Winning Location Revealed & New Giveaway!

And the win­ner is…


Italy / CampaniaThanks to all your votes, it looks like Book #2 for Atria Books/Simon and Schus­ter will be set on the AMALFI COAST OF ITALY (plus the neigh­bor­ing islands)! But me and my tire­less assistant/book blog­ger Stephanie will be trav­el­ing there in Octo­ber for research, and we want to (vir­tu­ally) bring YOU with us! This is going to totally be a live, inter­ac­tive trip with daily blog posts, video, pho­tos of hot Ital­ian men of the day (rough life we have!) AND YOU the reader get to pick what activ­i­ties we do and places we go! So once again, you’ll get to help us CHOOSE THE ADVENTURE, and hope­fully those places will end up in the book!

Ready for a GIVEAWAY?

As I men­tioned before, YOU are going to help us choose where we go, and what we do while we are in Italy. Start­ing this week­end (Sept 19th), I will have a post on my Face­book page where you can vote (by leav­ing a com­ment on the pinned Face­book post on my author page). Each day that you vote, you will be entered to win one of our mys­tery grand prize packs! (This will con­tain some spe­cial items from our trav­els to Italy that YOU help to vote for!–We want to bring Italy to you!)

Sound like fun?

Stay tuned to my Face­book Page for updates once this give­away goes live this Fri­day (9/19/14)! Once again, thank you for all your con­tin­ued support!