You win lose some, you win some.

The release date for Come Alive (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7) has been pushed back a cou­ple of weeks. We’re look­ing at a early June release.

I know. It’s sad. But you lose some, you…win some!

Because Come Alive is going to be told entirely from Dex’s POV.

That means you get a dou­ble dose of Dex this spring, first with And With Mad­ness Comes the Light, and now Come Alive. And, unlike AWM or The Dex-Files, this is a full-on novel all in that crazy, pervy head of his.

I mean, who cares if it’s pushed back two lit­tle weeks if you get THAT instead (also, it’s Feb­ru­ary 1st, so every­thing feels really far away any­way haha).


Dou­ble dose of Dex, com­ing right up :)

The Cliffhanger Myth

All right. So, as you all know, Sins & Nee­dles has a cliffhanger — a lot of books do, espe­cially in a series. If you can’t han­dle cliffhang­ers, we’ll I don’t blame you. But some­times they are a nec­es­sary evil.

Let’s take a look at The Out­lander Series…maybe KMM’s Fever Series? Lord of the Rings? Almost every dra­matic TV show?

I’m not sure why, lately, there has been such an uproar over cliffhang­ers. They aren’t a new con­cept at all. They’ve existed in books for a long, long time. And they aren’t always there to piss read­ers off or ensure them to buy the next book. I know peo­ple think it’s always a strate­gic mar­ket­ing strat­egy and, yes in some ways it is. But some­times — and this is the case with me — it is just where the book ends.

I went to school for screen­writ­ing and I write my books in a three-act struc­ture, which basi­cally means I have one cli­max and I stick to it (no mul­ti­ple orgasms for me!). I also think of the end of the book first and I work toward it. Some­times, that means a cliffhanger. But I swear on the Bible, I do NOT write cliffhang­ers for the sake of writ­ing a cliffhanger. It’s just the way it goes sometimes.

Sure, maybe there are some books lately that have a cliffhanger and the author gives no indi­ca­tion that it’s a series. Maybe there’s a cliffhanger in the form of a book that just kind of .…ends. Like, mid-sentence…like the end of The Sopra­nos. Or maybe it’s a cliffhanger that feels really out of place. I don’t know why there’s the cur­rent anti-cliffhanger back­lash, but it has me per­plexed. Why now?

Look, when I go into to read a series, I am pre­pared for one of those books to have a cliffhanger. Just like when you go into watch­ing a new TV show, you’ll prob­a­bly get a few as well.

The good thing — with indie pub­lish­ers such as myself — you don’t have to wait long for your next book. LOOK AT TRADITIONALLY PUBLISHED BOOK! Look at Diver­gent or City of Bones or what­ever “real book” and see how long they make you wait.A YEAR. A FUCKING YEAR! Self-published authors are work­ing their ass off to bring the reader that next book as quickly as they can.

Which brings me to the next point…some peo­ple say “why write a series then? It’s such a money-grubbing scheme” — well, I really don’t like hav­ing some­thing like writ­ing (which is an art and a pas­sion, con­trary to what some peo­ple might say) reduced to noth­ing more than a money-making vessel.

YES we need to make money. God, yes we do. Who doesn’t? In the heat of my nov­els, I’m work­ing ten hour days…I barely eat or bathe and I don’t leave the house. I make sac­ri­fices in the form of loved ones, fam­ily and friends. I have no social life. I need to be com­pen­sated for that sacrifice…

So why do we do series? So we can have a break…if it takes me a month of becom­ing an anti-social, mentally-deranged her­mit to pump out one book, there’s no way I could do it for three months straight and sur­vive. I couldn’t. Imag­ine sit­ting at a desk for ten hours a day, coax­ing your brain to work over­time in a whole dif­fer­ent world. It is exhaust­ing, to say the least.

By writ­ing a series you get to spread out your work­load. You also get to spend more time with your char­ac­ters. I don’t WANT to write one fuck­ing long as fuck book and then be done with it. I want to spend more time with Cam­den and Ellie and you know what, I think most read­ers do too. I mean, Dex and Perry have been in people’s hearts for nearly two years now as the series keeps going…I LOVE THAT!!! I’d be so sad if it was over in one go.

And that brings me to the next point: some books are bet­ter suited for a series. There are many dif­fer­ent sto­ries to tell, events, chal­lenges and tests. Not all sto­ries and char­ac­ters work the same way. Yeah maybe there are a few con­tem­po­rary romance stand-alones that shouldn’t have become series. Maybe authors shouldn’t mess up a book’s HEA just to sell more copies…but maybe it’s not about sales too. Maybe they miss the characters.

And finally, when it does come down to mak­ing money — if you spend a LONG amount of time writ­ing a book that should be split into three, and then you finally release it…it might not make you any money. It might not do well. Then there’s six months of your life gone. If you split up the book the way they should have been, at least you always have another chance to get it right. You have a chance to hook more read­ers and you have a chance to grow as a writer. I am not the same writer with Dark­house and Perry and Dex as I am with Into the Hol­low and Perry and Dex. They have changed — I have changed too. We’ve changed together. It’s pretty damn near poetic.

I mean, wouldn’t you rather spend $3 every 4–6 months or so then $9 once? OR if you’re look­ing at tra­di­tion­ally pub­lished books, $10 for each Mac and Bar­rons adven­ture or $50+ for one giant one. It’s almost like lay­away plan.

So the next time some­one points out that writ­ers are just in it for the money, that they write cliffhang­ers to piss peo­ple off and series so that they sell more books…you send them my way *cracks knuckles*


Questions all up in here.

77Start­ing this off with ^^^ a dream come true. I’ve been self-publishing since May 2011, have TWELVE nov­els under my belt (includ­ing my pen name erot­ica) and have never got­ten this far. #77 in the Top 100 out of all Kin­dle books on Ama­zon. Thank you, thank you, thank you to every­one who not only bought Sins & Nee­dles but gave it a chance. And espe­cially those who loved it. It’s a per­sonal story to me and I’m extremely proud of it. And, I feel slightly smug to the cer­tain peo­ple who were sure this book wouldn’t sell (*cough* pub­lish­ers). Hell, you write what’s in your heart and you can’t go wrong!

Any­hoo, I thought I’d address some com­monly asked ques­tions I’ve noticed float­ing around.

1) What is the deal with the cliffhanger in Sins & Nee­dles? OMG HOW WILL I LIVE?? I’M GONNA CUT YOU KARINA HALLE!

EEEP! I don’t write them on pur­pose (though EIT fans may say oth­er­wise). I write the book the way it tells me it should be writ­ten. Some­times, it’s just where that story ends and usu­ally some­one gets some­thing wrapped up. If you’re Team Cam­den, you should be pretty happy…OR MAYBE NOT. Any­hoo, cliffhang­ers hap­pen and I will try my hard­est not to have one in Book Two, Shoot­ing Scars. But, you know, when you have a tril­ogy, it’s kind of hard NOT To have each book lead to the other…think about Lord of the Rings! At least you don’t have to wait a year like tra­di­tion­ally pub­lished books (AM I RITE?).…which brings me to ques­tion two…

2) When is On Every Street and Shoot­ing Scars com­ing out? April and July? I can’t wait that long!

You don’t have to. On Every Street (a pre­quel novella about Javier and Ellie back in the day) will be released in March and Shoot­ing Scars will now be released in May!

3) But what about EIT? Dex and Perry! We need more EIT books!

Come Alive (EIT #7) will be pushed back two weeks or so…so instead of a May 21st release it’ll be the first week of June. No big­gie! Plus you all get Dex (And With Mad­ness Comes the Light) on Valentine’s Day!

4) But what about the sequel to The Devil’s Metal?

Well, that’ not 100% up to me since the book was picked up by Diver­sion Books. But I can tell you Sage and Dawn’s story (oooh, sexy rock­star times in Europe…uh…with demons) will be writ­ten this year, and most likely pub­lished in the fall. Kind of  a per­fect book for Hal­loween, no?

5) I want to read Sins & Nee­dles but I have a Nook or Kobo…

Down­load your epub file from Smash­words! Super easy (they have an FAQ if you get stuck). Kobo and Nook can take weeks and weeks to get the books on their sys­tem, but Smash­words costs the same  - down­load HERE

6) I want Sins & Nee­dles paperbacks

Me too. They are com­ing, as soon as next week maybe, you’ll be able to buy from Amazon.

7) Will you sign them?

I’m ter­ri­ble at mail­ing books (as in get them in the mail, sign them, and then go to the post office), so prob­a­bly not. BUT I am try­ing to work some­thing out…they would be quite a lim­ited supply.

8) Sins & Nee­dles merch?

It’s com­ing, just need a few days to set things up…I’ve got to add the Twat­waf­fle hoodie/shirts to Red­bub­ble first, then I’ll think of some inter­est­ing S&N merch ideas…

9) I love the music in the book…do you have a playlist?

Yes, I am a huge music lover (music jour­nal­ist by trade…only rel­e­vant because I’m always try­ing to show the under­dog bands some love, like Guano Padano) and I always write to playlists. You can find mine HERE.

10) Ellie didn’t seem as good of a con artist as she said she was…meanwhile, Cam­den was always call­ing her by her full name. And Javier…what’s his deal?

Hmmm, funny how that can be some­times. And yes, Cam­den does use her name a lot…perhaps to remind her of who she truly is. And Javier? Well…you’ll see very soon…;)

Sins & Needles NOW LIVE on Amazon and Smashwords

Hey folks!

So, I released the book early. I’m a bit impa­tient, you see.

You can pur­chase it from Ama­zon HERE or Smash­words HERE for $2.99. Now, if you have a Nook or Kobo and don’t want to wait 2 weeks — a month for Barnes and Noble and Kobo to put the book up in their stores, please buy from Smash­words. You just pur­chase the epub copy and trans­fer the file to your read­ing device. The site has easy to use instructions.

Mean­while, here’s how the blog tour is going.…


Addicted to Heroines

Allur­ing Reads

Ginger-Read Reviews


Ten Interesting Facts about Sins & Needles

So, we’re at the start of the Sins & Nee­dles blog tour here. I plan to do a big wrap up when the tour is over but thought this would be inter­est­ing (hence the title). It was posted on Megan from The Book Asylum’s blog (stop by and say hello!) but I thought I’d post it here as well. There’s also an excerpt of SEXY TIMEZ at the bot­tom :)


Ten Inter­est­ing Facts about Sins & Needles

1.       The char­ac­ter of Ellie is named after my old dog. She was the sweet­est lit­tle thing, the per­fect pup. She died at age 13 when she was hit by a car. My mom was hit by the same car too, but Ellie stepped between my mom and the wheel at the last minute, spar­ing my mom from crit­i­cal injury or worse. This hap­pened in Palm Springs, too. Ellie Watt is just as brave as Ellie the dog. Inter­est­ingly enough, Ellie the dog is named after a char­ac­ter from a book! Dr. Ellie Satler from Juras­sic Park (I was WAY into dinosaurs – thought I was going to be a paleontologist).

Mean­while, Cam­den McQueen’s name is taken from two peo­ple on my Face­book. One has a son called Cam­den, a name I rather liked. The other is my friend Behn McQueen (and yes, I real­ize Camden’s son is also named Ben). Hi Behn! Thanks for your name! 

And, to make things come full cir­cle, I named Uncle Jim after a dog that I don’t have yet! Ha, my part­ner Scott and I are plan­ning to get a dog very soon and we decided a long time ago he would be called Jim.

2.       The idea for Sins & Nee­dles came in Sep­tem­ber 2012. On Dublin Street was fly­ing up the charts and peo­ple were drawn to Saman­tha Young’s writ­ing because it was a dark sexy and some­what per­sonal tale. I thought, I should write about the things that scare me, the issues that are dear to me and per­sonal. I came up with the title first, then played with that until I had the story of a Con Artist and a Tat­too Artist who were joined by their mis­ery in high school.

3.       Palm Val­ley is a fic­tional town, but I’ve roughly based it around Twenty-nine Palms out in California’s High Desert. My par­ents have a condo in Palm Springs, so the area is pretty much a sec­ond home to me. I love the desert and have found some­thing so ter­ri­bly roman­tic and angsty about it. It makes the per­fect book setting.

4.       Even though I planned to write Sins & Nee­dles in Sep­tem­ber, I didn’t really get it going until end of Decem­ber. Then a bunch of per­sonal crap hap­pened (plus I lost 5,000 words) and sud­denly I had three weeks to write, like 70,000 words. I did not leave the house. I barely bathed myself. I couldn’t even talk to peo­ple (just ask Scott). But I got it done. It helps that when I write, I actu­ally plot out the book like a screen­play, scene for scene, so I’m able to write faster know­ing exactly where I’m going.

5.       When I write Javier, I can’t help but see Javier Bardem’s char­ac­ter in Sky­fall. Doesn’t look a thing like him but man, do I love those bad guys who are totally mad yet charm­ing, the ones you really can’t pre­dict and you can’t help but be enthralled by. My Javier is a really inter­est­ing guy who you’ll see a whole lot more of when the pre­quel novella On Every Street comes out in the spring.

6.       I have scars, on both my legs. They aren’t as bad as Ellie’s because they just occur around my ankles (thank god for ankle boots) and their ori­gin isn’t as hor­ri­fy­ing. I had casts on my legs from pretty much the day I was born until I was six years old. I learned to walk in casts. It’s pre­vented me from enjoy­ing a lot of things in life and has cer­tainly made my life a liv­ing hell (much as it has made Ellie’s) and yes, a lot of those flash­back scenes did hap­pen to me. But as hard as things have been for me (it sad­dens me that I can’t wear very high heels), I’ve slowly come to terms with it (as I should, since I’m in my 30’s now). Doesn’t mean I have an easy go of things but because my dis­abil­ity has kept me from a lot of sports and activ­i­ties, it just meant I’d play by myself and cre­ate worlds in my head. I come from a line of writ­ers in my fam­ily, but my afflic­tion def­i­nitely helped shape me into the author that I am. My scars made me who I am and I’m OK with that, because I’m a bit awesome.

7.       This book really makes me want a new tat­too. I only have two, a num­ber ‘13’ behind my ear and the star sym­bol for the band Faith No More on the back of my neck. The 13th was in honor of Dark­house, the first book I ever pub­lished, which I released on May 13th 2011. I’d love to get a Sins & Nee­dles tat­too but I don’t know what yet. I have plans to get another EIT-inspired tattoo…something that Perry Palomino gets in an upcom­ing book. I want it before every­one else gets it lol (there’s boat load of peo­ple with “And With Mad­ness Comes the Light” tats!

8.       Speak­ing of tats…Sins & Nee­dles is part of the The Artists Tril­ogy – I called it that because Ellie is a con artist and Cam­den is a tat­too artist. It took me a while to real­ize that the acronym is TAT. How about them apples?

9.       The next book in the series Shoot­ing Scars, should be released in the sum­mer (I don’t like to keep peo­ple wait­ing longer than six months, plus there’s On Every Street’s release before that). It’s told in the dual POV of Ellie and Cam­den. Very excited about this!

10.   In the book, I fea­ture music from a band called Guano Padano. I fell in love with their music a few years ago and decided I’d love to write a book where the music was fea­tured. Ta da! Here’s a Youtube clip for you to get an idea of how per­fect a sound­track it makes for Sins & Needles.


I turned the lawn chair around so that the high back was block­ing his view of me. Then, after a quick look around at his neigh­bors and see­ing only dark­ness from their win­dows, I shim­mied out of my jeans. Unfor­tu­nately, I was drunk and had for­got­ten to take off my boots first. I fell over side­ways onto the grass.

“What are you doing over there?” I heard Cam­den yell and the sound of metal tongs being placed on a rung.

Stay back! I’m fine!” I yelled, hop­ing my voice wasn’t loud enough to alert the neighbors.

I thanked my lucky stars that my com­bat boots had a zip­per and quickly unzipped them. Lying on my back, with my leg bent up to my head, I pulled off the jeans and tossed them to the way­side. Then I got on my knees and started to look for my ugly Peg pants. Where the hell did they go?

Look­ing for these?” Cam­den asked from behind me.

Swal­low­ing my pride, I turned around on my knees and looked up. Cam­den was hold­ing the pants in one hand. He dropped them beside him and then walked over to me. He held out his hand.

Come on,” he said gen­tly, a shad­owed inten­sity in his eyes.

I shook my head quickly. “No. I’m just in my underwear.”

I can see that,” he said. “Let me help you up.”

My heart thumped loudly in my ears and I looked away from his face and straight ahead at his legs. “I don’t want you to see.”

Sud­denly he was down on his knees and though there were a few inches between us, he was closer than he’d ever been. “I don’t care, Ellie,” he said determinedly.

I kept shak­ing my head, unable to form words, unable to tell him how I was feel­ing. I just wanted him to go away and leave me alone, let me get dressed in peace. I wanted to run. I wanted the dark­ness to swal­low me whole.

You know how I feel about your scars. They only make you more beau­ti­ful,” he whis­pered, now stroking the side of my face. His eyes were search­ing mine, beg­ging me to open but the fear was so big and so damn real.

You’ve never seen my scars.” My voice was barely audi­ble, even in my own head.

No, I haven’t. But I’ve seen what they’ve made you.”

His nose nudged the side of mine and maybe because I’d been think­ing about it ever since Safe­way, or maybe because I was buy­ing some time, I leaned in and kissed him. This wasn’t the ten­der kiss of ear­lier. I had no wine bot­tles held above my head. This kiss was soft for a moment, then hur­ried. His lips sucked gen­tly on mine, his tongue rav­ish­ing my mouth like he couldn’t stop him­self. I was sud­denly insa­tiable, each kiss reach­ing down into my core, mak­ing me want all of him, every part. A mil­lion thoughts flew past my head and then there was noth­ing at all. There wasn’t even Cam­den and Ellie. There was just this hot, pri­mal, cru­cial need for each other.

Before I could stop him, or at least pre­tend to stop him, he was push­ing me back until I was falling onto the grass. I reluc­tantly slid my knees out to the side, my legs com­ing into full view; my scars vis­i­ble in the dark. He didn’t notice, didn’t care. He kept kiss­ing me pas­sion­ately, so hot, so sweet, as one of his hands dis­ap­peared into the back of my hair, cup­ping my head. He laid me on the ground, the hard grass tick­ling the sides of my ears, and that was the last time he was gen­tle. He strad­dled me and pulled my tank top over my head and tossed it aside. Then he leaned back and ripped off his own shirt. As if I wasn’t breath­ing hard enough already, squirm­ing beneath his form, he looked bet­ter than I could have imag­ined. Here was the new Cam­den McQueen, shirt­less, a tower of defined mus­cle and gor­geous, darkly dan­ger­ous tattoos.

There was a phoenix ris­ing from the ashes along the swoop of mus­cle along his hip­bones, a tiger/dragon hybrid fly­ing up the side of his stom­ach, scrip­ture peek­ing out of the top of his box­ers. I’d seen only glimpses of them before, and now they glowed before me, lit by the hun­dreds of warm lights in his gar­den. He was like a liv­ing, breath­ing paint­ing on an all-male canvas.


While you’re here, check out this AMAZEBALLS review from blogger-extraordinaire (and fel­low Canuck) Giselle at the rock­ing Xpresso Reads — “Dark, gritty and sexy as hell” — 5 big stars. READ IT. BASK IN HER INFECTIOUS ENTHUSIASM. She RARELY gives 5 stars, so this review means a lot (glad you loved it Giselle!!)

There’s another review at Read­ing Books Like a Boss where the book is reviewed LIKE A BOSSread HERE.

AND OF COURSE if you have ANY inter­est in music what­so­ever, you’ll LOVE the playlist and musi­cal inspi­ra­tions for Sins & Nee­dles on Read­ing in Winter’s blog. READ HERE. DO IT.

The Devil’s Metal picked up by Diversion Books

Not much to say about it at the moment, but I just signed a deal with Diver­sion Books for The Devil’s Metal. I’m not sure when the takeover will hap­pen, but when it does, The Devil’s Metal will be pub­lished by a rep­utable pub­lish­ing house — and I can offi­cially call myself a pub­lished author! (with­out hav­ing to put the whole “indie” and “self” in front of it).

Seri­ously, I love being an indie and I will ALWAYS be pub­lish­ing some of my work in this for­mat. I like the con­trol and the steady pay­check. I like being my own boss.

But some­times I hate being my own boss (see recent post on edit­ing my books: And I hate it when peo­ple say “Oh you’re an author?” “Yes, I’ve writ­ten a few books.” “Self-published?” “Uh, yes.” “Oh…that kind of author. Not a real one.” (YES I’ve had that con­ver­sa­tion a few times).


I can’t wait for the next per­son to ask… heh heh

What does this mean for you? I’m not sure. The book will still be avail­able at all the online out­lets, maybe at a higher price of $2.99. The cover will stay the same (yay). The awe­some inside will still stay the same. And there should be a sequel out (The Devil’s Reprise) some­time this year (no idea about the details of that, however).

HOWEVER because Diver­sion Books is an e-book only pub­lisher, paper­backs of the book will soon be pulled. SO if you always wanted a paper­back ver­sion — par­tic­u­larly if you wanted me to sign one at Boston, RT, SFINE — get one NOW! I’ve ordered a bunch in so I’ll have a few to have as spe­cial give­aways but otherwise…do it now! It will be a collector’s item soon.

You can pur­chase paper­backs HERE while sup­plies last!

Mean­while, I’m also look­ing to ink a deal with Diver­sion Books for my upcom­ing book Lost in Wan­der­lust. THIS IS VERY EXCITING. I hope to have more info on that soon :)

And in other news, I’ve been post­ing Sins & Nee­dles teasers at my other web­site:

And yeah. That’s it. Back to my writ­ing cave. I’m get­ting good feed­back on this book, so I’m VERY happy about that. And I’m enjoy­ing writ­ing it. Always a good sign!

Upcoming Releases

Things have been very busy/crazy in Karina Halle’s world these days (she’s taken a vaca­tion from the inter­net and has taken to talk­ing in the third person).

How­ever, it has come to my atten­tion that a few peo­ple are con­fused about all my upcom­ing releases. You see, I use GoodReads for all my books and that is THE best place for you to get an idea of what books I’m writ­ing and when they are being released (plus it has all their blurbs and covers).

Visit my author profile/links to my books BY CLICKING HERE

For those who don’t give a fuck about GoodReads (awww), I’ll put a lit­tle thing here for you. Note that all release dates are ten­ta­tive as shit hap­pens some­times, but as of Jan­u­ary 7th 2013, they go as follows:

Karina Halle’s 2013 Book Releases

Jan­u­ary 29th — Sins & Nee­dles (The Artists Tril­ogy #1)

Feb­ru­ary 14th — And With Mad­ness Comes the Light (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Novella #6.5)

March — Lost in Wanderlust

April — On Every Street (The Artists Tril­ogy #0.5)

May 21st — Come Alive (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7)

June — TBA

July — TBA

August — Lit­tle Fif­teen (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7.5)

The Dex Prize Pack

Happy New Year everyone!

In prepa­ra­tion for And With Mad­ness Comes the Light (EIT #6.5) com­ing out Feb­ru­ary 14th, 2013, I’ve put together a lit­tle prize pack for every­one who’s wished Dex Foray could be their book boyfriend.

You could win all of the following…

- A $30 Ama­zon Gift Card

- A Dex-Files skin for the Kindle/Nook/iPad of your choice OR an iPhone skin

- A poster of And With Mad­ness Comes the Light, signed by me

- A per­son­al­ized let­ter from Dex Foray to you

- A pair of Team Dex undies

- AND a Twat­waf­fle hoodie. Oh that’s right. The llama gets it’s own sweat­shirt and you’ll be the first to wear it :D

This prize pack is open inter­na­tion­ally and only goes out to one win­ner. To enter, please leave a com­ment below stat­ing why you’d pick Dex to be your book boyfriend of the year. To gain an extra entry, please tweet about why you’d pick Dex Foray to be your boyfriend — make sure to use the hash­tag #EIT so I can catch those extra entries.

I’ll leave this run­ning from Decem­ber 31st to Feb­ru­ary 1st, 2013.

Boston Author Event

Hey, every­one I’ve got my first author event com­ing up! OK, well I did go to the Sur­rey Inter­na­tional Writer’s Con­fer­ence back in Octo­ber (where I got to meet fel­low local EIT­ers Joy and Deanne and got to share a table with DIANA GABALDON) but this will be my first big…thing. Mmmm me rite gud now.

Any­hoo, here’s the offi­cial web­site:

It’s at the Omni Parker Hotel in Boston, MA. Sat­ur­day March 16th.

And there are shit ton of authors going, so you won’t just get to see me but many of your favorites.

Oh and I’m bring­ing THIS guy along :)

(sorry men, I’m not bring­ing the girl)

If you live on the East Coast (or any­where, really) please come visit and say hello. There’s over 300 peo­ple reg­is­tered for this thing already, so get on it. And bring your paper­backs if you want (though I will have some you can buy from me…including all the EIT novel­las which I will have in paper­back form in a spe­cial com­bined edition).

I’ll also have tons of fun swag to give away. And hugs! And per­haps some ver­bal abuse to mix things up (you pervy weirdos).

I’m ALSO going to be at RT (Roman­tic Times) BookLovers Con­ven­tion in Kansas City, MO for May 1–5 at the Sher­a­ton Kansas City Hotel.

Check out this MASSIVE event here:

I’ll keep you posted for any future sign­ings and con­fer­ences. If you know of any that would allow me to be there, do let ME know. I’m not usu­ally invited to these events and for some things like RT you have to shell out some hefty dough. Worth it, though.

And if you your­self are feel­ing proac­tive, like Meg at the Book Asy­lum was when she put together the Boston Event, you can put together your own author event…just remem­ber to invite me :)

(I mean, some­one make a Cal­i­for­nia sign­ing hap­pen and I’ll show up!)