On Every Street is NOW LIVE!

On Every Street is now live on Ama­zon and Smash­words - just 99 cents for release week


“On Every Street is by far one of the sex­i­est books I have read in a long time. I am not by any means bash­ful but there were moments where I could not stop the smile on my face, or the flush in my cheeks. This novella will leave you on fire…”- My Book Muse

On Every Street is superbly writ­ten in every way pos­si­ble. Miz Halle has a way with cre­at­ing highly flawed char­ac­ters and weav­ing love and pas­sion into a dark and twisted story. Her words hurt me. This story hurt me. This story sucked me in, chewed me up, and spit me out. I was wrecked” — Roman­tic Book Affairs

On Every Street is packed with awe­some­ness. It’s an edgy, sexy-as-hell read and one you won’t want to miss”- The Demon Librarian

When young con artist Ellie Watt decides to call her­self Eden White and go after the drug lord who ruined her as a child, she never expects to fall for one of his hench­men. But Javier Bernal is no ordi­nary man. Sub­tly dan­ger­ous and over­whelm­ingly seduc­tive, Eden finds her­self pas­sion­ately in love with Javier, the very per­son she’s set-up to betray. With her body and heart in a heated bat­tle against her deep need for revenge, no one will walk away from this con a winner.

This 50K word (100+ pages) novella takes place six years before Sins & Nee­dles (book #1 of The Artists Tril­ogy) and tells the story of Ellie and Javier’s pas­sion­ate yet tor­rid affair. It can be read before or after Sins & Nee­dles.
You do not need to have read Sins & Nee­dles to enjoy this book and can be read as a standalone.

***Con­tains graphic sex­ual scenes, lan­guage and violence***