Cover reveal and official blurb — Ashes to Ashes

Well, after the beau­ti­ful, stark yet mono­chrome cover for Come Alive, I wanted some­thing col­or­ful. Yet eerie. Beau­ti­ful. Yet scary. Sigh. Not an easy task…luckily my designer Naj has infi­nite patience and we finally came to a cover that really cap­tured the togeth­er­ness of Perry and Dex, the beau­ti­ful yet rough Ore­gon Coast (site of their first EIT episode, Darkhouse).…and a creepy ass child. Because noth­ing is more ter­ri­fy­ing than dead chil­dren out for revenge and shit. Oh…I’m step­ping on the blurb now. All right well here is the blurb for Ashes to Ashes, EIT #8 (Decem­ber 11, 2013 — my bday):

It’s been two months since Perry Palomino and Dex Foray’s rela­tion­ship reached a new turn­ing point, two months since Perry started a new life in Seat­tle, and two months since their Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror show took on a new part­ner, ex-Wine Babe Rebecca Sims, and found a new level of suc­cess. But when­ever there is light in their lives, the mad­ness still has a way of com­ing back in.

When the team is sent back to the stormy Ore­gon coast to inves­ti­gate a haunted school, Perry wants to use the oppor­tu­nity to recon­nect with her fam­ily and rein­tro­duce Dex into their lives. Only Perry’s not the only one who’s reach­ing out – her grand­mother Pippa has started appear­ing to her with dis­turb­ing warn­ings and Perry’s pres­ence at the school has ignited a chill­ing new wave of super­nat­ural phe­nom­e­non. Once used a cen­tury ago as a sana­to­rium to house chil­dren dying of tuber­cu­lo­sis, the school’s past res­i­dents are slowly com­ing back to life and with one thing on their mind. They want some­one to play with, some­one to join them. Forever.

Even when dead, some chil­dren get what­ever they want.

And they want Perry.

And the cover:


And the full cover:

full cover AtA
Sigh, this is almost the last book, guys. I’m really glad some of you are sad that the series is com­ing to a close — if you weren’t, it would mean it was drag­ging out. No, Perry and Dex deserve to go out with a bang!