Love, in Spanish Cover Reveal & Excerpt!

I’m so excited to finally get to show you the Love, in Span­ish cover. Oh Mateo! I want to thank all of the blogs and fans who par­tic­i­pated in the cover reveal event hosted by InkSlinger PR! Also, thanks to Naj Qam­ber Designs for the cover design, as well as Scott Hoover for the photo.

If you haven’t seen this cover, check it out below! You can also get a glimpse into the book by read­ing the included excerpt at the bot­tom of this post as well.


LIS full coverRELEASE DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2014



“She sat beside me on the bus – and she changed my whole life.” 

Suc­cess­ful, wealthy and absurdly hand­some – Span­ish ex-football player Mateo Casalles seemed like he had it all. A high-society wife, an adorable lit­tle girl, and flashy apart­ments in Madrid and Barcelona only sweet­ened the deal. But there was more to Mateo than met the eye – a life of uncer­tainty and regret that col­ored his black and white world. 

That was until Vera Miles came into his life like a shoot­ing star. Tat­tooed, wild and young, Vera seemed like Mateo’s polar oppo­site at first. But you can’t choose who you fall in love with and the two lost souls did every­thing they could to be together, all while suf­fer­ing the grave con­se­quences. 

Now with Mateo divorced and liv­ing in Madrid with Vera, there is a whole new set of chal­lenges and set­backs fac­ing the cou­ple and rock­ing the foun­da­tion of their star-crossed rela­tion­ship. 

Unfor­tu­nately for them, the brighter the star, the faster they burn. 

***Love, in Span­ish con­tains the first two chap­ters of Where Sea Meets Sky, a full-length Love, in Eng­lish spin­off star­ring Vera’s brother, Josh Miles, com­ing March 2015 from Atria Books***




Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

 I turn in my chair and give Vera a curi­ous look. Yet another Eng­lish say­ing that I don’t know. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

 She gives me a soft but tired smile and sits down on the arm rest. I imme­di­ately wrap my arm around her waist and pull her down into my lap, where she comes to a rest with a gig­gle, her hair obscur­ing the imp­ish smile on her face. No mat­ter where she is, I can never stop touch­ing her and now more than ever I need her to relax, to feel safe, to know I’m going to get us out of this.

 “Explain,” I demand. “Or I will pun­ish you with kisses.”

 She raises her brow. “Fol­lowed by pun­ish­ment by penis?”

 I shrug. “That can be arranged. Now, tell me my Estrella.”

 She sighs and buries her lips into my neck. I can’t help the small moan that escapes from me, nor my hard­ness build­ing beneath her plump, round ass. I close my eyes and fight the urge to pick her up and take her to the bed­room, the only other way I know how to make her feel safe and sated, the only way I know how to escape.

 “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” she says against my throat, “is a say­ing. I don’t know where it’s from but it means, well, noth­ing is scarier than a pissed off bitch.” She pauses, suck­ing in her breath and I know she fears she’s said the wrong thing. “Sorry,” she quickly adds and I feel her body tense up beneath my fin­gers. “I didn’t mean that Isabel is a bitch.”

 She is still so skit­tish over her words, the way she blurts things out, but it’s one of the rea­sons why I love her. I cup the back of her head with my hand and let the soft­ness of her hair sink over me. “I know you didn’t,” I assure her. “And, well, she is being a bitch.”

 “Can you blame her though?” she asks, her voice ris­ing a pitch and when she pulls away from me, her eyes are wet. It breaks my heart. I’m get­ting tired of my heart break­ing and I know that this isn’t going to change any­time soon. Every day there is another weight on us, another crack appears.

 “No,” I tell her hon­estly. “I can­not blame her.”

 A silence lapses over us, heavy like a wool cloak. It does this some­times. What we’ve done, it coats us.

 Finally she clears her throat. “She’s going to hurt for a long time,” she says. “She’s going to be angry. This isn’t going away. I thought every­thing was behind us now, that she’d move on. You’ve been divorced for a year, if she’s still this mad a year out…”

 “She is mad because I am going back to Atletico,” I tell her. “She is mad because of the paparazzi, the way they are hound­ing us again. She is mad because she feels she is being made to look like a fool. If I had just stayed with my head down, she wouldn’t be doing this.”

 “But you can’t live your life in fear, Mateo,” she tells me.

 I smile at her and brush her sun­set hair from her face. “And nei­ther can you.”

 She set­tles back against my body, sinks, con­forms, melds. She is sec­ond skin. She is a part of myself I can’t bear to sep­a­rate from. I pray I never have to. I pray we can sur­vive what­ever is com­ing our way.

 And I can feel it com­ing, that ten­sion, that storm rolling in the weeks and days.

 I pick her up in my arms and for all her pil­lowy curves, she weighs noth­ing more than a feather. I take her down the hall to the bed­room, throw her on the bed. She glows in the after­noon sun that streams in through our win­dow and it isn’t long before we are both naked and I am climb­ing over her, pin­ning her arms above her head and drink­ing in her body like the most beau­ti­ful, deca­dent wine.

 I will devour her until all of this is gone.

 I will con­sume her until we are all that’s left.

 I push inside her and let my hunger take over.

It all started with Love, in English

He’s thirty-eight. I’m

twenty-three.He speaks Spanish.

I speak Eng­lish.He lives in Spain.

I live in Canada.

He dresses in

thousand-dollar suits. I’m cov­ered in tattoos.

He’s mar­ried and

has a five-year old daughter.

I’m sin­gle and

can’t com­mit to any­one or anything.

Until now. Because

when they say you can’t choose who you fall in love with, boy ain’t that the

f*#king truth.


To a restless

dreamer like Vera Miles, it sounded like the expe­ri­ence of a life­time. Instead

of spend­ing her sum­mer intern­ing for her astron­omy major, she would fly to

Spain where she’d spend a few weeks teach­ing con­ver­sa­tional Eng­lish to

busi­ness­men and women, all while enjoy­ing free room and board at an isolated

resort. But while Vera expected to get a tan, meet new peo­ple and stuff herself

with wine and paella, she never expected to fall in love.

Mateo Casalles is

unlike any­one Vera has ever known, let alone any­one she’s usu­ally attracted to.

While Vera is a pierced and tat­ted free spirit with a love for music and

free­dom, Mateo is a suc­cess­ful busi­ness­man from Madrid, all sharp suits and

cocky Latino charm. Yet, as the weeks go on, the two grow increas­ingly close

and their rela­tion­ship changes from purely pla­tonic to something…more.

Some­thing that

makes Vera feel alive for the first time.

Some­thing that can

never, ever be.

Or so she thinks






Winning Location Revealed & New Giveaway!

And the win­ner is…


Italy / CampaniaThanks to all your votes, it looks like Book #2 for Atria Books/Simon and Schus­ter will be set on the AMALFI COAST OF ITALY (plus the neigh­bor­ing islands)! But me and my tire­less assistant/book blog­ger Stephanie will be trav­el­ing there in Octo­ber for research, and we want to (vir­tu­ally) bring YOU with us! This is going to totally be a live, inter­ac­tive trip with daily blog posts, video, pho­tos of hot Ital­ian men of the day (rough life we have!) AND YOU the reader get to pick what activ­i­ties we do and places we go! So once again, you’ll get to help us CHOOSE THE ADVENTURE, and hope­fully those places will end up in the book!

Ready for a GIVEAWAY?

As I men­tioned before, YOU are going to help us choose where we go, and what we do while we are in Italy. Start­ing this week­end (Sept 19th), I will have a post on my Face­book page where you can vote (by leav­ing a com­ment on the pinned Face­book post on my author page). Each day that you vote, you will be entered to win one of our mys­tery grand prize packs! (This will con­tain some spe­cial items from our trav­els to Italy that YOU help to vote for!–We want to bring Italy to you!)

Sound like fun?

Stay tuned to my Face­book Page for updates once this give­away goes live this Fri­day (9/19/14)! Once again, thank you for all your con­tin­ued support!