WINNERS!!! And Drinking Season :)

Isn’t this the best cal­en­dar EVER. I freak­ing LOVE the ladies at For­ever Young Adult and was hon­ored by their choice of LYING SEASON (EIT #4) for their Octo­ber Cal­en­dar. This is now my desk­top AND I’m print­ing it out…and awwww, Drink­ing Sea­son, it’s just so per­fect :) CLICK to print and view!!!

OH RIGHT! Win­ners of the EIT Swag Pack Giveaway!

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the three win­ners of the EIT Swag Pack: Les­ley Peck, Sta­cie Encinias and Mau­reen (not sure of last name but you found EIT thru Maryse). ALSO I drew two more names for a spe­cial, sec­ondary secret prize pack — those win­ners are Chris­tine Angell Kaminoff and Krista Fos­ter — I WILL BE SENDING ALL THE WINNERS EMAILS :)

Thank you every­one for play­ing. It was amaz­ing to see how you all dis­cov­ered EIT. And yes, Maryse is get­ting her own spe­cial prize pack, as is Jenny at FYA :)