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What’s new with Karina Halle

I wrote that title in the third per­son, not because I’m turn­ing into George Costanza, but because it’s eas­ier for search engines to pick up. Sadly I’m busy writ­ing most of the time (when I’m not cud­dling with my fiance or dog in our 1930’s sunny farm­house we just moved into –yep, had to throw that in there because it’s just so awe­some), so I can’t always answer the same ques­tions on my Face­book and Twit­ter. Sooooooo hope­fully peo­ple can see this and get up to date with all the newest hap­pen­ings. Because, I know, life changes quickly!

1. There is no Lit­tle Fif­teen. I get this ques­tion way too much…There IS NO LITTLE FIFTEEN. Instead we have the Ada Palomino Series com­ing out late 2014, start­ing with Veiled, which you can add to your Goodreads here. NOTE: The series isn’t YA but NA…but Ada is 17…the thing is, I hate cat­e­go­riz­ing books this way. I don’t write into a genre, as you know. But it’s a teen — a real­is­tic teen. There will be sex and swear­ing and ghosts…nothing graphic or erotic, but you know…it happens!

2. Bold Tricks is the final book in the Artist Tril­ogy and it comes out Octo­ber 15th. You all may hate me for the outcome…but keep in mind, this is my book and their story. I came up with the epi­logue of the book WHEN I was writ­ing Sins & Nee­dles. It was always this way. Hope you enjoy it any­way. I’m fuck­ing proud of this series.

3. The Devil’s Reprise is the sequel to The Devil’s Metal. It comes out in paper­back and e-book on Octo­ber 29th JUST in time for Hal­loween. It’s sexy and scary and if you’ve NOT read The Devil’s Metal, that’s okay…it’ll make sense as a standalone.

4. Ashes to Ashes is the 8th (sec­ond to last) Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror book com­ing out in Decem­ber 2013. Blurb and cover com­ing soon!

5. The Artists Tril­ogy is com­ing to AUDIOBOOK in Jan-March of 2014! How­ever PAPERBACKS of Sins & Nee­dles, Shoot­ing Scars and Bold Tricks won’t be com­ing out from Grand Cen­tral Pub­lish­ing until late 2014 (but HOPEFULLY it will be moved up to an ear­lier date).

6. Also in Jan­u­ary, I’m releas­ing a stand­alone hor­ror romance. I’ll be includ­ing the first chap­ter in either the Devil’s Reprise or Ashes to Ashes.

7. Dirty Angels…what the hell is that? It’s a new series, three books, revolv­ing around three dif­fer­ent char­ac­ters. It’s roman­tic sus­pense. It’s dark and edgy and sexy as hell and the first one will come out in April. The books can be read as stand­alones and out of order if wanted, but that said I am aim­ing to have each book, Dirty Angels, Dirty Deeds and Dirty Promises no more than three months apart.

8. Lost in Wanderlust…my Chi­nese Democ­racy. When is this com­ing? Prob­a­bly no sooner than April…unless Grand Cen­tral pub­lishes it. I have to let them offer on it but oth­er­wise I can’t pub­lish any con­tem­po­rary romance until April as per my contract.

9. The last EIT book — Dust to Dust — is com­ing in May. *cries*

10. I have con­tributed an Ellie/Camden short story to Sto­ries for Amanda to ben­e­fit Anti-Bullying (the anthol­ogy is being released in Octo­ber) and have a roman­tic sus­pense short story going for another anthol­ogy orga­nized by my bitch Made­line Shee­han out in Jan­u­ary (also a non-profit contribution).

I have some other books com­ing next year but I don’t want to com­mit to any­thing until I’m actu­ally writ­ing the thing! I hope that clears some stuff up. Stay tuned for cover reveals and blurbs and other fun stuff :)