Stupendous Novella Giveaway!

In prepa­ra­tion for the upcom­ing Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror book, Come Alive (#7) on June 23rd, I thought I would do a give­away. Cuz, hello, more Dex com­ing at you!

You can win a signed copy of the novel­las And With Mad­ness Comes the Light AND On Every Street (from The Artists Tril­ogy), plus two magnets.

The con­test is open inter­na­tion­ally and will run until Fri­day May 31st!

TO ENTER you must pro­vide your favorite Dex quote below. If you do not have one, please tell me why you’d like to get to know Dex Foray. Com­ments are being mod­er­ated because of sneaky spam, so your com­ment won’t show up right away but I’ll still be able to see it, so don’t worry.

Good luck!

********ONCE AGAINTO ENTER YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR FAVORITE DEX QUOTEOR IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THE SERIES YET (AND YOU SHOULD GET ON THAT, btw) — TELL ME WHY YOU’D LIKE TO GET TO KNOW DEX FORAY. If you just thank me for the give­away, it’s not enough. You must com­ment on one of those two spe­cific things. Put your ass into it, you know? Thank you! *************


  1. Cindy says

    My favorite quote from Dex :) Into the Hollow:

    I love you Perry,” he whis­pered, mouth mov­ing in my hair. “I love you so fuck­ing much. And I’m los­ing myself. I’m los­ing myself to you and I don’t care any­more because there’s never been a bet­ter feel­ing in the whole fuck­ing world. I love you. So much. Too much. Always.”

  2. Jennifer Sutton says

    I truly think Dex is a swoon wor­thy man. He has his aww moments and then his oh yeah moments. My favorite aww moment “Just like this. I need you tonight, just like this. Please.” In that moment I would have been a goner, regard­less of how much it may hurt later. But my most favorite oh yeah moment was when the cloth­ing optional con­ver­sa­tion took place and Perry tells him he is beat­ing a dead horse. “I’m beat­ing some­thing horse-sized, that’s for sure.” I look for­ward to the next book and am count­ing the days.

  3. tina hall says

    I was just so tired of want­ing some­thing I absolutely knew I could never have…the dex files.
    I absolutely loved this book because we finally know what dex feels for Perry, and that he’s not as big of a jerk as he seems.

  4. Yasmine says

    That wasn’t just fuck­ing. That wasn’t just long over­due.
    This was love.
    I was head over heels in love with her. No, that didn’t describe it. I was tear my fuck­ing
    heart out and throw it at her, beg her to take it into hers. I was falling from the great­est
    heights with no safety net below. I was giv­ing every­thing of my own life for hers, giv­ing
    up every inch of my soul so she could wear it proudly.”

  5. Janet Marsico says

    My favorite quote is from Lying Sea­son “It’s not magic, Perry. You’re the most beau­ti­ful woman I’ve ever known and before you say any­thing, you’ve always been that way to me”

  6. Alexandra A says

    Let me stay with you,” he asked gen­tly. “Let me sleep with you.”
    “Just like this. I need you tonight, just like this. Please.”

    I LOVE this scene in Into the Hol­low <3 And I ADORE Dex<3

  7. nastahsia says

    You’re the light in all this mad­ness. You’re my light. I should have been with you…” The thought hit him as his face crum­pled in amaze­ment. “Oh God, why am I not with you?”
    “Because you’re an idiot,” I said.”

    *makes me swoon every time!

  8. Julena says

    Stay gold, Pony­boy. Stay gold.”

    No, seri­ously though.… “I took it with all the grace of a dandy and folded it in my shirt pocket. I was a gen­tle­man over every­thing. An ass-appreciating gen­tle­man. We are the finest kind of man. I should open my own ass-appreciating gentleman’s club one day.”

    Thank you, Karina, for all the Dexness!

  9. says

    So many fan­tas­tic Dexisms but I’ll choose this one…

    I want you to stay with me,” he said. “And that’s the prob­lem. Every time you leave me, I need you a lit­tle bit more.”

    Halle, Karina (2011–12-12). Lying Sea­son (Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #4) (Kin­dle Loca­tions 1329–1331). Metal Blonde Books. Kin­dle Edition.

    He was con­flicted but his des­per­ate hon­esty was game chang­ing. Loved it.

  10. Chanpreet says

    I haven’t read any of your books fea­tur­ing Dex Foray. I dis­cov­ered your book Sins & Nee­dles and was absolutely floored by it. Usu­ally i’ll look up the author if I love a book and read every­thing else they’ve ever writ­ten. Some­how, I didn’t do it this time.

    After read­ing other people’s favorite quotes, you can be d@mn sure I’m going to cor­rect that mis­take asap!

  11. says

    Kiddo. Perry. We’re going to be OK. You still have me in every other way. You…you really have me more than she does. I’m here and I’m going to be here for you. We’re going to get through this. And tomor­row we’re going to leave this crazy place. For good.

    Dead Sky Morn­ing.
    I love the sex­ual ten­sion between Perry and Dex. They are like a cou­ple “…who are for­ever on their first date.”

  12. Karen G. says

    These quotes are fab­u­lous! I have not read this series yet but have read so many great things about it. I do have the first 4 books on my kin­dle, wth is stop­ping me?!!

  13. Alyssa Lyles says

    When are you going to get rid of the Elvis do, Max? Guess that’s a thing you still do. You know, look like a douchebag.”

  14. says

    I love how Dex just lays it out there for Perry in this quote. Too bad she never lis­tens or believes…

    Hon­estly kiddo? You’re beau­ti­ful. You use your weight as an excuse but you’re just all woman. Not every woman has to look like a strip­per. Or a model. Or Megan Fox. You’re petite, have a tiny waist, a fan­tas­tic rack, a dev­as­tat­ing ass…what the hell more do you want? You should know it. Every­one else knows it…that’s why you’re get­ting all these asi­nine com­ments. Can’t you just see that it’s just jeal­ously that’s rip­ping these peo­ple apart?”

  15. Kari says

    Fav Quote:

    Well, the flannel-coated pussy stealer won’t be tak­ing care of her for much longer,” I said, unbuck­ling my seat­belt. She looked at me blankly. Per­haps she didn’t appre­ci­ate her sis­ter being referred to as “pussy”. I cleared my throat. “I meant flannel-coated…ginger douche.”
    She dipped her chin and said dryly, “Dude, the term is douchecanoe.”

    Just love it :)

  16. Paula Novack says

    I love you Perry,” he whis­pered, mouth mov­ing in my hair. “I love you so fuck­ing much. And I’m los­ing myself. I’m los­ing myself to you and I don’t care any­more because there’s never been a bet­ter feel­ing in the whole fuck­ing world. I love you. So much. Too much. Always.”

    I love you, too, Dex. So much. Too much. Always. Love, Paula

  17. Lori says

    My favorite Dex quote comes from “And With Mad­ness Comes The Light”: Karina Halle
    “Because even after all this, I still loved her. Love and hate were two sides of the same coin, and my coin was des­tined to land with love fac­ing up. And the minute I made peace with those odds was the minute I’d start winning.”

    It’s so Dex… and yet it was so refresh­ing to finally know that’s the way he felt about Perry — finally! Once he made up his mind, there was no stop­ping him.

  18. Heather Nelson says

    This is me try­ing, Perry,” he said softly, the anger being drained of his face. “This is me tak­ing my heart out of my chest and putting the bloody mess in your hands. I can’t give you much more than that

    Why are you so embar­rassed?” he asked play­fully. “So you passed out dur­ing an attempted blowjob. Who doesn’t?”

  19. Alicia B says

    Oh Dex, how i love thee! He and Perry are by far my favorite book char­ac­ters EVER! I wish they were real so i could fol­low them around and make them be friends with me! Does that sound like stalk­ing? Noooo.

    Ok favorite quote? This is a tough one, because pretty much every­thing Dex says makes my panties dis­in­te­grate. Too much? my bad. Well here’s one that I thought was rather hilarious…From And With Mad­ness Comes the Light:
    “Hello?” Bird’s stoic voice answered.
    “Hi, Bird?” This is Dex Foray, we met back in Red Fox last Octo­ber…”
    “Dex,” he pro­nounced my name slowly. “I knew it was you.”
    “Oh,” I said, taken aback. Shit, maybe he was more new agey than I thought. “Could you sense me?”
    “No, I have caller ID

    :) You rock, Karina!

  20. Maryann Shaw says

    You are spe­cial kiddo, and not entirely in the spe­cial Olympics kind of way.


    Any­time he tells Perry she uses her weight as an excuse.

  21. says

    Hi there! I love me some Dex!! I have reread the series and might just go a third time in prepa­ra­tion for Come Alive. So many awe­some Dex quotes but I must say one of my fav’s is from Into The Hol­low: “No, you’re not shoot­ing me down, kiddo. Because I’m not really try­ing. When I do try, you’ll know it. And then you’ll throw the whole damn rule­book out the win­dow.” Clas­sic cocky Dex, super con­fi­dent yet makes you swoon at the same time! I love Dex. Can’t wait to read the next book. I loved this series so much I have writ­ten about it on my blog 7 times. I am in a book­club and the June selec­tion will be Dark House! I just cant stop spread­ing my love for Dex and Perry. Even if I don’t win I hope you read this and see how much we all love your books! Thanks again!

  22. Laura says

    I think when I first begin read­ing this series I quickly fell in love with Perry. How­ever, after read­ing The Dex-Files, par­tic­u­larly this quote, I began to fall in love with Dex’s char­ac­ter. “I’m a hyp­ocrite because I can’t stand weak­ness in oth­ers, even though I’m born of weak­ness myself. I dish it out and then laugh when they try and dish it back. Like I’m above it. And some­times I think I am.”

  23. elena k says

    i have read sins and nee­dles and loved it so i can­not wait to read about dex foray. nobody can resist a sexy,dark with an aura of weird­ness hero. thanks for the giveaway.i would love to win. kisses from greece

  24. Loren says

    What the hells wrong with you? I did no such thing, and you know that’s not the dex foray spe­cial. The dex foray spe­cial involves two lubed fin­gers, a lot of tongue and a cig­a­rette for afterwards.

  25. Elisa P. says

    I fucked up. More than I have ever fucked up before. I had the love of my life in my hands for one beau­ti­ful, exquis­ite moment before I ripped her apart and my heart bore the paper cuts.“
    Ta again for this series! <3

  26. Kimberly B says

    One of my favorite Dex quotes is from Dead Sky Morning

    ”You’ve got a beau­ti­ful face,” he con­tin­ued, his voice a reg­is­ter lower. The rough­ness of it made the hairs on my arms stand up. “Gor­geous eyes. I mean I’ve rarely seen eyes like yours. Fuck. It’s like look­ing out at the ocean, try­ing to read it as the weather’s chang­ing. Per­fect lips. The most adorable freck­les and the tini­est lit­tle nose. You’re like a sexy…bunny.””

  27. Veronica says

    I was head over heels in love with her. No, that didn’t describe it. I was tear my fuck­ing heart out and throw it at her, beg her to take it into hers. I was falling from the great­est heights with no safety net below. I was giv­ing every­thing of my own life for hers, giv­ing up every inch of my soul so she could wear it proudly. I was a for­mer king on my knees in front of the queen. A jester beg­ging for a chance. I was pow­er­less, help­less and at her mercy.” Def­i­nitely my fave quote. Just love get­ting inside this man’s head.

  28. Chris Mowery says

    My favorite line right now by Dex is:
    “Baby”, he said his tone gruff yet solemn, “there’s noth­ing you could ever do to make me resent you. You’re my light, remem­ber that.”

    It shows just how far he has come and how much he feels for Perry. Can’t wait for more Dex and Perry!

  29. Tasha says

    I sure wish I could get hit on by douchebags all night, dance to asi­nine mon­key beats and drink $20 beers”.….

  30. Sharon Hollowell says

    you never know There’s sup­posed to be a shit­load of ghosts in this hotel , maybe you could help one of them”. He just says what­ever comes to mind. I like how he calls Perry kiddo all the time :). I also remem­ber , ” Whatcha doing wifey“
    You just never know what he’s gonna do or say. I just love read­ing about Dex and Perry. He’s so messed up and sexy. Then he’s becom­ing a bet­ter man for Perry . I can’t wait to see what happens.!!!!!

  31. Elizabeth says

    I love her, more than any­one should love any­thing. The kind of love that either fills you up or eats away at you. I love her at my own risk. I love her…dangerously.”

    *swoon* Can’t wait for more Dex!! You rock, Karina!

  32. Lariza says

    My fav Dex quote: “I fucked up. More than I have ever fucked up before. I had the love of my life in my hands for one beau­ti­ful, exquis­ite moment before I ripped her apart and my heart bore the paper cuts.” Oh Dex!!

  33. Brooke DeVoter says

    I just want you to enjoy all the pies in life, Perry,” I said, gaz­ing at her, try­ing to get her shy eyes to meet mine. “That’s all.”

  34. megan Murphy says

    I have read the whole series and tried to pick my favorite quote but couldn’t decide ‚so I decided to write about why I would love to meet dex ! Dex is such a great fit for this series between his see­ing ghosts and his hor­rific child­hood and as you learn more and more about him you can’t help but fall in love with him not just because of how sexy he is por­trayed but because of the per­son he turns out to be! As the series pro­gressed there were points where you couldn’t believe he was say­ing or doing what he was doing and then you learn he was doing it to only pro­tect the ones he loved and cared for and no mat­ter how much suf­fer­ing it men­tion for him­self he would live with the pain! So I would love to meet him because in this world there’s not many self­less peo­ple left and dex seems to be one of those few peo­ple who still put oth­ers feel­ings and well being before there own!

  35. linda Ackels says

    ☆☆“Perry was my light. I didn’t know it at the time, but I know it now. And in her light, I lost the mad­ness. It only came back when she left. ” I paused, look­ing around the tall trees and the sun stream­ing through them, unable to stop my mouth from going on. “She makes me want to live life as it should be lived. By the balls, you know.” –And with mad­ness comes the light ♡☆☆

  36. Pam says

    My favorite Dex Foray quote: “You’re the light in all this mad­ness. You’re my light. I should have been with you…”

    So far any­way. I have read through On Demons Wings and I can’t wait to read more!


  37. Samantha Cooke says

    I am cur­rently read­ing the series but have only read up through Lying Sea­son but my favorite Dex quote so far has been:

    You’ve got a beau­ti­ful face,” he con­tin­ued, his voice a reg­is­ter lower. The rough­ness of it made the hairs on my arms stand up. “Gor­geous eyes. I mean I’ve rarely seen eyes like yours. Fuck. It’s like look­ing out at the ocean, try­ing to read it as the weather’s chang­ing. Per­fect lips. The most adorable freck­les and the tini­est lit­tle nose. You’re like a sexy… bunny.”

  38. Angie says

    I love you Perry,” he whis­pered, mouth mov­ing in my hair. “I love you so fuck­ing much. And I’m los­ing myself. I’m los­ing myself to you and I don’t care any­more because there’s never been a bet­ter feel­ing in the whole fuck­ing world. I love you. So much. Too much. Always.”

  39. says

    This is me try­ing, Perry,” he said softly, the anger being drained off his face. “This is me tak­ing my heart out of my chest and putting the bloody mess in your hands. I can’t give you much more than that.” Can’t resist a man who puts it like that…Dex!!!

  40. Mindy Knisley says

    I love this quote: “To cement my point, Dire Straits came on and after Perry pro­claimed her sud­den (and sur­pris­ing) love for the band, the douche­fucker stood up and asked her to dance like he was a Cajun Rhett Butler.”

  41. Erica Rios says

    Hon­estly kiddo? You’re beau­ti­ful. You use your weight as an excuse but you’re just all woman. Not every woman has to look like a strip­per. Or a model. Or Megan Fox. You’re petite, have a tiny waist, a fan­tas­tic rack, a dev­as­tat­ing ass…what the hell more do you want? You should know it. Every­one else knows it…that’s why you’re get­ting all these asi­nine com­ments. Can’t you just see that it’s just jeal­ously that’s rip­ping these peo­ple apart?” 

    I could name a mil­lion snarky shi­tas­tic Dex quotes that I love but when I read this it made me fall head over heels in love with Dex..I’ve always been self con­cious of my weight like Perry but hear­ing Dex in his own words make her feel beau­ti­ful well it made me feel beau­ti­ful too and wish all men would view all shapes and sizes the same within like Dex..Gawd I love him!!

  42. Jamie Whitwood says

    There’s too many to list where I would have a book made with noth­ing but Dex quotes but the one I did Lol at would be “uh oh. Hulk alert. Not my chips!” Also I think Dex would the most awe­somest per­son to know becuase well he’s an ass­hole and I’m attracted to that. Well and he’s com­plete with facial hair.

  43. Mags says

    You’re the light in all this mad­ness. You’re my light. I should have been with you…” The thought hit him as his face crum­pled in amaze­ment. “Oh God, why am I not with you?”
    “Because you’re an idiot,” I said.”

    Or … this one…

    .……You have every right to hate me for this life­time and many oth­ers. You have every right to never see me again. To spit on my grave. But tonight, now, I’m not going to give up on you or,” his voice fell with weight, “die trying.”

  44. Helena Diter says

    maybe it’s that she made it, and when she handed over that first slice and met my eyes, I could see she made it for me. and no one had ever made me anything.

  45. Patty Euefueno says

    Thanks so much for this oppor­tu­nity! I absolutely love all of Karina’s nov­els!
    Dex Foray makes me weak in the knees! Here is one of my fav quotes.

    Oh, it’s look­ing fuck­ing fan­tas­tic kiddo” Dex says, his voice comimg in low and smooth over the line. ” I just want to hug you for keep­ing that cam­era rolling while May was talk­ing”. I’ll have to run it over some other footage and do that lit­tle sub-title thing under­neath, but it really helps our case, espe­cially when you get that blue shit on the screen! That really is something.

  46. Christina says

    Just one quote? It’s so hard to pick!

    I have to go with this one:

    This was love. I was head over heels in love with her. No, that didn’t describe it. I was tear my fuck­ing heart out and throw it at her, beg her to take it into hers. I was falling from the great­est heights with no safety net below. I was giv­ing every­thing of my own life for hers, giv­ing up every inch of my soul so she could wear it proudly. I was a for­mer king on my knees in front of the queen. A jester beg­ging for a chance. I was pow­er­less, help­less and at her mercy.”

    When I first read it, my heart dropped. The events in Lying Sea­son are a sledge­ham­mer to my heart from both POV’s! Love Dex.

  47. Heidi says

    From On Demon Wings (still makes me sigh):

    Perry,” he said qui­etly, his fin­gers trail­ing down the side of my face, “you’ll never have to save my life. You gave me life. I never lived a sin­gle day until the first day I met you.”

  48. Jenny Pessoa says

    There are so many Dex quotes I love, bc duh.….i love me some Dex! But this one is pretty darn good.…taken from “And with Mad­ness Comes the Light”.….

    Yes,” I told her, look­ing her straight on, my heart bang­ing in my chest. “I love her, more than any­one should love any­thing. The kind of love that either fills you up or eats away at you. I love her at my own risk. I love her…dangerously.”


  49. Carrie Jones says

    I can’t remem­ber if the inven­tion of Doucheca­noe was Perry or Dex. But I will go with the fol­low­ing quote as one of my favorites “well, they say the way to a woman’s heart is through her vagina.”

  50. Amber says

    I love her, more than any­one should love any­thing. The kind of love that either fills you up or eats away at you. I love her at my own risk. I love her…dangerously.“
    Just one of many Dex quotes that I love

  51. Barbara Lopez says

    hmm I can pick sexy qoutes or sweet ones or hot or wise or funny. Basi­caly Dex is what I love in a man in real life. But in The DEX Files I read some­thing that made fall in love…again, with him. Sorry I know is long!

    My name is Dex Foray and I’m a hyp­ocrite. Proud of it, too. I call my mother a mon­ster but I’m the one who took her last name. Maybe because unlike my dad, she never left me. There’s some­thing to be said for stick­ing around…even if it kills you.

    I’m a hyp­ocrite because I cant stand weak­ness in oth­ers, even though I’m born of weak­ness myself. I dish it out and then laugh when they try and dish it back. Like I’m above it. And some­times I think I am.
    I’m a hyp­ocrite because I hunt ghosts and I’ve pre­tended all this time that the ghosts haven’t been hunt­ing me.”

    Now comes my favorite part…

    And I’m a hyp­ocrite because I judge peo­ple. I judge the fuck out of every­one I meet, from their music tastes, to their jobs to their lifest­lyle choices. I judge them but fuck them if they dare judge me. They think they under­stand this mon­ster in me, the mon­ster in all of us. But they don’t.
    They don’t know where I’ve come from.
    They don’t know my side of the story.
    But now you do.”

    Gra­cias for the give­away and for giv­ing us Dex and Perry!

  52. Debbei Yodamom says

    Who is it?” I asked teas­ingly
    “Big­foot,” Dex answered from his room.
    “What do you want, Mr Foot?“
    “Please, just call me Big.“
    I snorted. “You wish.“
    “You know.”

  53. Dawn Anspaugh says

    ok but its a long one. I had got­ten Perry pregnant,i no it couldn’t be. I saw her sad­ness. I saw her truth, for two sec­onds my hart could have burst with such happy heat. perry had a life inside of her that was both hers and mine. the one thing I always wanted but never dared to dream and it hap­pened. it was ours ounce. my hart shrank because she lost the baby. she lost it what was ours what was love what was life. so sad but so know­ing how he really feels Is awesome.

  54. Kristen Anderson says

    I sug­gest you get pack­ing as fast as you can. I’ll help. Where are your bras and under­wear?” I can’t wait for more Dex!!

  55. Melissa P. says

    I love you Perry,” he whis­pered, mouth mov­ing in my hair. “I love you so fuck­ing much. And I’m los­ing myself. I’m los­ing myself to you and I don’t care any­more because there’s never been a bet­ter feel­ing in the whole fuck­ing world. I love you. So much. Too much. Always.”
    ― Dex, Into the Hollow

  56. says

    I’ve got a lit­tle pad­dock set up for them around the bend. Actu­ally, I could let them roam free, they’re so well trained,” Rigby boasted, look­ing proud of him­self. “That’s why they’re called the dol­phins of the land.”

    More like ass­holes of the land,” Dex mut­tered, show­ing me his sleeve that was cov­ered in gobs of llama spit.

  57. Leea says

    Favorite Dex quote is from On Demon Wings.

    “Perry,” he said qui­etly, his fin­gers trail­ing down the side of my face, “you’ll never have to save my life. You gave me life. I never lived a sin­gle day until the first day I met you.” >/i>

  58. Jennifer Deliganis-Bess says

    Well, the flan­nel coated pussy stealer won’t be tak­ing care of her for much longer,” I said, unbuck­ling my seat­belt, she looked up at me blankly. Per­haps she didn’t appre­ci­ate her sis­ter being referred to as “pussy.” I cleared my throat. “I meant flannel-coated…ginger douche.” — Dex (And With Mad­ness Comes The Light)

  59. Jennifer Watkins says

    When I’m with you, I lose this dark­ness, this mad­ness around me. The mad­ness inside me. But I had to go mad to real­ize that. I had to lose you to know it.”
    I think this sums up so much of their rela­tion­ship. *sigh* *swoon*

  60. Kelsigal says

    I seri­ously love every bit of Dex’s char­ac­ter from his smart ass remarks to his mood swings but noth­ing is as great as the real vul­ner­a­ble Dex that is scared and con­fused so I love when he speaks the truth and tells Perry “Just like this. I need you tonight, just like this. Please” made my heard melt ;)

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