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Experiment in Terror Read-Along!

10556308_878486212179235_2866558185557666727_nTo cel­e­brate THE END of the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror series AND the release of Dust to Dust on August 11th, I’ve put together a FB group for an EPIC reada­long. Tomor­row we dis­cuss Dark­house, Red Fox and Dead Sky Morn­ing then we devote two days per Lying Sea­son, On Demon Wings, etc (check group for sched). I will be chat­ting with you at times dur­ing the day about the books in dis­cus­sion and there are con­tests, spe­cial posts, etc as well. DO NOTE: it is a pri­vate group to pre­vent spoil­ers from reach­ing the out­side world. It could take a few hours for you to be added and also, please, once in, do not add peo­ple who HAVE NOT read the series. This is just for peo­ple are cur­rently read­ing EIT or have already read it. Now…who is excited?!

Want to join the Face­book group?

Do so –>HERE<–

The Experiment in Terror 99 cent sale

I love Dex and Perry but my favorite duo rarely go on sale. But, for the first time ever, every sin­gle EIT book is just 99 cents dur­ing the month of Novem­ber. You MIGHT want to tell your friends…banner for EIT

(cur­rently 99 cents on Ama­zon but Kobo, iTunes and Nook should update the sales price within a week)

The Devil’s Reprise OUT NOW — The Devil’s Metal 99 cents!

The Devil's Reprise SMALLSo the Devil’s Reprise releases tomor­row — NO WAIT IT RELEASES TODAY!!! Early sur­prise lol. It’s live on AMAZON right now and at all other retail­ers tomor­row, Oct 29th.

This is the sec­ond book– and the last book– in this series. The Devil’s Metal will be 99 cents so that’s some­thing you may want to snap up while you can!

First, some reviews from The Devil’s Reprise Blog Blitz:

Read­ing Books Like a Boss says: “I’ve read a lot of other rock star books, but Sage Knightly is eas­ily one of the sex­i­est and most allur­ing fic­tional rock gods.  Not only is he incred­i­bly tal­ented (in more ways than one), he will go to hell and back to pro­tect the woman he loves. ”

One of the BEST parts of The Devil’s Reprise (aside from the steamy sex scenes) was the bone-chilling, spooky scenes.  This book con­tains the scari­est imagery Karina Halle has ever writ­ten.”


Read­ing is my Breath­ing says:

Karina Halle doesn’t beau­tify any­thing in this book. Sex­ual orgies of drugged rock stars? Graphic. Depres­sive thoughts of char­ac­ters? No cen­sor­ship. Espe­cially when it comes to Sage’s POV. It was really piti­ful to wit­ness Sage’s behav­iour at the begin­ning. It was break­ing my heart to see this man so sad, so des­per­ate, so bro­ken. He wasn’t deal­ing with his past very well…

I think that The Devil’s Reprise may be the sex­i­est and most spicy book by Karina Halle so far. I’m not sure if it was elec­tri­fy­ing chem­istry between Sage and Dawn or the fact that hero is one hot rock­star god. But I’m 100% sure that this book is able to set things on fire with its level of hotness!”


And finally, a creepy pre-Halloween teaser

Jacob got up and leaned across the table, look­ing every­one in the eye. “Then you’re dis­missed.” He banged the table with his fist and walked away.

Christ on a cracker,” Garth said under his breath. He watched Jacob go in fear. He was a skinny lit­tle dude with eyes too big for his head. He seemed like an all right guy, even though he was young and skit­tish. His key­board skills were stel­lar, which was all I needed from him. “Is he always like that?”

Jacob runs a tight ship,” I explained to him while out of the cor­ner of my eye I caught Dawn and Max get­ting up together and leav­ing. I was struck with a burst of incur­able jeal­ousy and had to swal­low it down.

I can see that,” Garth said. “Guess it was true that Hybrid was a bit of a wild band.”

My head snapped toward him, my jaw auto­mat­i­cally tens­ing. “Don’t even men­tion Hybrid,” I growled, my voice low. “This isn’t Hybrid. It never will be. This is my band, my show. Got it?”

Garth nod­ded quickly, his eyes even wider than before. He turned his atten­tion back to his food, his shak­ing hand reach­ing for his cof­fee cup. I sat back and ran my fin­gers through my hair, exhal­ing slowly. Nice start to the morn­ing. I was all over the damn map and prac­ti­cally scar­ing my new bandmates.

I grabbed a piece of toast, excused myself from the table before I became even more of an ass, and took off for my room. The rick­ety open-caged ele­va­tor had freaked me out when I rode it the other day, so instead I took the stairs, paus­ing to catch my breath at the fourth floor. Shit, if going up stairs was mak­ing me winded, I didn’t know how I was going to han­dle the show tonight.

You’re not going to han­dle it, the voice inside my head said. You’re going to fail because you can’t han­dle any of this on your own.

I closed my eyes, my arm rest­ing on the rail­ing, and tried to make the voices shut up.

I have another mes­sage for you.”

I opened my eyes at the whis­pered words and looked for the source. At the end of the hall, just beneath one of the sconce light fix­tures, was a very short fig­ure, a woman who couldn’t have been taller than five feet. Her sil­hou­ette was heavy­set, flabby, and though I couldn’t see her face but for her gleam­ing eyes, I had a feel­ing she was ugly as sin.

Excuse me?” I asked, tak­ing a moment to real­ize she spoke per­fect Eng­lish, though her accent was still for­eign. Russ­ian, maybe.

I have another mes­sage for you,” the woman repeated in her strangely monot­one voice. Then she turned around, and I noticed her wide body had been hid­ing a maid’s cart.

It all clicked. This was the house­cleaner who wrote on my mirror.

I walked off after her, more annoyed than anything.

You wrote on my mir­ror,” I said accus­ingly as she stopped and slowly looked at me. I came to a halt, put off by her eyes, which were so heav­ily lid­ded I could barely see her irises. She was all ele­phan­tine jowls and cheeks, hair gath­ered at the top like a cow took a shit on her head. Ugly as sin was right.

She stared at me—at least I think she was star­ing at me; it was hard to tell—and then she said, “Oh, yes. You. I have another mes­sage for you.”

A mes­sage from whom?” The lights flick­ered in the hall. “What did that mean, ‘be care­ful what she wished for’? Who is ‘she’?”

She shook her head sharply, to the left, the right, the skin under her jaw jig­gling. “I don’t know. I only pass on the messages.”

I folded my arms. “Then tell me who told you?”

She smiled, and I tried not to gri­mace at her miss­ing canines. Jesus, what was the hotel think­ing hir­ing this char­ity case? “The dark man with the white face. He tells me in my sleep.”

Okay. I blinked hard and rubbed my fore­head. Too many drugs, not enough sleep.

She went on, “He says to tell you it will all end when she appears.”

I don’t think you know what you’re talk­ing about, but I’d appre­ci­ate it if you stayed away from my room,” I said, try­ing to bury the uneasi­ness in my voice. “I’ll report you if you try and talk to me again.”

The dark man won’t care,” she said, turn­ing around to con­tinue to push her cart. “He will find her once she’s been given every­thing she wants, and it will all start all over again.”

I had to reach out and grab the edge of her cart. “Is the girl here? Is he talk­ing about Dawn? The red­head? Can you at least tell me that much?”

She watched me for a few ago­niz­ing beats before I caught the slight­est nod of her head. “There is noth­ing you can do. Noth­ing you can do but watch.”

Had this crazy shit hap­pened to me a year or two ago, I wouldn’t have a believed a word this woman said. I’d say she’s an obvi­ous men­tal case who dreams of Satan vis­it­ing her in her dreams. But now I knew better.

Please,” I begged, feel­ing fool­ish, help­less. “You have to tell me more. Who are you?”

I am Tatiana,” she said, her accent thick­en­ing. “I work here.”

She began to push her cart away while I heard Tricky call out, “Sage!”

I turned to look at him, want­ing to go after Tatiana, the crazy ele­phant lady, but Tricky was already run­ning down the hall­way toward me.

You almost ready? We have to go,” he said.

I watched Tatiana and her cart rum­ble around the cor­ner and out of sight.

Sage,” Tricky repeated. I finally looked over at him. He frowned. “You all right, man? You’re look­ing kind of pale.”

I wiped a layer of sweat off my fore­head and tried to slow my heart rate. The creepy feel­ing held on to my bones. I had to talk to Dawn. “I’m all right. Is it that time already?”

Tricky nod­ded. “Yes—well, no, but we have to get our clothes and every­thing together for tonight. We have to coor­di­nate our out­fits, don’t you think?”

I gave him a funny look. Rob­bie was like that, too, when we played shows. Fig­ures that Tricky would be dis­play­ing front-man ten­den­cies. “You know what I wear: black. I go with what­ever crazy thing you’re going to squeeze your balls into.”

He grinned. “Bright orange vel­vet jumpsuit.”

I shook my head. “My God.”

And plat­form Alice Cooper boots.”

Tricky put his hand on my shoul­der and turned me around, lead­ing us back to our rooms while yam­mer­ing on about what he was think­ing about for the next night. Some­thing tight and ter­ri­ble. I’d stopped lis­ten­ing as we passed Dawn’s room. I needed to talk to her, even though she didn’t want to talk to me.

Sage, we don’t have time,” Tricky said seri­ously as he noted my gaze glued to her door. “This is a big deal for you, whether you want to admit it or not. This is a big deal for your fans. We can’t mess this up, and I don’t want to mess it up for you. You need a clear head, you got it?”

I was sur­prised at the sin­cer­ity in his voice, that he was actu­ally tak­ing this seri­ously for once.

I nod­ded reluc­tantly. “Okay. Let’s get ready.”

I left Dawn’s door, think­ing I could hear her shuf­fling around on the other side. Still that bar­rier between us.

Come Alive

Come Alive-Final.v2It’s one thing to bring the woman you love back into your life. It’s another to try and keep her there. For Dex Foray, con­vinc­ing Perry Palomino to open her­self to their bur­geon­ing rela­tion­ship has been more chal­leng­ing than hunt­ing ghosts, bat­tling demons and stalk­ing Sasquatch com­bined. Add in the fact that the only way they can keep their Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show run­ning is to take on a third part­ner in the form of the mys­te­ri­ous Max­imus Jacobs — all while inves­ti­gat­ing a sin­is­ter voodoo sect in New Orleans — and you’ve got the per­fect South­ern storm and a recipe for dis­as­ter. Luck­ily, Dex has never been one to back down, even when his life –and heart — are on the line.

Come Alive is told from Dex’s POV.

And With Madness Comes the Light

And With Madness Comes the Light

Add on Goodreads

Dex Foray has never been anyone’s fool – until he missed his chance for hap­pi­ness with Perry Palomino. Bro­ken and alone, Dex has no choice but to rise from the ashes Perry left behind and find his own path to redemp­tion. But noth­ing in Dex’s life has ever come eas­ily, espe­cially when there’s a dark mad­ness wait­ing in the wings.

Told from Dex’s POV, And With Mad­ness Comes the Light is short story/novella that spans the time period from the end of Lying Sea­son (Book #4) until the end of On Demon Wings (Book #5). If you were ever won­der­ing what really hap­pened to Dex while Perry was gone — his jour­ney to Dex 2.0 — now is your chance.


• Kin­dle
• Paper­back — Ama­zon
• Nook — Barnes & Noble
• Any E-version — Smash­words
• Kobo


Come Alive Teaser.…


This is a pre-edited teaser from the upcom­ing Come Alive (released June 23rd) — EIT #7

This is told from DEX FORAY’S POV








Come Alive Teaser:


I slammed back a shot and slapped the table with my hand as it burned down. “Hooooo eeeeee! That takes the edge off.” I wiped my mouth and looked Max­imus square in the eye, his fea­tures hazy in the dark­ness of the bar. “So, I think you have some ‘splain­ing to do, friendo.”

Yeah,” Perry piped up from beside me. “What hap­pened between you and Rose?”


I snorted. “Right, like you two didn’t hump like bunnies.”

He cocked his head. “You mean, like you two are so obvi­ously hump­ing like bunnies?”

What does that have to do with any­thing?” Perry asked snidely.

He shrugged with one shoul­der. “How long has this been going on?”

None of your busi­ness,” Perry said.

Since Canada,” I answered. Proudly.

Perry kicked me under the table and shot her a sur­prised look. “What? It has. There’s no point hid­ing it, I mean we’re shar­ing a bed and every­thing, it’s kind of obvious.”

Does Jimmy know?” he asked.

I didn’t like where this was going. “No. He doesn’t. Now that is none of his busi­ness.”

Don’t you have a habit of sleep­ing with the women you’re filming?”

Don’t you have a habit of being an asshole?”

Ass­hole? I expected some­thing more orig­i­nal from you, Dex.”

I’m run­ning out of names. There aren’t that many vile things on this earth that can describe what a cum dump­ster you are.”


Cover reveal — COME ALIVE EIT#7

I know June is a long ways off (at least it might feel that way to some peo­ple — not me!) but since I *sorta* leaked the cover to this at the Boston Author Event, I fig­ured I should make it official.

And with­out fur­ther ado, here is the cover for Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7 — Come Alive:


It’s one thing to bring the woman you love back into your life. It’s another to try and keep her there. For Dex Foray, con­vinc­ing Perry Palomino to open her­self to their bur­geon­ing rela­tion­ship has been more chal­leng­ing than hunt­ing ghosts, bat­tling demons and stalk­ing Sasquatch com­bined. Add in the fact that the only way they can keep their Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show run­ning is to take on a third part­ner in the form of the mys­te­ri­ous Max­imus Jacobs — all while inves­ti­gat­ing a sin­is­ter voodoo sect in New Orleans — and you’ve got the per­fect South­ern storm and a recipe for dis­as­ter. Luck­ily, Dex has never been one to back down, even when his life –and heart — are on the line.

Come Alive is told from Dex’s POV.

Release date: Some­time in June (I’ll let you know when next month).

Inspi­ra­tion: Like I do with most books, this is named after a song. These lyrics from the Foo Fight­ers “Come Live” really res­onate for me:

Noth­ing more to give

I can finally come alive
Your life into me
I can finally breathe
Come alive

I lay there in the dark
Open my eyes
You saved me the day that you came alive

And With Madness Comes the Light — teaser

Hey every­one! Hope you’re all excited for Valentine’s Day, when I release this short story/novella And With Mad­ness Comes the Light (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #6.5). To refresh you, the novella takes place after Lying Sea­son and before Into the Hol­low. It’s basi­cally Dex’s POV of the events before he brought Perry to Roman.

You ready? Here we go:

There hadn’t been any­one in the bar who remotely caught my eye until I went to the ATM to get more money out. The damn machine was tak­ing for­ever and had the nerve to charge me a four dol­lar trans­ac­tion fee. I was ready to throt­tle the thing until I turned around and saw an inter­est­ing face look­ing back at me.

She was tall, maybe my height (damn my height!), with long, wavy red hair and match­ing lip­stick. Her eyes were glazed like she’d just been fucked and fucked good, and her lips were held in a half snarl, as if she was about to blow cig­a­rette smoke in my face.

“Sorry,” I apol­o­gized. I didn’t know why I apol­o­gized since I hadn’t run into her or any­thing, but then I found my eyes focus­ing on her amaz­ing rack that pulled her thin white tank top tight across her chest. Her nip­ples had made them­selves known, speak­ing to me, whis­per­ing “bite me.”

I rarely got caught with my eyes where they shouldn’t be so I quickly averted my eyes back to hers. It was hard to tell in the bar, but they could have been a dark blue. They were nasty look­ing, like she was going to eat me alive and enjoy every crunch. I liked that.

I liked it a lot. I had a boner in two sec­ond flat and was hard as fuck, strain­ing against my pants. Part of me wanted to feel embar­rassed, the other part wanted to rub it up and down on her while I rejoiced that I had finally got­ten a hard-on over some­one other than Perry. I finally found a woman’s prover­bial dick to suck.

I needed a bet­ter saying.

“Are you with the band?” the woman asked in a low, husky voice. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. She had a nice pink tongue that prob­a­bly matched the rest of her nice pink bits.

I smirked at her. “These fucks? No.”

She smiled back, totally bitchy, totally hot. “Well, I am. I guess I’m one of these fucks, too.”

Oh mama. I loved the way her lips looked when she said fuck. I loved the way her eyes looked when she said it, too. She wanted some of this, and judg­ing by the heat I was pack­ing in my pants, I couldn’t blame her.

“What were you say­ing about fuck­ing?” I asked, tak­ing a step toward her. I wasn’t nor­mally so for­ward, but I obvi­ously didn’t have any blood left in my head.

She grinned and touched my shirt. “I asked because you have an eye­brow ring and a shirt that looks like it used to fit you in the ‘90s. I didn’t say any­thing about fuck­ing, but now that the card is on the table, maybe you can prove to be more manly than you look.”

I grinned right back at her, my eyes drift­ing over her shoul­der and toward the bath­room door. Nail­ing some­one in the bath­room of a grungy metal bar was prob­a­bly one of the gross­est, dirt­i­est things you could do. But I felt like bathing in dirt after being so clean for the last month.

“Can I buy you a drink?” I asked her, remem­ber­ing my man­ners before I got car­ried away.

She put her hand on my chest and slid it down until it reached the waist­band of my boxer briefs. I don’t know why I was wor­ried about being dirty when I’d only last a cou­ple of min­utes tops.

“I’m good,” she said slowly. “But you go get your­self one. I’ll just be in the women’s wash­room, right over there.”

Mes­sage was received loud and clear. I watched her sashay her tight lit­tle jean-clad ass over to the wash­room and dis­ap­pear inside. I had maybe two min­utes before I would join her and sud­denly I was ner­vous as fuck.

I went over to the bar and got Clarissa’s atten­tion long enough to order a shot of bour­bon. After I put it back and tried to gather up my courage, which had some­how dis­ap­peared along with the blood in my brain, Dean appeared beside me.

“Saw you talk­ing to that hot piece of ass,” he com­mented, lean­ing for­ward on his elbows.

“I guess you could call it talk­ing,” I said, wish­ing I had another shot. I raised my hand for Clarissa and waited. “It was more like ‘let’s fuck,’ but not said as vaguely as that.”

“You know, I always thought you had a type,” he mused.

“What do you mean?” I asked as Clarissa filled up my shot glass again and down the hatch it went. What the hell was wrong with me? Even my erec­tion was deflat­ing, like I was los­ing all my nerve, like I was all talk and no show.

“Oh, the bitchy look. Like Jenn, like the red­head. Gor­geous and all that, but mean. You know, you can tell when a girl ain’t got no heart. And you like that. That’s why I was so sur­prised that you fell in love with Perry.”

I fell in love with Perry. I was in love with Perry.

“She was so sweet and cute and some­what inno­cent. Not the girl who would screw you in a shit­hole. Not a girl who would ever hurt you on pur­pose. You know, she was nice. And well, you don’t like nice, Dex. You like bitches. You like to be treated like shit for some god damn rea­son, and I don’t know why. You don’t deserve it. But maybe you think you do.”

“Dean,” I said slowly, push­ing my shot glass away from me. “Have you been lis­ten­ing to a lot of self-help tapes lately?”

“I’m just say­ing, man. It’s inter­est­ing. I feel like I’m finally crack­ing the Foray code.”

Time was tick­ing away. The red­head was still in the bath­room, prob­a­bly wait­ing for the last chick to leave so she could bar­ri­cade the door, avoid­ing the pud­dles of vomit and piss in her plat­form shoes. Was that really what I wanted? Now that I was called to act upon it, my dick argued against it. It didn’t give a fuck and I meant that lit­er­ally. I wanted the easy bitch because it was safe and famil­iar. And let’s face it, I was horny as hell.

But that wasn’t me any­more. I’d seen the light. I wanted the girl who embod­ied it. I wanted to deserve her, to be the man she needed. And I’d do what­ever I could to be that man.

I sighed and slapped a few bills on the table. I smacked Dean on the arm. “I’m going home, buddy.”


There’s a blog tour kick-off on the 16th at Read­ing Books Like a Boss and The Book Asy­lum. There’s also that Dex Book Boyfriend Prize Pack con­test that YES is still going on (run­ning it till V-Day).

Oh and here’s a nice press release about ME. :)

And thanks to all of you who sup­ported me as an author and bought Sins & Nee­dles — it was in the Top 100 for 13 days which was AMAZING. 13,000 copies have been sold, which I think is bananas. So THANK YOU! Your sup­port and faith in me as an author is invaluable.

You win lose some, you win some.

The release date for Come Alive (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7) has been pushed back a cou­ple of weeks. We’re look­ing at a early June release.

I know. It’s sad. But you lose some, you…win some!

Because Come Alive is going to be told entirely from Dex’s POV.

That means you get a dou­ble dose of Dex this spring, first with And With Mad­ness Comes the Light, and now Come Alive. And, unlike AWM or The Dex-Files, this is a full-on novel all in that crazy, pervy head of his.

I mean, who cares if it’s pushed back two lit­tle weeks if you get THAT instead (also, it’s Feb­ru­ary 1st, so every­thing feels really far away any­way haha).


Dou­ble dose of Dex, com­ing right up :)