Halloween Sale — ALL 3 Experiment in Terror Books are FREE

From now until Novem­ber 1st, all Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror books on Smash­words are free. Yes, that’s right…FREE. As in $0. Now is your chance to own the first three books in the series, Dark­house, Red Fox and Dead Sky Morn­ing and dis­cover how read­ers and review­ers are falling in love with our ghost-hunting duo Perry Palomino and Dex Foray.

Dark­house (“this was the per­fect book to read right before Hal­loween; an excel­lent thriller chock full of white-knuckle moments and edge of your seat heart thump­ing ter­ror” — First Reads win­ner) can be down­loaded HERE for free.

Red Fox (“I could not put this book down, and when I absolutely had to stop read­ing, I thought about the book every sec­ond that passed” — Beck­oned by Books ) can be down­loaded HERE for free.

And Dead Sky Morn­ing (“This is a deep, dark hor­ror that deserves high marks from the begin­ning” — Bitsy Bling Books) can be down­loaded HERE for free.

Note you can get all e-versions through Smashwords…Kindle, Nook, PDF, etc.

Just remem­ber to act fast — you have a lit­tle more than 24 hours to get this deal. Tell your friends!
