Music Articles

To me, music is one of the high­est, purest forms of art on the planet. It’s right up there with the writ­ten word — and in some cases, it sur­passes it. Music has the abil­ity to shape and mold us, to make us feel, to make us live, all just by tick­ling the insides of our eardrums in the most pre­cise way. Music is life. Plain and sim­ple. No won­der music fea­tures quite heav­ily in the lives of Perry and Dex.

I guess it’s no sur­prise then that I’m also a free­lance music jour­nal­ist. I cur­rently write for Con­se­quence of Sound, Gad­fly Dreams and Amer­i­can Noise. You can read some of my work by click­ing on the links below.


Con­cert Reviews

Album Reviews

Music News

You can also visit my pro­file at Con­se­quence of Sound for a more detailed and up-t0-date list of my arti­cles by click­ing here. While you’re there, I sug­gest you look around and book­mark the page. Con­se­quence of Sound really is the only music web­site you need, and I don’t just say that because I write for them. I swear.