Dead Sky Morning Giveaway!

The book won’t be released until Octo­ber 13th, but for the next month I’m run­ning a give­away through GoodReads for five signed copies of the book. If you win, you get DSM a whole month ahead of every­one else…and for free! I actu­ally just won a book myself the other day (excit­ing!) so it’s proof that peo­ple do win things :)

Aside from the GoodReads, I’ll be hav­ing a give­away for my Face­book fans, which involves your choice of a Team Dex or Team Perry (ide­ally you’d want both) shirt and all three books. I’ll keep you posted for when that runs.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Dead Sky Morning by Karina Halle

Dead Sky Morning

by Karina Halle

Give­away ends Sep­tem­ber 13, 2011.

See the give­away details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win