The day is here. Huz­zah! Dead Sky Morn­ing, Book Three in the ghost-hunting Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series, is now offi­cially available.

So far you can pur­chase the book via Cre­ate­Space e-store (ship­ping world­wide) in paper­back for­mat HERE.

You can also pur­chase the book in any e-format at Smash­words HERE.

The book will be avail­able on Ama­zon and Kin­dle over the next 24 hours as well, so I’ll keep you posted on that.

In cel­e­bra­tion of the book launch I’ve gath­ered some stills of the trailer shoot for the book (by the way the trailer will be released soon and I’ll be keep­ing you updated when that comes out).

And if you need some incen­tive to buy Dead Sky Morn­ing, or get hooked into the whole series, I sug­gest you read this review at Bitsy Bling Books. Author Char­lie Court­land describes DSM as “By far, the most ter­ri­fy­ing of the three books because of the emo­tional inten­sity” and says “Halle’s descrip­tions reveal the vul­ner­a­bil­ity of rela­tion­ships along with the flawed imper­fec­tions and mag­netic com­pli­ca­tions that come from attrac­tion, expe­ri­ence, emo­tion and rationality.”

And for some fun videos, give­aways and more stuff, keep scrolling to the pre­vi­ous posts below :)