A teaser, a release date, a sale and a vote

Want­ing, need­ing, crav­ing some Into the Hol­low news?

Well, to start off, how about you vote for On Demon Wings in the 2012 GoodReads Awards. It’s such a freak­ing honor to be nom­i­nated (and I’m against Dean Koontz, omg) that I’m glow­ing just from that. But hey, wouldn’t it be cool if my book actu­ally made it to the finals? I would be danc­ing on the moon!

So, what you need to do is go here and VOTE for On Demon Wings as the Best Hor­ror of 2012.

Many peo­ple have asked why the other books aren’t nom­i­nated, but ODW was the only full-length EIT book released in 2012. Dark­house — Lying Sea­son were all released last year, if you can believe it (yup, released 4 books in one year!).

Any­hoo, yes, vote and I’ll reward you with a scene. I’ll decide on three pos­si­ble scenes I could write for you. You vote on which one I should write. And I’ll release it on the web­site for free. BUT.…and this is a big butt (much like my own)…I need to get to the finals first. Even if I don’t win the award, if I am a final­ist, then you guys win the scene! Deal?

So if you’ve already voted, get your friends and fam­ily to vote! Get on GoodReads and get peo­ple excited! I think Dex and Perry deserve a wee bit of recog­ni­tion these days and I would be hon­ored if they could get it.

Once again, go HERE and pick On Demon Wings — one vote for that is a vote for all EIT books :)

OH and I’m not done here, not by a long shot. I finally have a release date for Into the Hol­low. Thurs­day, Novem­ber 15th, the book will be live on Ama­zon and Smash­words. Sorry, Nook and Kobo users, this may take months for you (take it up with B&N) but you can always get your epub copy from Smashwords.


Here’s a lit­tle teaser for you :)


Up you go, drunky,” he said affec­tion­ately. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. My feet failed – I don’t know where they went – and I fell straight into his chest. Damn. I had for­got­ten how hard it was. He tight­ened his arms around me and, damn, I had for­got­ten how hard they were too.

I was stand­ing, no, lean­ing at angle, unwill­ing to help myself. I raised up my head so that my face was peer­ing at his, inches away, and smiled. “Thank you for catch­ing me.”

Will you be OK?” Rigby asked Dex. Dex nod­ded with­out tak­ing his amused eyes off of mine.

I’ve got her,” he said. I kept smiling.

He raised me up eas­ily and plunked me on my feet like he was stack­ing a chair. Then he put his arm around me, hold­ing me to him, and led me to our room.

Good night,” he told the guys over his shoulder.

They mum­bled some­thing I couldn’t hear and soon I was in the pitch black bed­room. Dex let go of me to close the door and I began to sway to the side. Sud­denly he was there, strong hands on me again, and lead­ing me to the bed.

Here, sit down,” he said plac­ing me on it. He began to take off my boots.

I didn’t want to sit up so I leaned back until I was flat on the bed. The room began to spin a bit.

It’s dark in here and spinny,” I mut­tered as he removed one boot. “Sorry if my feet stink.”

I’ve dealt with worse,” he said and quickly removed the other. I was left alone for a few sec­onds while he did some­thing in the cor­ner. Then light glowed behind my closed lids. I opened them. He had got­ten the kerosene lamp going.

His face appeared above me as he leaned over. “How are you feeling?”

Good,” I grinned. “Take off your shirt.”

He laughed. “Whoa, okay. You’re feel­ing fine, that’s for sure.”

How about your pants?”

His smile twisted. “Oh Perry. You should be care­ful of what you ask of me.”

I reached up and grabbed his head and pulled him down toward me. My body was being pumped full of alco­hol and the adren­a­line of being scared ear­lier and the charged con­cept of sleep­ing with him. Of being naked with him. Of hav­ing sex in front of the fire­place. It swirled around in my veins, mak­ing me feel deli­ciously heavy inside and at the same time mak­ing me crave him, like I was a space that needed filling.

My fin­gers buried them­selves in his hair, wrap­ping around the thick strands and hold­ing on tight. I brought his anx­ious face down to mine and whis­pered, “You’re going to have to take my clothes off then.”



LAST BUT NOT LEAST = Because all EIT books were slashed to 99 cents last month, I’m doing the same for The Devil’s Metal this month on Ama­zon — or at last until Into the Hol­low is released. It’s only fair! So if you haven’t snatched up the book, get on it while you still can at this super duper low price! And remem­ber, The Devil’s Reprise (#2) comes out in March/April so you don’t have too long to wait to get more sexy Sage and Dawn times.