Giveaways Galore

Two give­aways going on at GoodReads for Dark­house (TEN COPIES!) and Red Fox (the lat­ter ends on August 12th and the for­mer on the 13th) so get cracking.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Darkhouse by Karina Halle


by Karina Halle

Give­away ends August 13, 2011.

See the give­away details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Goodreads Book Giveaway


Red Fox by Karina Halle


Red Fox


by Karina Halle


Give­away ends August 12, 2011.

See the give­away details at Goodreads.




Enter to win


I’ll also be doing a give­away through my Face­book Fan Page for Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror (check side­bar—> become a fan!) and this is going to be mas­sive. Oh yes. It will most likely include paper­back copies of Dark­house, Red Fox and an ARC of Dead Sky Morn­ing PLUS either a Team Dex or a Team Perry shirt/tank top. Now, Dex and Perry are on the same team, don’t get me wrong. But I first had the idea for the Team Dex shirt because so many peo­ple are always rag­ging on the poor guy. So when I got a Team Dex shirt last week (see below), peo­ple then had requests for a Team Perry shirt. Come on…everyone is on Team Perry. She doesn’t need a shirt. But I’ll do it any­way because it’s a give­away and I like you guys. But I won’t do a Team Jenn shirt. That’s just push­ing it.

Any­way, stay tuned for that give­away, as well as a Dead Sky Morn­ing ARC give­away through GoodReads over the week­end. :)