Sins & Authors recap PLUS read CHAPTER ONE from Shooting Scars

Well it’s 16 days into August and it has been as busy as shit for me. I’m writ­ing The Devil’s Reprise and gear­ing up for the release of Shoot­ing Scars (sequel to Sins & Nee­dles) on the 20th. I’ve also been post­ing daily count down pics (I’m writ­ing this on Fri­day, so four days left!) AND I’ve been inter­view­ing an author every day. We talk about Sins & Nee­dles, Ellie, Cam­den, Javier and their books as well. And of course there is the mas­sive 30-ebook give­away where you can win 30 e-books from 30 diff authors, all whom have taken part in my inter­views and are cer­ti­fied awesome.

Here’s your count­down post for today (4 days out)

4 days

And here are a list of the inter­views I’ve done so far!

Inter­view with Court­ney Cole

Inter­view with S.L. Jennings

Inter­view with Janine Olsson

Inter­view with Kenya Wright

Inter­view with Carey Heywood

Inter­view with Bar­bie Bohrman

Inter­view with Jesse Lane

Inter­view with Chelsea M. Cameron

Inter­view with JA Huss

Inter­view with Ash­ley Wilcox

Inter­view with JB Salsbury

Inter­view with KT Grant

Inter­view with MJ Abraham

Inter­view with CC Brown

Inter­view with Joanna Wylde

Inter­view with Misty Provencher

And many more to come, includ­ing Rachael Wade, K.A. Tucker and Ella Fox!

And, of course, the raf­fle­copter giveaway

a Raf­fle­copter give­away

OH…right .…and that first chap­ter to SHOOTING SCARS