To cel­e­brate Cyber Monday/Cyber Week + the hol­i­day sea­son approach­ing and all that jazz, all three Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Books are just $0.99 on Kin­dle until Decem­ber 2nd at mid­night. Pick up all three E-books for under $3 and get some­one addicted to the series read­ers are start­ing to com­pare to “crack” (I’m sure that’s a good thing in this case). Or, you know, save it for yourself.

Dark­house for just $0.99

Red Fox for just $0.99

and Dead Sky Morn­ing for just $0.99

I’m ALSO doing a give­away this week for you spe­cial peo­ple who want to help me pro­mote the sale. For every RT or Face­book post shared (and I am tal­ly­ing them up) for this blog link or the Ama­zon Kin­dle sale (or this link), I will enter you in to win one of 5 E-copies (any ver­sion) of LYING SEASON: Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror #4. This book isn’t out until Decem­ber 13th but you can have it in your hands by Fri­day night.

All you need to do is lend me a hand and spread the word. That’s it!

To learn more about LYING SEASON — check out my (yes, I reviewed my own book, so shoot me :) review on GoodReads HERE.

And, yeah…cool cover, eh?
