Sins & Authors — Interview with Courtney Cole

Sins & AuthorsWel­come to the first Sins & Authors post, where your favorite authors sit down and chat about The Artists Tril­ogy. Today we have the lovely Court­ney Cole who talks about her con artist alias, sexy Cam­den scenes and her newest book.

Karina: So Court­ney, to get us all caught up on the books for peo­ple who haven’t read them, the In a sen­tence, describe what Sins & Nee­dles is about.

Court­ney: A hard-edged girl who goes home to hide and to heal, only to find more trou­ble than she bar­gained for and the man who is worth the trouble.

Karina: LOVE IT! Seri­ously, you should write my blurbs lol. Okay, so Ellie Watt, our hero­ine, is a con artist who is eas­ily mis­un­der­stood. Name some things you admire about Ellie.

Court­ney: I loved Ellie’s char­ac­ter because even though she’s hard-edged and tough, she’s soft on the inside. She’s dam­aged and vul­ner­a­ble.  Because of that, she’s strong.  I love smart strong heroines.

Karina: Most read­ers are severely (but pas­sion­ately) divided over the two male leads in the book, Cam­den McQueen and Javier Bernal. Whose team are you on and why?

Court­ney: I’m Team Cam­den all the way.  There’s some­thing about an under­dog that gets me… and what’s more under­dog than a kid who was bul­lied in high school grow­ing up to be badass and amaz­ing… but yet still trou­bled and vul­ner­a­ble on the inside?  Cam­den melted my panties.  (Was that TMI?)

Karina: You can never be too TMI with me! Your char­ac­ter from the best-selling If You Stay, Pax, is a bit of an ass­hole and rough around the edges (just the way I like them!). Do you think Pax and Ellie would make a good cou­ple? Why or why not?

Court­ney: Nope.  I don’t think they would make a good cou­ple at all.  Like Ellie, Pax is dam­aged.  He needs some­one more whole, more emo­tion­ally healthy than Ellie in order to help him heal.  Mila was def­i­nitely his per­fect match.

Karina: Two wrongs don’t make a right! What scene in Sins & Nee­dles was most mem­o­rable to you?

Court­ney: I loved the scene when Cam­den and Ellie had sex after *spoiler* died.  It was mak­ing love– soft and sweet.  It was perfect.

Karina: Def­i­nitely under­stated. Any favorite quotes?

Court­ney: “I regret my actions but I can’t reject the con­se­quences.  Every­one we meet, every­thing we do, it changes us.”   I love that, because it’s the truth.

Karina: If you were to get arrested, what would it be for?

Court­ney: Hmm­mmm.  Prob­a­bly for drink­ing too many long islands and streak­ing down the street.

Karina: Remind me to buy you a long island next time I see you. Now, if you were a con artist, what would your alias be?

Court­ney: Ooohhh.  Some­thing awe­some, like Wil­low Zane.  Or Alessa Michaels.

Karina: And those might up being great pen names! Tell me a bit about your next book.

Court­ney: My next book, IF YOU LEAVE, is the sec­ond book in the Beau­ti­fully Bro­ken series, which comes out on August 6th.  It fol­lows Madi­son and Gabriel… two peo­ple who are bro­ken, but tough and bad ass at the same time.  In the first book, Pax was a bad­boy.  I wanted to do a story about a badass hero this time around– so Gabriel is an ex-Army Ranger.  I love a man in uni­form.  :)

Karina: Sigh. Me too. I can’t wait to get my lit­tle paws on this!! SO soon now, six days! *dances for Courtney*

Court­ney Cole is a nov­el­ist who would eat mythol­ogy for break­fast if she could.

She has a degree in Busi­ness, but has since dis­cov­ered that cor­po­rate Amer­ica is not nearly as fun to live in as fic­tional worlds.

Every Last Kiss is her debut novel and she fol­lowed it with the rest of The Blood­stone Saga (Every Last Kiss, Fated, With My Last Breath and My Tat­tered Bonds).

Court­ney lives in quiet sub­ur­bia, close to Lake Michi­gan, with her real-life Prince Charm­ing, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orner­i­ness from their mother) and a small domes­tic zoo.






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