Boston Author Event

Hey, every­one I’ve got my first author event com­ing up! OK, well I did go to the Sur­rey Inter­na­tional Writer’s Con­fer­ence back in Octo­ber (where I got to meet fel­low local EIT­ers Joy and Deanne and got to share a table with DIANA GABALDON) but this will be my first big…thing. Mmmm me rite gud now.

Any­hoo, here’s the offi­cial web­site:

It’s at the Omni Parker Hotel in Boston, MA. Sat­ur­day March 16th.

And there are shit ton of authors going, so you won’t just get to see me but many of your favorites.

Oh and I’m bring­ing THIS guy along :)

(sorry men, I’m not bring­ing the girl)

If you live on the East Coast (or any­where, really) please come visit and say hello. There’s over 300 peo­ple reg­is­tered for this thing already, so get on it. And bring your paper­backs if you want (though I will have some you can buy from me…including all the EIT novel­las which I will have in paper­back form in a spe­cial com­bined edition).

I’ll also have tons of fun swag to give away. And hugs! And per­haps some ver­bal abuse to mix things up (you pervy weirdos).

I’m ALSO going to be at RT (Roman­tic Times) BookLovers Con­ven­tion in Kansas City, MO for May 1–5 at the Sher­a­ton Kansas City Hotel.

Check out this MASSIVE event here:

I’ll keep you posted for any future sign­ings and con­fer­ences. If you know of any that would allow me to be there, do let ME know. I’m not usu­ally invited to these events and for some things like RT you have to shell out some hefty dough. Worth it, though.

And if you your­self are feel­ing proac­tive, like Meg at the Book Asy­lum was when she put together the Boston Event, you can put together your own author event…just remem­ber to invite me :)

(I mean, some­one make a Cal­i­for­nia sign­ing hap­pen and I’ll show up!)