Cover reveal — Red Fox (version 3)

Red Fox, the sec­ond book in the EIT series, has always been a tricky book for me to make a fit­ting cover for. The first cover was orig­i­nal art­work, and though the artist fol­lowed my direction…yeah, it wasn’t very com­pelling. Fine for lit­er­a­ture I think, but not for a para­nor­mal new adult book.

So, months later, I had a new cover made. This one I put my friend Talar on the cover because she played Perry in the trail­ers and, let’s face it, she’s beau­ti­ful. I had my artist back then put an image of her as Perry with some scenery I shot in Palm Springs. I was okay with the cover…it wasn’t the best but it had to do.

And life went on.

Then I decided to put Dark­house in a matte fin­ish through Createspace’s new options and while I was doing that I thought, you know what, I should try to do Red Fox’s cover ONE more time. And so I asked my cover artist extra­or­di­naire, Naj Qam­ber, to take an image I pro­vided her and whip some­thing up.

And here it is…the new cover for Red Fox. I love the eerieness of that bull skull com­bined with the native feather’s hang­ing. It’s very sim­ple and stark but it suits the book. Plus the col­ors are to die for.


I can’t wait to get these new cov­ers on Ama­zon soon and get the paper­backs in a nice matte fin­ish. And if you’re com­ing to Rich­mond, Vir­ginia for the author sign­ing on Dec 14th, I’ll have some there avail­able to sign (along with matte fin­ish copies of Dark­house, The Devil’s Metal, The Devil’s Reprise and Ashes to Ashes).