The Artists Trilogy is Now COMPLETE — Bold Tricks is OUT!

Well folks, The Artists Tril­ogy is finally fin­ished. Bold Tricks is offi­cially out, wrap­ping up this gritty roman­tic sus­pense series that USA Today calls “cap­ti­vat­ing” and RT Book Reviews calls a “grip­ping, twisted romance.”

If you’re a fan of flawed char­ac­ters, steamy sex, dicey choices, riv­et­ing action scenes, vio­lence, revenge, tragic romance, and all that other good stuff, give The Artists Tril­ogy a shot — each book is under $3.

The Artists Tril­ogy Read­ing Order

#1 Sins & Nee­dles — $2.99

sins and needles

#0.5 On Every Street — $0.99

on every street

#2 Shoot­ing Scars — $2.99

shooting scars (1)

#3 Bold Tricks — $2.99


Avail­able at all E-book retail­ers (with print edi­tions com­ing to a book­store near you in 2014).