Are you ready to be scared?

No? Too bad.

In honor of the third Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror novel “Dead Sky Morn­ing” which will be pub­lished on Octo­ber 13th, the first novel in the series -“Dark­house” — is on sale for 99 cents on Smash­words and the Ama­zon Kin­dle store. This sale should entice read­ers who want to get a start on the series (espe­cially as we head into spooooooky stormy weather and Hal­loween) before book #3 comes out.

This pro­mo­tion will run from August 24th to Octo­ber 13th. Then the price goes up again.

Pur­chase from Kin­dle Store HERE

Pur­chase from Smash­words Store (in e-formats for Nook, Kobo, Archos, Kin­dle, Sony etc)HERE

Need some con­vinc­ing? Here are just of the some recent book reviews of Darkhouse:

Dark­house turned out unlike any­thing I’d expected. It drew me in from page one, with its easy-to-relate to, flawed but love­able char­ac­ters, its fast pace, the unpre­dictable plot twists and its eerie, sur­real atmos­phere. If you’re search­ing for the scari­est book of this sea­son, then search no more. Dark­house is exactly what you’re look­ing for” — I Heart Reading

Dark­house by Karina Halle has to be the first book in many years to make me glad to be read­ing dur­ing the day. It was creepy, excit­ing, hilar­i­ous and down right one of the most enter­tain­ing books that made me want to hug my pil­low ” — See­ing Night Reviews

A creepy light­house on the Ore­gon coast­line was the per­fect set­ting for this story.  Karina Halle left no detail behind and I felt as though I could feel the ocean spray and smell the musty rooms as she led me deeper into the scene” — Fade Into Fantasy

Dark­house, when you read the syn­op­sis, seems like a typ­i­cal thriller. But it is so much more. It is creepy, funny (believe it or not), very sus­pense­ful and yes, thrilling. While much of the book is about Perry, her new part­ner Dex, and their haunted encoun­ters at the light­house, Dark­house is just as much about the per­plex­ing rela­tion­ship between the trou­bled duo” — Book­ish Babes

Enter Perry Palomino’s world and expect to be riv­eted to your seat with the creepy story with para­nor­mal over­tures. This book was a mes­mer­iz­ing read” — Earth’s Book Nook


All of that for just 0.99? You can’t beat it :)


