The Devil’s Metal picked up by Diversion Books

Not much to say about it at the moment, but I just signed a deal with Diver­sion Books for The Devil’s Metal. I’m not sure when the takeover will hap­pen, but when it does, The Devil’s Metal will be pub­lished by a rep­utable pub­lish­ing house — and I can offi­cially call myself a pub­lished author! (with­out hav­ing to put the whole “indie” and “self” in front of it).

Seri­ously, I love being an indie and I will ALWAYS be pub­lish­ing some of my work in this for­mat. I like the con­trol and the steady pay­check. I like being my own boss.

But some­times I hate being my own boss (see recent post on edit­ing my books: And I hate it when peo­ple say “Oh you’re an author?” “Yes, I’ve writ­ten a few books.” “Self-published?” “Uh, yes.” “Oh…that kind of author. Not a real one.” (YES I’ve had that con­ver­sa­tion a few times).


I can’t wait for the next per­son to ask… heh heh

What does this mean for you? I’m not sure. The book will still be avail­able at all the online out­lets, maybe at a higher price of $2.99. The cover will stay the same (yay). The awe­some inside will still stay the same. And there should be a sequel out (The Devil’s Reprise) some­time this year (no idea about the details of that, however).

HOWEVER because Diver­sion Books is an e-book only pub­lisher, paper­backs of the book will soon be pulled. SO if you always wanted a paper­back ver­sion — par­tic­u­larly if you wanted me to sign one at Boston, RT, SFINE — get one NOW! I’ve ordered a bunch in so I’ll have a few to have as spe­cial give­aways but otherwise…do it now! It will be a collector’s item soon.

You can pur­chase paper­backs HERE while sup­plies last!

Mean­while, I’m also look­ing to ink a deal with Diver­sion Books for my upcom­ing book Lost in Wan­der­lust. THIS IS VERY EXCITING. I hope to have more info on that soon :)

And in other news, I’ve been post­ing Sins & Nee­dles teasers at my other web­site:

And yeah. That’s it. Back to my writ­ing cave. I’m get­ting good feed­back on this book, so I’m VERY happy about that. And I’m enjoy­ing writ­ing it. Always a good sign!