Into the Hollow — Snippet #3

This is  a short one folks — and not very spoi­lerific at all, so you don’t need to be caught up in the series to read it :)


See­ing as this is a cute one, I’ll have a scary snip­pet for you this weekend!


Into the Hol­low — Snip­pet #3


His eyes shone play­fully, turn­ing his irises a deep cocoa. “That’s why I like you, you’re a challenge.”

I folded my arms and leaned back on one leg. “Oh, so that’s why…”

Well, that and your ass.”

My cheeks flamed. “Thanks.”

And your breasts.”

Got it.”

And what’s between your-”

Dex,” I warned, cut­ting him off.

He grinned and stepped toward me. He took his hand out of his pocket and ran his fin­ger down the length of my nose. “What’s between your gor­geous eyes…your cute lit­tle nose.”

I tried not to flinch, know­ing I had pow­dered my nose that morning.

I have a vague rec­ol­lec­tion of you com­par­ing me to a sexy bunny once,” I mum­bled, scrunch­ing it up.

He raised his brows in mock sur­prise. “Did I say that?  Boy, I sure am a charmer some­times, it’s a won­der I even used to get laid. Must have been the big dick.”

I glared at him. “You think way too much of your dick.”

So do you,” he replied with a smile. And god damn it, I wished I hadn’t been star­ing at his crotch right then.


Into the Hollow– A snippet #2

Good morn­ing lovelies!

I thought I’d share with you some of the stuff I’ve been writ­ing. *wig­gles fingers*

If you haven’t read any up to On Demon Wings, I would refrain from read­ing below. It’s not a huge spoiler or any­thing but, you know, mys­tery is good. Very good.

So…don’t read on! lol

If you don’t want Into the Hol­low to be spoiled for you — also refrain from read­ing on. I admire your willpower. I am actu­ally one of those peo­ple who won’t read the “excerpts” of future books that are included at the end of books. At least, I didn’t do that with the Fever Series, but that’s prob­a­bly because I had all the books at my ready. Speak­ing of, how stoked for Iced am I??? Pretty stoked! I am so happy I dis­cov­ered the Fever Series this sum­mer after so many read­ers were rav­ing about it and even hap­pier to know it’s not all over.


Any­hoo, off track…


*cough* poten­tial SPOILERS com­ing *cough*





With­out fur­ther ado, here is another Into the Hol­low snip­pet (unedited, of course):






I shot Paul an apolo­getic look and ran after Dex, out of the store and onto the frigid street.

“Hey,” I said, pulling on his coat for him to stop.

He turned and cocked his head. “Yes?”

“What was that about?”

“What? Oh right, here’s your beer.”

Dex shoved the cold jug into my hands. Then he undid Fat Rabbit’s leash and handed that to me too.

“No,” I said, try­ing to jug­gle the items. “The cockblocking.”

He burst out laugh­ing, his brows raised as he looked at me. “Cock­block­ing? What? You have a cock now?”

I stamped my foot. “No, Paul. He was flirt­ing with me and you totally shot him down.”

His chin low­ered and pulled back against his neck. “I don’t even know what you’re talk­ing about. You were just chat­ting, from what I saw.”

“He was flirt­ing and you know it. You wanted to make it look like we were together.”

“Why would I do a thing like that?”

“Because you’re a jerk.” I said the first thing that came to mind.

He looked around him, as if for backup. “Wow. Maybe we should add a no name-calling clause to the house rules.”

“Enough with the damn rules already.”

“Hey,” he growled, com­ing right up to me, chest against mine. “If it weren’t for those damn rules, we’d already be hav­ing dirty sex all over that apartment.”

Whoa. Whoa.

Either it was the words “dirty sex” or the way he was look­ing down at me so intensely, or the fact that he might have been telling the truth or how damn con­fi­dent he sounded, I was stunned and at a loss for words. My cheeks imme­di­ately flushed.

He kept his shin­ing, dark eyes on mine until I had to look away, while my brain strug­gled to come up with some­thing other than play­ing images of us hav­ing dirty sex together.

“That’s right,” he con­tin­ued, voice low and vel­vet smooth. “You know it’s true. I’m not say­ing I agree with the rules, but you know, you started them.”

I cleared my throat, find­ing my foot­ing. “And I’m glad I did. Man, you are way too con­fi­dent for some­one who keeps get­ting shot down.”

His eyes widened humor­ously. “Shot down? And who’s doing the shoot­ing, you?”

I opened my mouth then real­ized how ego­tis­ti­cal I would have sounded.

“No, you’re not shoot­ing me down, kiddo,” Dex went on. “Because I’m not really try­ing. When I do try, you’ll know it. And then you’ll throw the whole damn rule­book out the window.”





Working away

I’m happy to report that I’ve found my groove with Into the Hol­low. It’s gone from some­thing I must write to some­thing I need, want, crave to write. I love this obses­sive stage of the process and I love being with Dex and Perry again…even though, wow, these two…talk about sex­ual ten­sion over­load. And just plain ol’ ten­sion. If you find your­self yelling at them in your head, don’t worry, I am too. But don’t worry there’s a few nice payoffs…heh heh.

They just have a LOT of shit to work out. Not to men­tion being ter­ror­ized in the Cana­dian Rock­ies by an urban leg­end. OK, I’ll just come out and say it: Sasquatch.

Now that you’ve stopped laugh­ing, I’ll explain. When was the last time Sasquatch or Big­foot scared you? Exactly. Never. Here in Canada he’s known for steal­ing Koka­nee beer (although I think he killed The Ranger at some point and hav­ing your beer stolen is terrifying).

But I decided to take the con­cept of Sasquatch and turn it into some­thing truly ter­ri­fy­ing and even real­is­tic. This isn’t Harry and the Hendersons…this is more like those crea­tures in the movie The Descent. Eeeep.

I’ve even added a few quotes to Goodreads from the book — you can read them here:

As I announced, the book should be out the week of the 13th but I am offi­cially choos­ing the 19th as the pub­li­ca­tion date just in case it goes a bit longer — then I don’t have to, once again, push it back. But hope­fully it will be released early. As soon as it’s all ready to go, I won’t hes­i­tate to let you know and put it out there.

I’m pretty excited about this one…to me, it’s a com­bi­na­tion of Dead Sky Morn­ing (camp­ing, BC, forests, iso­la­tion) and Lying Sea­son (sex, angst, con­flict, issues). A win­ning com­bi­na­tion (I hope).

Oh, and here’s some­thing I’ve been toy­ing with…I’ve always plot­ted out the books ahead of time, for the most part, and look­ing for­ward to book #8, it’s always been set to be about twice as long as a reg­u­lar book. Well, I might just split that book in two then.…that would make #9 books in the series. I won’t really make a deci­sion on this until I start work on book #7, Come Alive, but let­ting you know that it’s a possibility.

My friend Amanda came up with the genius idea of split­ting the title of book #8.…so

Book #8 — Ashes…

Book #9 — …To Ashes.

Or Book #8 — Ashes to Ashes

Book #9 — Dust to Dust

I kind of like that.  Stay tuned!

Into the Hollow — a snippet

First off, I want to thank you all for being sup­port­ive. It really means a lot, espe­cially now as I nav­i­gate through some soul-crushing stuff.

Hey. Here’s a thank you — a small excerpt of Into the Hollow:


If Dex wasn’t tense before, he was now. I was ready for him to flip around and go after Max­imus again, but he didn’t bite. He just kept his mouth shut and picked up the first box. He turned and I could see the tem­per swirling around in his eyes, the killer grip on the box’s edge. He gave Max­imus a forced smile that looked com­pletely menacing.

Please move,” he said, ges­tur­ing to the way he was block­ing the door. “I’d like to get out of here before I break your nose.”

I’d like to see you do it,” Max­imus answered, not moving.

Oh, come on,” I chided them. “You can mea­sure penises after I move out.”

You don’t think I can do it?” Dex con­tin­ued, ignor­ing me.

I know you can do it. I just want to see it.”

I’ve done it before.”

I want to see you do it…now,” Max­imus replied. I didn’t like the squir­rely way he sounded, like he was attempt­ing to do Dex a favor or something.

Dex,” I said loudly. He and Max­imus were locked in some inter­nal show­down, brown eyes against green, short against tall, cave­man against caveman.


With great reluc­tance, he broke the star­ing con­test and looked my way.

Please. Let’s go.”

He nod­ded and read­justed his hold on the box.

I glared at Max­imus. “And you, please get out of the way. I, per­son­ally, have no prob­lems with break­ing your nose.”

I have some bad news…

It’s not ter­ri­ble news…I mean, it’s not the worst news. Because, as you will find out very soon, this could be a LOT worse. But it’s bound to anger a lot of my read­ers out there.

I apol­o­gize but the release of Into the Hol­low is being delayed, hope­fully less than a month. I am now shoot­ing for a Novem­ber 13th release date — or some time that week.

There’s been some major life changes going on in my life over the last few months, tak­ing me out of my writ­ing mind-frame. Find­ing the time and the mind­set to write has been chal­leng­ing. I’ve also been unable to find the right edi­tor for this (the ones I love are booked up or I didn’t give them enough time…and NOW hope­fully I can!). AND, this is a big AND, I do NOT want to rush this book. I enjoy spend­ing time with Perry and Dex as much as the next per­son and I cer­tainly don’t wish to turn out an infe­rior book.

I know this comes as an annoy­ance and a let­down to, say, 100% of EIT read­ers (espe­cially being two weeks away) and again, I apol­o­gize. As sadis­tic as you may think I am, I really don’t like to keep peo­ple waiting…hence why I released Old Blood and The Dex-Files.…I wanted to give you SOMETHING.

BUT life some­times gets in the way and I’m deal­ing with a few health issues, as well as sell­ing my apart­ment, mov­ing to an island, buy­ing a busi­ness, pro­mot­ing my books, trav­el­ing for work…and other stuff that isn’t bad by any means, but it’s major and it has warped my brain more than a bit. Being an indie author is really, really hard work. It’s a one-woman busi­ness that can very quickly wear you down.

I thank you for your begrudg­ing under­stand­ing and hope I can make it up to you with an awe­some book in Novem­ber and maybe some fun stuff before then.

It’s Halloween and EIT is ON SALE for $0.99

Seems like the fall is an awe­some time to hold a sale, no? I know I’ve been snap­ping up some good deals in this amaz­ingly dry and hot Octo­ber (here in Van­cou­ver, any­way!) and now I’m pass­ing the joy on to you.

Also, it’s Thanks­giv­ing here in Canada, and boy am I grate­ful for my readers!

For the next week, all books in the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series are just 99 cents each on Amazon.


Start with Red Fox for 99 cents:

NOW is the time to snap these books up before the prices go up…and also isn’t it nice to get in on an indie phe­nom­e­non while you can? Not that I think I’m an indie phe­nom­e­non but…watch this space :)


OH and for those ask­ing me about EIT mer­chan­dise, you can order  SOME stuff through the Red­bub­ble store — yes it is pricey, as peo­ple have pointed out, but that is hon­estly the low­est the store will let me set them…I don’t make any roy­al­ties on those things (like 35 cents) and the rea­son is SO I can keep the costs down for YOU! That’s also what I do for my paper­backs. I do try and price them low so that every­one can afford them, even if it means that I don’t make any­thing on roy­al­ties. It’s silly that I have to defend myself here over pric­ing but I just don’t want you all to think I’m some price-gouger. FUCK Dark­house is a free book…so, no, if I could do every­thing as cheaply as pos­si­ble, I would.

Red­bub­ble store:

Ama­zon Paper­backs:



WINNERS!!! And Drinking Season :)

Isn’t this the best cal­en­dar EVER. I freak­ing LOVE the ladies at For­ever Young Adult and was hon­ored by their choice of LYING SEASON (EIT #4) for their Octo­ber Cal­en­dar. This is now my desk­top AND I’m print­ing it out…and awwww, Drink­ing Sea­son, it’s just so per­fect :) CLICK to print and view!!!

OH RIGHT! Win­ners of the EIT Swag Pack Giveaway!

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the three win­ners of the EIT Swag Pack: Les­ley Peck, Sta­cie Encinias and Mau­reen (not sure of last name but you found EIT thru Maryse). ALSO I drew two more names for a spe­cial, sec­ondary secret prize pack — those win­ners are Chris­tine Angell Kaminoff and Krista Fos­ter — I WILL BE SENDING ALL THE WINNERS EMAILS :)

Thank you every­one for play­ing. It was amaz­ing to see how you all dis­cov­ered EIT. And yes, Maryse is get­ting her own spe­cial prize pack, as is Jenny at FYA :)

EIT Fan Appreciation Giveaway!

Every once in a while I think an author has to thank her fans and read­ers (hope­fully you’re both!) This is one of those times. With­out sup­port from my read­ers, I wouldn’t be able to write for a liv­ing. I wouldn’t be able to write about Dex & Perry (and Dawn and Sage and Ellie and Cam­den and Jamie and Chris and what­ever other char­ac­ters are com­ing down the lane). I’d be cry­ing in my room, won­der­ing if any­one liked me or my writ­ing, debat­ing if I’ve found my call­ing or not.

Now, I’m only human. I do cry in my room at times because some­times the whole self-publishing game is tir­ing. You work end­lessly around the clock at writ­ing your nov­els, mar­ket­ing your nov­els, design­ing cov­ers, hir­ing edi­tors, doing edits, mail­ing pack­ages, mak­ing con­nec­tions with blog­gers. It’s a more than a full-time gig. You can ask my friends and fam­ily who never see me any­more, it lit­er­ally con­sumes my life.

Then there’s the whole com­pe­ti­tion thing. I know you’re not sup­posed to com­pare your­self with oth­ers, but some­times it’s inevitable. You work hard, believe in your­self and your tal­ent, then watch as all the other books zoom up the charts. You feel like a fail­ure, like your books will never catch on and you won­der what it is about your books that fail to attract “everyone.”

Well, I don’t attract every­one. I know that. I know my books are a tough sell. They aren’t straight-up romance — that’s not my strong suit. The char­ac­ters are ter­ri­bly flawed and f-ed up and yes, I like to scare the pants off of peo­ple. These things do not make a block­buster book.

But what I do attract is a select group of peo­ple whom I like to con­sider more than just fans. I con­sider you all my friends. My allies. My Palo­min­ions. You pick me up when I’m feel­ing down and you make Perry and Dex come alive into this world. When I see a black High­lander come down the street, I get excited! And it’s such a won­der­ful feel­ing to know I’m not alone :)

So, with­out fur­ther ado, I have cre­ated a give­away just for EIT fans and read­ers. You don’t need to post about this or tweet about this. This is just for YOU.

Leave a com­ment telling me how you dis­cov­ered EIT. That’s it. On Fri­day I will draw three win­ners for these iden­ti­cal prizes (fan cho­sen). Oh, and this is open internationally:

a Raf­fle­copter give­away

An EIT hoodie and a Doucheca­noe shirt (cus­tomized to the winner’s size), an EIT logo USB stick with the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror sound­track, Fat Rab­bit stick­ers AND a signed copy of any your choice of the fol­low­ing paper­backs Dark­house, Red Fox, Dead Sky Morn­ing, Lying Sea­son, On Demon Wings.


Good luck. And thank you!

NOTE: In order to be entered you must com­ment on this blog post AND you must enter your email address or login via FB on the Raf­fle­copter wid­get above. Both need to be done to be entered and Raf­fle­copter will be mak­ing the actual draw…

A sneek peek at Into The Hollow (EIT #6)

WARNING — the fol­low­ing is not suit­able for any­one who hasn’t read books #1–5 in the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series. What you are about to read is the first two chap­ters of Into the Hol­low. Chap­ter one is already at the end of Old Blood, how­ever, you don’t need to have read that book to read this (but it helps!).


Obvi­ously there are spoil­ers for those not caught up to On Demon Wings (#5)



If you’re think­ing of start­ing this series, don’t read this (but do start the series!)






Are you still here? Are you ready?





OKAY THEN. Keep in mind that this is UNEDITED — mean­ing, my edi­tors and beta read­ers and who­ever have not proofed this. THIS COULD ALL VERY WELL CHANGE. You will find typos…I am a ter­ri­ble self-editor.





But I just wanted to share. So here it is…









Oh right, the chapters…




The Devil’s Metal is now LIVE!

Tat­tooed rock stars, out­ra­geous groupies, hot sex and.…the 1970’s? Wait, there’s demons in this too?

Yup. That’s The Devil’s Metal. My first non-Experiment in Ter­ror novel is finally out there for you all to enjoy. And I think you will enjoy it — it’s a fun, wild ride that will have you turn­ing the pages. I can say this because I read it last night and I was on the edge of my seat…somehow I for­got I wrote it and that’s always a good sign in my books ;)

Any­hoo, here is the Ama­zon Kin­dle link:–3&keywords=the+devil%27s+metal

And here’s the Smash­words link (and YES it will come to Nook in a few weeks or so but for now, down­load the epub from Smashwords…its easy peasy):

Paper­backs should be avail­able from Ama­zon next week too :)

Thanks so much for your sup­port every­one xx00