Download Darkhouse for FREE

There’s a lit­tle list going on over at GoodReads for Break-Out Author of the year…something like that. Cur­rently Dark­house is sit­ting at a very respectable #58. With a few more votes, it could crack the Top 30.

If it does crack the Top 30, Dark­house will be avail­able for a free e-download for a 48 hour period. This goes for any e-format, Kin­dle, Nook, Archos, iBooks etc.

If you want in on this, all you have to do is become a fan on Face­book, if you aren’t already (see side­bar for an easy way to “like” Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror). Then visit the list at GoodReads HERE (you may have to sign up for an account first). And vote for Dark­house or Red Fox. That’s it!

Once either book cracks the Top 30, I’ll be post­ing the exclu­sive Smash­words coupon on Face­book for your free down­load, my way of say­ing thanks.