There’s a little list going on over at GoodReads for Break-Out Author of the year…something like that. Currently Darkhouse is sitting at a very respectable #58. With a few more votes, it could crack the Top 30.
If it does crack the Top 30, Darkhouse will be available for a free e-download for a 48 hour period. This goes for any e-format, Kindle, Nook, Archos, iBooks etc.
If you want in on this, all you have to do is become a fan on Facebook, if you aren’t already (see sidebar for an easy way to “like” Experiment in Terror). Then visit the list at GoodReads HERE (you may have to sign up for an account first). And vote for Darkhouse or Red Fox. That’s it!
Once either book cracks the Top 30, I’ll be posting the exclusive Smashwords coupon on Facebook for your free download, my way of saying thanks.