Turn it up! I’m quiet
Remember, Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1) will be available for FREE on KINDLE on Jan 3rd and 4th.
Red Fox (EIT #2) and The Benson (EIT #2.5) are both FREE on Smashwords.
Start 2012 off with the first 2.5 books in this fan favorite ghost-hunting series for FREE!
Need more convincing? Check out these two amazing reviews of Darkhouse:
5/5 Stars from Unputdownable Books “Oh my freaking God! Why did I take so long to pick up this book?
The entire time I was reading this book, I felt as if I was watching an episode of a brand new series. Now, I can’t wait to read the next installments. ”
4/5 Stars from Demons Read Too “The similarities between my life and that of the main character, Perry, were freakishly uncanny. I enjoyed slipping into her world and going along with her sometimes wacky, but often understandable trains of thought. The mystery of the lighthouse had its creepy moments, but what I loved came more through the banter between Perry and Dex. The romantic undercurrents were paced realistically, and fun to watch unfurl.”
Darkhouse also won the Top YA Horror of 2011 from Unputdownable Books as well.
And the Experiment in Terror Series placed on another Top 10 of 2011 List HERE.