Are you ready to be scared?

No? Too bad.

In honor of the third Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror novel “Dead Sky Morn­ing” which will be pub­lished on Octo­ber 13th, the first novel in the series -“Dark­house” — is on sale for 99 cents on Smash­words and the Ama­zon Kin­dle store. This sale should entice read­ers who want to get a start on the series (espe­cially as we head into spooooooky stormy weather and Hal­loween) before book #3 comes out.

This pro­mo­tion will run from August 24th to Octo­ber 13th. Then the price goes up again.

Pur­chase from Kin­dle Store HERE

Pur­chase from Smash­words Store (in e-formats for Nook, Kobo, Archos, Kin­dle, Sony etc)HERE

Need some con­vinc­ing? Here are just of the some recent book reviews of Darkhouse:

Dark­house turned out unlike any­thing I’d expected. It drew me in from page one, with its easy-to-relate to, flawed but love­able char­ac­ters, its fast pace, the unpre­dictable plot twists and its eerie, sur­real atmos­phere. If you’re search­ing for the scari­est book of this sea­son, then search no more. Dark­house is exactly what you’re look­ing for” — I Heart Reading

Dark­house by Karina Halle has to be the first book in many years to make me glad to be read­ing dur­ing the day. It was creepy, excit­ing, hilar­i­ous and down right one of the most enter­tain­ing books that made me want to hug my pil­low ” — See­ing Night Reviews

A creepy light­house on the Ore­gon coast­line was the per­fect set­ting for this story.  Karina Halle left no detail behind and I felt as though I could feel the ocean spray and smell the musty rooms as she led me deeper into the scene” — Fade Into Fantasy

Dark­house, when you read the syn­op­sis, seems like a typ­i­cal thriller. But it is so much more. It is creepy, funny (believe it or not), very sus­pense­ful and yes, thrilling. While much of the book is about Perry, her new part­ner Dex, and their haunted encoun­ters at the light­house, Dark­house is just as much about the per­plex­ing rela­tion­ship between the trou­bled duo” — Book­ish Babes

Enter Perry Palomino’s world and expect to be riv­eted to your seat with the creepy story with para­nor­mal over­tures. This book was a mes­mer­iz­ing read” — Earth’s Book Nook


All of that for just 0.99? You can’t beat it :)



Another chapter closed

It’s the strange time of the year for me where I don’t know what to do with myself. On August 17th, at 2AM, I fin­ished writ­ing Book #4, LYING SEASON. I was a bit of a wreck about it. This book really had me con­nect­ing to the char­ac­ters, way more than nor­mal. Like a crazy amount. And I was feel­ing every thing they were. It’s been a topsy-turvy emo­tional roller­coaster for me…and of course for Perry and Dex.

It’s the longest book by far, and is fully-loaded with extra top­pings. Lots of answers, lots more ques­tions. The char­ac­ter growth took me by sur­prise and most of the book wrote itself, which was a won­der­ful ride for me as an author. It’s by far my favorite book and the one I am most proud of (not that I’m not proud of all of them). But it’s really spe­cial to me.  And the ending…well, let’s just say a very strong part of me is beg­ging me to con­tinue right onto Book Five.

I do feel I deserve a bit of a break…some days on Lying Sea­son I was pulling 12 hours (note to self: writ­ing for 12 hours straight will SERIOUSLY MESS YOU UP). And I have a whole stack of books to read, that I want to read:

–I just fin­ished City of Bones. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.

–Fin­ish the last half of the last Dark Tower Book (reluc­tant to, since I’ll miss Roland and his ka-tet when it’s over)

Then its Clash of Kings, Diver­gent, Across the Uni­verse, Star­crossed, Ysabel, Horns, The Iron King, Harry Pot­ter #1 and Hunger Games…though who knows what order I’m doing this in!

Any­way, so that’s all the read­ing I have to do (well, WANT to do). But some­thing tells me the pull to start on Book #5 might be too great. Who knows.

The afore­men­tioned Lying Sea­son will be released on Novem­ber 13th, 2011 (one month after Dead Sky Morn­ing is released).


Dead Sky Morning Giveaway!

The book won’t be released until Octo­ber 13th, but for the next month I’m run­ning a give­away through GoodReads for five signed copies of the book. If you win, you get DSM a whole month ahead of every­one else…and for free! I actu­ally just won a book myself the other day (excit­ing!) so it’s proof that peo­ple do win things :)

Aside from the GoodReads, I’ll be hav­ing a give­away for my Face­book fans, which involves your choice of a Team Dex or Team Perry (ide­ally you’d want both) shirt and all three books. I’ll keep you posted for when that runs.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Dead Sky Morning by Karina Halle

Dead Sky Morning

by Karina Halle

Give­away ends Sep­tem­ber 13, 2011.

See the give­away details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Giveaways Galore

Two give­aways going on at GoodReads for Dark­house (TEN COPIES!) and Red Fox (the lat­ter ends on August 12th and the for­mer on the 13th) so get cracking.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Darkhouse by Karina Halle


by Karina Halle

Give­away ends August 13, 2011.

See the give­away details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Goodreads Book Giveaway


Red Fox by Karina Halle


Red Fox


by Karina Halle


Give­away ends August 12, 2011.

See the give­away details at Goodreads.




Enter to win


I’ll also be doing a give­away through my Face­book Fan Page for Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror (check side­bar—> become a fan!) and this is going to be mas­sive. Oh yes. It will most likely include paper­back copies of Dark­house, Red Fox and an ARC of Dead Sky Morn­ing PLUS either a Team Dex or a Team Perry shirt/tank top. Now, Dex and Perry are on the same team, don’t get me wrong. But I first had the idea for the Team Dex shirt because so many peo­ple are always rag­ging on the poor guy. So when I got a Team Dex shirt last week (see below), peo­ple then had requests for a Team Perry shirt. Come on…everyone is on Team Perry. She doesn’t need a shirt. But I’ll do it any­way because it’s a give­away and I like you guys. But I won’t do a Team Jenn shirt. That’s just push­ing it.

Any­way, stay tuned for that give­away, as well as a Dead Sky Morn­ing ARC give­away through GoodReads over the week­end. :)

Dead Sky Morning — First Look at Book #3

With the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show find­ing some suc­cess, ama­teur ghosthunters Perry Palomino and Dex Foray embark on their most ter­ri­fy­ing inves­ti­ga­tion yet. A tiny, fog-shrouded island in the rough strait between British Colum­bia and Wash­ing­ton State has held a dark secret for decades. At the turn of the cen­tury it was used as a leper colony where over forty souls were left to rot, die and bury each other. Now a func­tion­ing camp­ground, Perry and Dex spend an iso­lated week­end there to inves­ti­gate poten­tial haunt­ings but as the duo quickly find out, there is more to fear on D’Arcy Island than just ghosts. The island quickly pits part­ner against part­ner, spi­ral­ing the pair into mad­ness that serves to destroy their san­ity, their rela­tion­ship and their very lives.

What a scary and sexy cover, right? Per­fectly encap­su­lates the third book in the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series. Scary, sexy and seductive.

Book #3, Dead Sky Morn­ing, is out Octo­ber 13th, 2011 with advanced review copies avail­able in mid-August. There will be some give­aways soon for this book as well, so stay tuned!

Red Fox giveaway on GoodReads

Hey every­one. Whew. I am exhausted. After three nights cov­er­ing three dif­fer­ent shows (Soundgar­den and QOTSA) in three dif­fer­ent cities, tak­ing three dif­fer­ent sets of pho­tos and hav­ing to write three dif­fer­ent reviews…I’m a lit­tle tired. Fan­tas­tic, unbe­liev­able week­end but I often for­get that the work starts AFTER the fun is over. Oh well, I’ve been going through pho­tos I took of Chris Cor­nell and Josh Homme for days, so I am def­i­nitely not com­plain­ing. Here are some of my favorites:

Sigh. Boys and guitars.

Any­way, speak­ing of a Red Fox, I’m doing a give­away through GoodReads:

Goodreads Book Give­away

Red Fox by Karina Halle

Red Fox

by Karina Halle

Give­away ends August 12, 2011.

See the give­away details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

I’m giv­ing away four paper­back copies to any­one in North Amer­ica. Super easy to enter so just click to win!

Also, Red Fox was cho­sen as part of Teaser Tues­day on The Book­ish Babes. Great teaser too, I must say. Check it out HERE.