Upcoming Releases

Things have been very busy/crazy in Karina Halle’s world these days (she’s taken a vaca­tion from the inter­net and has taken to talk­ing in the third person).

How­ever, it has come to my atten­tion that a few peo­ple are con­fused about all my upcom­ing releases. You see, I use GoodReads for all my books and that is THE best place for you to get an idea of what books I’m writ­ing and when they are being released (plus it has all their blurbs and covers).

Visit my author profile/links to my books BY CLICKING HERE

For those who don’t give a fuck about GoodReads (awww), I’ll put a lit­tle thing here for you. Note that all release dates are ten­ta­tive as shit hap­pens some­times, but as of Jan­u­ary 7th 2013, they go as follows:

Karina Halle’s 2013 Book Releases

Jan­u­ary 29th — Sins & Nee­dles (The Artists Tril­ogy #1)

Feb­ru­ary 14th — And With Mad­ness Comes the Light (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Novella #6.5)

March — Lost in Wanderlust

April — On Every Street (The Artists Tril­ogy #0.5)

May 21st — Come Alive (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7)

June — TBA

July — TBA

August — Lit­tle Fif­teen (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #7.5)