Dead Sky Morning — A perfect Halloween read

Aside from Dead Sky Morn­ing, Book Three in the ghost-hunting Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series, being avail­able at the Cre­ate­Space e-store (ship­ping world­wide) in paper­back for­mat HERE and in any e-format at Smash­words HERE, it’s now avail­able through Amazon.

You can pick up a paper­back copy at Ama­zon HERE and the Kin­dle ver­sion HERE.

Obvi­ously if you buy the e-versions it’s instan­ta­neous but if you order the paper­back now, you should get it in time for Hal­loween. This is my favorite time of the year (which is appar­ent if you’ve had a glimpse into my twisted mind) and I love hav­ing some­thing scary to either watch or read dur­ing the month of Octo­ber. And really, what’s scarier than camp­ing on an iso­lated island that’s haunted by duplic­i­tous ghosts who are out for revenge? Dex’s mus­tache, maybe.

I’ll be back later this week to share with you some of my own per­sonal favorite ter­ri­fy­ing books and movies.

Happy Haunt­ings!