I get a lot of questions from people. A lot of comments. I wish I could address them all, but that takes up a lot of time and time is something I need to write. I need buckets full of time. But I don’t like ignoring people either.
So I thought I’d answer some of the most common questions I’ve been getting right here, right now:
1. Why did you end On Demon Wings on a cliffhanger? Did you do that to entice people to read the next book? You’re a cruel bitch and I hate you.
- I know people are going to buy the next book. I did not end it on a cliffhanger for that reason. I ended it because to me that is where I had ALWAYS planned to end the story. Deduct points for that if you want, but to me that’s how that book was supposed to end. It followed the structure I set out for it. The climax was the exorcism scene. I’d be adding an extra climax in a sense if I were to add in the resolution of that cliffhanger. Could I have ended it right after the exorcism scene? I guess. But that didn’t seem right to me either. Disagree with me all you want, but those were my reasons…NOT to sell more books. I’m pretty sure if I wrote a book about Perry and Dex shopping at Target, that would sell.
That said, Book 6 will NOT end on a cliffhanger. So, breathe easy!
2. Why didn’t you write about the “blah blah” scene in The Dex-Files? Why wasn’t it longer?
- The Dex-Files was never intended to be a full-length novel and it was never intended to provide every answer or everyone of his viewpoints to all scenes in the books. Sometimes you have to trust that the author knows what they are doing. I don’t believe in laying all the cards out for you guys to see. Dex needs to still be a mystery. There still needs to be topics and issues for future books. And, really, if you must know how Dex would react, what his thoughts would be during a certain scene, just think about it. There were enough tidbits in The Dex-Files and On Demon Wings for people to draw their own conclusions (lol, I hope).
3. When is Into The Hollow coming out? Can you release it today?
- October 23rd and no. The book has not been written (aside from the first few chapters). Also, I’m in no rush. The sooner I release books, the sooner the series is over…and who wants that? That thought gives me major sad face.
4. Can’t you write more than eight books, then?
- Don’t you hate a series that goes on and on when they should have ended a long time ago? Yeah, I don’t want that to happen to EIT. I want to go out while people still love it. But, remember, that trilogy in a few years
5. Why isn’t this a movie?
- I don’t know. I’m a writer, not a filmmaker. If we’re lucky, my agent will sell the film/TV rights to the series. And if we are really lucky, it’ll go beyond being an “option” and actually get made! *fingers crossed*
6. Is Maximus Dex’s brother?
- Lol. Whut? How does that work? Sure, they can both be douchecanoes but no, Dex has a brother called Michael. You will see him in Book 8. He’s a real, breathing, normal dude.
7. What is up with Maximus anyway?
- Many things.
8. Why is Dex so horny?
- He’s a dude. Maybe a more sexual, fucked up dude, but still a dude. Dudes get boners around pretty girls they like/love. Dudes think about sex. Dudes have sex (and yes, from an early age). Or maybe I just tend to hang around horny dudes.
9. What’s with strong Dex in Bailout?
- Read Old Blood.
10. Why can’t I buy (insert book here:______) for NOOK? I can’t find it at Barnes and Noble.
- Because B&N are douchecanoes, remember? They take a long time to upload my books to their site, sometimes over a month. HOWEVER you can always buy an epub Nook compatible Experiment in Terror book at Smashwords — this site publishes instantaneously, it’s just as cheap as B&N and if you follow the instructions, easy to use! I recommend them. https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/khalle
Ahhh, any other news while I have you here? Well, on September 23rd I’ve got 30 days of Experiment in Terror coming. That means 30 days of cool posts, awesome giveaways, interviews, excerpts, etc. So stay tuned for that!
Awesome podcast for Darkhouse at Books for Bitchez: http://booksforbitches.tumblr.com/
Hmmm, oh! The Dex-Files made the GalleyCat Weekly Best Sellers List this week. Not long ago, Old Blood was kicking ass up there for 5 weeks in a row. NOW IT’S DEX’S TURN (we came in at #2 out of all fiction books in the Smashwords store).http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/self-published-bestsellers-list-for-august-20-2012_b56292
Here’s a great review from the AWESOME Forever Young Adult for Old Blood and Dex Files: http://foreveryoungadult.com/2012/08/21/a-good-companion-novel-is-like-a-good-sidecar/
HOLY FUCK check out this AMAZEBALLS DRAWING OF PERRY IN ON DEMON WINGS by the Fabulous Leabharlann
And once again, much love to the readers who have been sending me kind emails, comments and messages and who are tirelessly pimping out the books to their friends, neighbours, dogs. YOU guys rock my world and help me live my dreams, so THANK YOU.
OK…back to writing. I hope to have some Devil’s Metal excerpts soon