It was a song? Plus KINDLE and PAPERBACK

Yeah. Lying Sea­son is actu­ally song by Alice in Chains. It was a b-side, so a lot fans don’t even know about it. I loved the song, thought it was fit­ting for the set­ting (Seat­tle, yo) and, well, all the lies…and so, voila.

Lying Sea­son has a playlist, as do all of my books. With this book it was less about the indi­vid­ual songs and more about what albums I lis­tened to dur­ing cer­tain scenes. Actu­ally, music plays a very impor­tant role in this book, more so than in any of the other ones. And thus, I invite you to down­load and lis­ten to the songs below at play them at the right moments.

Lying Sea­son Playlist

The Bea­t­les Abbey Road - “Oh! Dar­ling” and “Maxwell’s Sil­ver Ham­mer” fea­tured promi­nently dur­ing Jenn and Dex’s car sing-along (ugh). “Come Together” is heard play­ing in Rebecca’s car. Perry almost hears “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” dur­ing a piv­otal scene near the end.

Soundgar­den — “Hands All Over”, “Gun” and any song from Louder than Love make good dri­ving music on your way to a men­tal asy­lum. Cor­rec­tion: a haunted men­tal asy­lum. “Pretty Noose” Perry’s Karoake song of choice.

Rob Zom­bie The Sin­is­ter Urge — Perry’s “get­ting ready for a date” album of choice. Nor­mal, right?

Alice in Chains — Dirty, gritty, Seat­tle streets. Wet weather and despair. Drugs. Tor­ment. No way out. Pretty much every AIC song fits in with this book. Lis­ten to them all.

Bohren and Der Club of Gore Beileid — any­time Perry is feel­ing reflec­tive (so, uh, the whole book?)

The Kills Blood Pres­sures - “The Last Good­bye” is one emo­tional wal­lop of a song and pretty explanatory

Fan­tomas Delir­ium Cor­dia — lit­tle secret here…I lis­tened to this album on repeat…and only this album…while writ­ing every sin­gle scene inside the men­tal insti­tu­tion. Yeah. It scared the hell out of me and if you hap­pen to play this while read­ing it (while read­ing ANYTHING) it’ll do the same to you too. Take my word for it. Bless you Fan­tomas. You keep on giving.

PS — Lying Sea­son is now avail­able on KINDLE and in PAPERBACK on Cre­ate­space