Cover reveal — COME ALIVE EIT#7

I know June is a long ways off (at least it might feel that way to some peo­ple — not me!) but since I *sorta* leaked the cover to this at the Boston Author Event, I fig­ured I should make it official.

And with­out fur­ther ado, here is the cover for Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7 — Come Alive:


It’s one thing to bring the woman you love back into your life. It’s another to try and keep her there. For Dex Foray, con­vinc­ing Perry Palomino to open her­self to their bur­geon­ing rela­tion­ship has been more chal­leng­ing than hunt­ing ghosts, bat­tling demons and stalk­ing Sasquatch com­bined. Add in the fact that the only way they can keep their Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show run­ning is to take on a third part­ner in the form of the mys­te­ri­ous Max­imus Jacobs — all while inves­ti­gat­ing a sin­is­ter voodoo sect in New Orleans — and you’ve got the per­fect South­ern storm and a recipe for dis­as­ter. Luck­ily, Dex has never been one to back down, even when his life –and heart — are on the line.

Come Alive is told from Dex’s POV.

Release date: Some­time in June (I’ll let you know when next month).

Inspi­ra­tion: Like I do with most books, this is named after a song. These lyrics from the Foo Fight­ers “Come Live” really res­onate for me:

Noth­ing more to give

I can finally come alive
Your life into me
I can finally breathe
Come alive

I lay there in the dark
Open my eyes
You saved me the day that you came alive