Amazing Fan Art

Yay, the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series has some amaz­ing fan art com­ing in. Check out what these read­ers did below:

Dark­house Dex and Perry and Dex and His Tooth­pick are by the immensely tal­ented Stepha­lope (check out her Tum­blr here and her Deviant Art here — she does fan­tas­tic  draw­ings of all my favorite books too, like Hunger Games, etc!). When I saw these draw­ings, I nearly cried. Really, tears came to eyes. Oh, they are just so won­der­ful, it makes me feel so HAAAAAPPPPPY.

ALSO MAKES ME HAPPY. This beauty was done up by the won­der­fully kick-ass and cool Savan­nah. I loves it! Dex’s tat­toos! Gah!

And finally, I drew this lol. What? I can sub­mit my own art! Sur­pris­ingly enough, she looks like the art above. I guess I describe her pretty well!