A glimpse into one naughty man’s mind…

The Dex-Files is now avail­able on Kin­dle HERE and Smash­words HERE — Nook/Kobo/iTunes ver­sions should be up in a month but you can always buy the epub ver­sion through Smash­words if you don’t wish to wait.

Remem­ber, this com­pan­ion book con­tains scenes of a graphic sex­ual nature (nat­u­rally, it’s Dex’s POV) and harsh lan­guage and is not rec­om­mended for either read­ers 18 yrs of age and younger OR peo­ple who have not read the entire series — includ­ing Old Blood. Though it is a novella, Old Blood con­tains infor­ma­tion that will have The Dex-Files and the rest of the EIT series make a lot more sense (and I’m not just say­ing that).

ALSO I have pre­pared a playlist for The Dex-Files, since almost all of the chap­ters are named after songs — please give it a visit HERE.

Want more infor­ma­tion on The Dex-Files or to read reviews, please visit the GoodReads page HERE.


Thank you and happy read­ing (you pervy weirdos!)