So, I’m back. My vacation was amazing. Words can’t describe it. However, I will give you a picture a day of our trip in my next post! Before I get into that though, I wanted to clarify some information about upcoming deadlines and releases — believe me, I had a load of emails and messages I’ve sifted through upon my return and I thought it easier to answer some questions here:
When is the Dex-Files coming out?
This POV compilation book (which contains major spoilers, so I recommend reading all books in the series before you read it) will come out on Monday, August 13th in eformat.
Are you releasing a Dex-Files scene this month?
Yes. There will be one, possibly two (via someone else’s blog).
When does Into the Hollow come out?
Into the Hollow, Book #6 comes out on Tuesday, October 23rd.
BUT WE NEED THE BOOKS NOW! Will you have another non-EIT book until then? Tell us about it!
I should have something for you in September called The Devil’s Metal. Believe me, I’ve got a packed schedule and when I’m not writing EIT stuff I am writing other stuff. This other stuff is pretty freaking cool though and I know EIT fans will love it — I’ll keep you posted on it when things are more concrete but this book should have a September release date. Fun fact: Jacob appears in this book.
Yeah so what happened to Lost in Wanderlust, your romantic comedy adult novel?
It’s coming this year still, most likely November or December but it got pushed back due to EIT stuff and my creative path. Sometimes you feel things, sometimes you don’t.
Red Fox, I need it for my Nook/Kobo, where can I buy it?
You can buy it in any format from Smashwords:
You should be able to get it off of Nook/Kobo by August.
Old Blood has been getting lots of great reviews — but is it essential to the series? Do I need to read it?
YES. It is essential. And you need to read it. It gives background not only to Pippa but to Perry and Dex as well, and in a major way. Some stuff that happens in future EIT books may not make much sense unless you’ve read Old Blood. It also explains a lot of why Perry and Dex are the way they are and foreshadows some things.
Also, while I was gone I learned that Old Blood placed me on the GalleyCat’s Best Sellers List for Self-Published novels two weeks in a row! Wooo hoo team EIT!
Will there be an Old Blood paperback?
As it is a long novella, there will be a paperback and it will probably be out end of this month. On that note, On Demon Wings in paperback is now available again after the Createspace fiasco.
How many books in the series?
Eight in total. I will be doing an Ada POV novella next year.
And when are Books #7 and #8 being released and what are they called?
Book #7 (working title) Come Alive and Book #8 Ashes to Ashes will be out in the Spring and Fall of 2013 respectively. I will be putting out the Ada novella during the Summer of 2013 to break up the wait — there’s also a possibility of another novella in between Books #6 and #7.…I’ll keep you posted if that comes to anything.
Is Book #8 the end? Like, really the end?
Yes and no. The end of the Experiment in Terror Series. Is it the end of Perry & Dex? Probably not, though the idea I have in mind for my favorite duo won’t be realized for quite a number of years. But it won’t be the last you’ll ever see of them
Last but not least, thank you guys for contacting me! I love getting mail and messages, I really do I may not always respond right away but I do try to answer as much as I can!