It’s Halloween and EIT is ON SALE for $0.99

Seems like the fall is an awe­some time to hold a sale, no? I know I’ve been snap­ping up some good deals in this amaz­ingly dry and hot Octo­ber (here in Van­cou­ver, any­way!) and now I’m pass­ing the joy on to you.

Also, it’s Thanks­giv­ing here in Canada, and boy am I grate­ful for my readers!

For the next week, all books in the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series are just 99 cents each on Amazon.


Start with Red Fox for 99 cents:

NOW is the time to snap these books up before the prices go up…and also isn’t it nice to get in on an indie phe­nom­e­non while you can? Not that I think I’m an indie phe­nom­e­non but…watch this space :)


OH and for those ask­ing me about EIT mer­chan­dise, you can order  SOME stuff through the Red­bub­ble store — yes it is pricey, as peo­ple have pointed out, but that is hon­estly the low­est the store will let me set them…I don’t make any roy­al­ties on those things (like 35 cents) and the rea­son is SO I can keep the costs down for YOU! That’s also what I do for my paper­backs. I do try and price them low so that every­one can afford them, even if it means that I don’t make any­thing on roy­al­ties. It’s silly that I have to defend myself here over pric­ing but I just don’t want you all to think I’m some price-gouger. FUCK Dark­house is a free book…so, no, if I could do every­thing as cheaply as pos­si­ble, I would.

Red­bub­ble store:

Ama­zon Paper­backs: