Dead Sky Morning — First Look at Book #3

With the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show find­ing some suc­cess, ama­teur ghosthunters Perry Palomino and Dex Foray embark on their most ter­ri­fy­ing inves­ti­ga­tion yet. A tiny, fog-shrouded island in the rough strait between British Colum­bia and Wash­ing­ton State has held a dark secret for decades. At the turn of the cen­tury it was used as a leper colony where over forty souls were left to rot, die and bury each other. Now a func­tion­ing camp­ground, Perry and Dex spend an iso­lated week­end there to inves­ti­gate poten­tial haunt­ings but as the duo quickly find out, there is more to fear on D’Arcy Island than just ghosts. The island quickly pits part­ner against part­ner, spi­ral­ing the pair into mad­ness that serves to destroy their san­ity, their rela­tion­ship and their very lives.

What a scary and sexy cover, right? Per­fectly encap­su­lates the third book in the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series. Scary, sexy and seductive.

Book #3, Dead Sky Morn­ing, is out Octo­ber 13th, 2011 with advanced review copies avail­able in mid-August. There will be some give­aways soon for this book as well, so stay tuned!