

KH: What attracted you to Sins & Needles?

SL: I loved the orig­i­nal premise. It’s very rare that you find the main char­ac­ter, espe­cially a hero­ine, as the “vil­lain” or some­one that isn’t typ­i­cally vir­tu­ous. It was totally out­side the box & some­thing that, as a reader, I hadn’t stum­bled across before. Plus you gotta love the cover. I am a sucker for bad ass chicks with tattoos!

KH: Do you have any tat­toos? If so, Tell me about them, where are they?

SL: Oh God… is this inter­view PG-13? LOL I have 2 that cover my left thigh. It’s a cherry blos­som branch & Kanji sym­bols. I have an anchor on my right hand in honor of the Dark Light Series. I have my husband’s ini­tials on the inside of my left wrist. And three birds behind my right ear. The rest were done when I was very young & very stu­pid and shall not be named.

KH: I have an anchor too for my series! We shall be the best of friends, lol. Hey, your hero in your lat­est release, Fear of Falling, which has been scream­ing up the charts, has a lot of tat­toos. Can you explain Blain’s tat­toos to us?

SL: Blaine calls his tat­toos the roadmap of his life. He’s well-traveled and adven­tur­ous, and while some peo­ple col­lect sou­venirs, he col­lects art. And we shall def­i­nitely be best friends!

KH: Back to Sins & Nee­dles and The Artists Trilogy…are you Team Cam­den or Team Javier and why?

SL: Team Cam­den all the way! Is there any other choice? I love Cam­den because even though he may have done a few fucked up things, he’s still a good guy. And he truly loves Ellie. he risked his life time and time again for her. And I hon­estly believe he will step it up in Shoot­ing Scars and get his girl. I’m ready for bad ass Cam. Plus, how can you resist the tat­toos & glasses?

KH: Favorite sex scene in the book?

SL: That’s easy. Cam’s back­yard, him tak­ing Ellie from behind, while the steaks burned on the grill. As soon as he slapped her ass, I was DONE!
LOL, too much?

KH: Hahaha, not too much! NEVER TOO MUCH. Describe Ellie, Cam­den and Javier in one word

SL: Ellie– hurt
Cam­den– loyal
Javier– deceitful

KH: If you were arrested, what would it be for?

SL: With my luck, some­thing stu­pid. Like pee­ing out­side (not that I do that) or pub­lic inde­cency (not that I do that either).

KH: Lol. Why do you think Ellie, Cam­den get such a tough time from read­ers (Javier doesn’t count, because he’s insane)?

SL: I think because they are not the typ­i­cal ‘hearts & flow­ers’ cou­ple. They’ve both been through hell. They have pasts that still haunt them & they deal with those ghosts dif­fer­ently than some. And I get them. If I was in Ellie’s shoes, I’d do the exact same things that she’s done. Same with Cam­den. And that makes them more REAL to me. Some peo­ple don’t want real in their books. They want fan­tasy, which is totally under­stand­able. But for me to feel a char­ac­ter, for me to give them life, they have to be realistic.

KH: Okay, one more question…What are your hopes for Shoot­ing Scars (out August 20th)?

SL: I want Cam­den to go find Ellie and kill Javier. I want both Ellie & Cam to sur­prise every­one. I want him to get totally bad ass and I want her to soften enough to let him in completely.

KH: Me too. Let’s hope. I’ve been known for being sadistic…but as an author, I know you can relate to that!

S.L. Jen­nings
Bio: Author of The Dark Light Series & Fear of Falling. Her bio needs work. I would also add that she’s awe­some and swears like a sailor. She also lives in Ger­many and it’s sad because she’s so far away.

Web­site: http://authorsljennings.wordpress.com/
Face­book: https://www.facebook.com/authorsljennings
Twit­ter: https://twitter.com/MrsSLJ
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6572969.S_L_Jennings



Sins & Authors — Interview with Courtney Cole

Sins & AuthorsWel­come to the first Sins & Authors post, where your favorite authors sit down and chat about The Artists Tril­ogy. Today we have the lovely Court­ney Cole who talks about her con artist alias, sexy Cam­den scenes and her newest book.

Karina: So Court­ney, to get us all caught up on the books for peo­ple who haven’t read them, the In a sen­tence, describe what Sins & Nee­dles is about.

Court­ney: A hard-edged girl who goes home to hide and to heal, only to find more trou­ble than she bar­gained for and the man who is worth the trouble.

Karina: LOVE IT! Seri­ously, you should write my blurbs lol. Okay, so Ellie Watt, our hero­ine, is a con artist who is eas­ily mis­un­der­stood. Name some things you admire about Ellie.

Court­ney: I loved Ellie’s char­ac­ter because even though she’s hard-edged and tough, she’s soft on the inside. She’s dam­aged and vul­ner­a­ble.  Because of that, she’s strong.  I love smart strong heroines.

Karina: Most read­ers are severely (but pas­sion­ately) divided over the two male leads in the book, Cam­den McQueen and Javier Bernal. Whose team are you on and why?

Court­ney: I’m Team Cam­den all the way.  There’s some­thing about an under­dog that gets me… and what’s more under­dog than a kid who was bul­lied in high school grow­ing up to be badass and amaz­ing… but yet still trou­bled and vul­ner­a­ble on the inside?  Cam­den melted my panties.  (Was that TMI?)

Karina: You can never be too TMI with me! Your char­ac­ter from the best-selling If You Stay, Pax, is a bit of an ass­hole and rough around the edges (just the way I like them!). Do you think Pax and Ellie would make a good cou­ple? Why or why not?

Court­ney: Nope.  I don’t think they would make a good cou­ple at all.  Like Ellie, Pax is dam­aged.  He needs some­one more whole, more emo­tion­ally healthy than Ellie in order to help him heal.  Mila was def­i­nitely his per­fect match.

Karina: Two wrongs don’t make a right! What scene in Sins & Nee­dles was most mem­o­rable to you?

Court­ney: I loved the scene when Cam­den and Ellie had sex after *spoiler* died.  It was mak­ing love– soft and sweet.  It was perfect.

Karina: Def­i­nitely under­stated. Any favorite quotes?

Court­ney: “I regret my actions but I can’t reject the con­se­quences.  Every­one we meet, every­thing we do, it changes us.”   I love that, because it’s the truth.

Karina: If you were to get arrested, what would it be for?

Court­ney: Hmm­mmm.  Prob­a­bly for drink­ing too many long islands and streak­ing down the street.

Karina: Remind me to buy you a long island next time I see you. Now, if you were a con artist, what would your alias be?

Court­ney: Ooohhh.  Some­thing awe­some, like Wil­low Zane.  Or Alessa Michaels.

Karina: And those might up being great pen names! Tell me a bit about your next book.

Court­ney: My next book, IF YOU LEAVE, is the sec­ond book in the Beau­ti­fully Bro­ken series, which comes out on August 6th.  It fol­lows Madi­son and Gabriel… two peo­ple who are bro­ken, but tough and bad ass at the same time.  In the first book, Pax was a bad­boy.  I wanted to do a story about a badass hero this time around– so Gabriel is an ex-Army Ranger.  I love a man in uni­form.  :)

Karina: Sigh. Me too. I can’t wait to get my lit­tle paws on this!! SO soon now, six days! *dances for Courtney*

Court­ney Cole is a nov­el­ist who would eat mythol­ogy for break­fast if she could.

She has a degree in Busi­ness, but has since dis­cov­ered that cor­po­rate Amer­ica is not nearly as fun to live in as fic­tional worlds.

Every Last Kiss is her debut novel and she fol­lowed it with the rest of The Blood­stone Saga (Every Last Kiss, Fated, With My Last Breath and My Tat­tered Bonds).

Court­ney lives in quiet sub­ur­bia, close to Lake Michi­gan, with her real-life Prince Charm­ing, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orner­i­ness from their mother) and a small domes­tic zoo.

Web­site:  http://www.courtneycolewrites.com/

Face­book:  https://www.facebook.com/#!/courtneycolewrites

Twit­ter:  https://twitter.com/Court_Writes

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3112212.Courtney_Cole


(sorry, Raf­fle­copter is being weird but if you click the link, it will take you to the page where you can win 30 E-books from all par­tic­i­pat­ing authors OR the signed Artists Trilogy!)

a Raf­fle­copter give­away <—- GIVEAWAY!