Strong words, I know. However, I must express how extremely displeased I am with the company as a writer and a potential customer (cuz I could have Nook for all they know).
It’s been well over a month since On Demon Wings has been released. There is no sign of it on Barnes and Noble’s website. The way it is done for self-pubbers like myself is that I upload the books to Smashwords and they make it available in their premium catalog. This goes for iTunes, Kobo, and other venues.
Well, On Demon Wings has been available for a month now and The Benson has been up for a couple of weeks (Red Fox will be there in about two weeks).
Both On Demon Wings AND The Benson are available now on Kobo (here and here respectively and FREEEE), possibly iTunes, and of course through Smashwords. But Barnes and Noble, for whatever reason because they never get back to me, has been refusing to put the books on their site. After all, I have the books in the premium catalog and it’s up to them to make them available for Nook.
And they haven’t. Well, don’t you just suck B&N?
So I can only apologize on their behalf. I would upload the books through Barnes & Noble’s PubIt program HOWEVER it is not open to Canadians. Grrrrrr. Way to lose out on even more business, you douchecanoes.
Anyhoo, that’s that. If you’re a Nook user, you can get the books through Smashwords (you’ll need to save the epub file to your computer, hook up your Nook via USB and transfer them over…it’s really a rather minor inconvenience). Otherwise you can complain to Barnes & Noble…and I hope you have better luck with it than I have!
ON THE PLUS SIDE On Demon Wings (and your help) put me on this list for Best-Selling Self-published books along with Amanda Hocking and Kristen Ashley…woo hoo!!! Check it out here via GalleyCat.
In other news, I attended Bret Taylor (artist, friend, JD swiller, EIT cover artist)‘s art show — Metal Flake Remix — over the weekend. It was a lot fun, live art plus friends, drinks, more art…and we did an impromptu giveaway for several copies of Darkhouse. Yay! Fun stuff.
(Photos by Cynthia Griffiths)
I think we are going to team up in the fall and have a joint art show/book release party for Into the Hollow (EIT #6). We’ll make posters out of the book covers and sign them, have lots of EIT merch for sale, have Perry and Dex taking your coats, it’s going to be pretty awesome. I’ll make the event public too, if any local looky loos want to say hello
Finally, my friend Candice (who makes amazing cakes, who I will have make me an awesome EIT cake for le party) and I were interviewed for an article in the newspaper about social media and work (me being an author, Candice being a cakemaker). You can take a look at that article HERE.
Have a great week everybody!