Excerpt from The Devil’s Reprise ~~ 18+

Here’s a lit­tle teaser/excerpt for you from The Devil’s Reprise, a hor­ror romance releas­ing Octo­ber 29th (it’s the sequel The Devil's Reprise SMALLto The Devil’s Metal, a book worth check­ing out, but can be treated as a stand­lone). Warn­ing, the book in gen­eral con­tains graphic sex (includ­ing group sex) and is pretty fuck­ing scar­ing. Also, the swearing…



I moaned loudly. I hadn’t had this feel­ing, this exquis­ite, nerve-dazzling feel­ing in such a long time. I felt like I was being awak­ened from one hell of a slumber.

He reached around to his back pocket, and I heard the tear of a con­dom wrap­per. While he fid­dled with that, I grabbed his belt buckle and brought him right up to me, my legs wrap­ping around his slen­der waist, the heels of my boots dig­ging into the dents on his lower back. I unzipped his pants, free­ing his cock from them. It was still so fuck­ing beau­ti­ful, dan­ger­ously beau­ti­ful, and once it again it was mine. I bit my lip, rel­ish­ing the weight and length of it in my hands.

He slipped the con­dom on it with pre­ci­sion, then stroked his long fin­gers against my clit until they slowly entered me, one by one. His skilled fin­gers that could coax the most amaz­ing sounds from his gui­tar and make me feel like I was another one of his vir­ile instruments.

“You’re ready for me again,” he said, his eyes star­ing hard into mine, his breath shak­ing with lust.

“I never stopped being ready,” I said.