Would You Rather with Rachel Van Dyken

ruinWell, well, well. Today I have a spe­cial treat for you! I got to play Would You Rather with the one and only Rachel Van Dyken (her lat­est release, Ruin, is hot on the charts). Holy pro­lific author, Bat­man! This was so much fun and it was such an honor to twist this lovely woman’s brain around. So…here we go!

KH: Would you rather lie in a box full of angry scor­pi­ons for a half an hour or walk in the Sahara for three days with­out water?

RD: The idea of not hav­ing water TOTALLY freaks me out–I say angry scor­pi­ons, i can do any­thing for thirty min­utes, right??

KH: Would you rather be in a lov­ing rela­tion­ship with Michael Cera, in a life where you have a mil­lion lux­u­ries, or in a love­less but sex-filled mar­riage with Ryan Gosling, who cheats on you all the time?

RD: I had to think about this one. Im actu­ally ashamed that I had to think about it. Ryan Gosling is…well there are no words, but cheat­ing would make me cas­trate him in his sleep and then I’d be hus­band­less and prob­a­bly be in prison for murder—so lets go with Michael Cera?

KH: Would you rather live in the world of the House of Ren­wick or the world of Lon­don Fairytales?

RD: House of Renwick..I mean I love fairy tales don’t get me wrong…but the rakes in Ren­wick are my ultimate.…

KH: Would you rather have a night of hot sex with The Bet’s Travis or with Ruin’s Wes? (tough one, I know)

RD: WES!!!!!!!! I love Travis, but Wes is so sen­si­tive that I’m guess­ing it wouldn’t just be about the phys­i­cal but every­thing else…Wow is it hot in here?

KH: Okay…so that wasn’t a tough one! Would you rather be the pow­er­ful yet right­eous princess or the wild and wicked stepmother?

RD: Pow­er­ful Right­eous PRINCESS..i was a wicked step mother for my entire childhood–it scarred me for life and she never gets the prince. Two giant thumbs down.

KH: Would you rather have Kris­ten Bell or Amber Heard play you in the movie based on your life?

RD: I love love love both those actresses but in the end I’d have to go with Kristin bell I dig her per­son­al­ity ;)

KH: Would you rather never lis­ten to music ever again or never see a movie or TV show ever again?

RD: I’d rather never watch TV again I don’t think I could sur­vive with­out music!

Check out what other For­ever authors would rather do!