It’s not terrible news…I mean, it’s not the worst news. Because, as you will find out very soon, this could be a LOT worse. But it’s bound to anger a lot of my readers out there.
I apologize but the release of Into the Hollow is being delayed, hopefully less than a month. I am now shooting for a November 13th release date — or some time that week.
There’s been some major life changes going on in my life over the last few months, taking me out of my writing mind-frame. Finding the time and the mindset to write has been challenging. I’ve also been unable to find the right editor for this (the ones I love are booked up or I didn’t give them enough time…and NOW hopefully I can!). AND, this is a big AND, I do NOT want to rush this book. I enjoy spending time with Perry and Dex as much as the next person and I certainly don’t wish to turn out an inferior book.
I know this comes as an annoyance and a letdown to, say, 100% of EIT readers (especially being two weeks away) and again, I apologize. As sadistic as you may think I am, I really don’t like to keep people waiting…hence why I released Old Blood and The Dex-Files.…I wanted to give you SOMETHING.
BUT life sometimes gets in the way and I’m dealing with a few health issues, as well as selling my apartment, moving to an island, buying a business, promoting my books, traveling for work…and other stuff that isn’t bad by any means, but it’s major and it has warped my brain more than a bit. Being an indie author is really, really hard work. It’s a one-woman business that can very quickly wear you down.
I thank you for your begrudging understanding and hope I can make it up to you with an awesome book in November and maybe some fun stuff before then.