I’m back!
Just kidding. I’m not really. Still on my mental vacay which has been wonderful so far.…just letting myself be free of all stress and taking deep breaths. It works. I’m feeling a lot better and I think I’ll feel even greater when this month is up.
Why? Well I’ve got that surprise for you, that hopefully will be coming your way in a few weeks. And then I’m heading off on an epic 9-day road trip with me and my man down to Oregon. Without even planning it to be so, it has turned into the Perry Palomino trip. We’re staying overnight at The Benson (where I have stayed before) in Portland, and at some other point we are staying just outside Uncle Al’s place in the town on Manzanita. Also, staying in Seattle for a couple of nights at my favorite hotel (the Moore) that’s a few blocks up from where Dex’s apartment is.
Weird, right? Weird and wonderful. Those nine-days are going to be filled with camping, hiking, and lots and lots of reading. I can. not. wait.
Anyhoo, that’s not why I’m back on the blog. I came to inform you of two awesome things!
One is that I’ve opened a RedBubble store for EIT merchandise (more will be added):
And the other is that the lovely Maryse at Maryse’s Book Blog has created an Experiment in Terror Support Forum:
A spoilerific zone where readers (who have read all books in the series thus far) can go and bitch and moan or cheer and swoon or whatever over the series. You guys, I know this series isn’t easy at times and cliffhangers suck and man do you not understand _____ or ________ and you want to KILL that fucking ____ but this seems like a great place to get it all out without worrying you’re spoiling it for someone. And, regarding cliffhangers, believe it or not but I’m not fond of them either. I just end the book where it naturally feels like it should end and it’s usually it’s plotted out WAY (like, years) ahead of time. But I can tell you this much…Book #6 won’t have a cliffhanger like Lying Season or On Demon Wings, so you can rest assured you won’t be left dangling. Now, of course, some argue that Darkhouse had a cliffhanger so I’m sure it’ll still be hangerish to some people but anyway…you won’t be mad, is what I’m saying. Or maybe you will be. YOU’RE SO HARD TO PREDICT.