An interview with my characters + Giveaways!

I had my own copy of Red Fox signed by the per­son who inspired it –read on to learn more…

~~Over at abib­lios­phere I had the oppor­tu­nity to inter­view my char­ac­ters Perry Palomino and Dex Foray. It was weird. But fun. Come check it out at the post here.

~~I wrote about the chal­lenges that come with writ­ing a series of EIGHT BOOKS. Yeah, it can mess with your head a little…these char­ac­ters don’t dis­ap­pear after you’ve fin­ished writ­ing… read more at In the Name of Books

~~You know what else is chal­leng­ing? Mak­ing a BOOK TRAILER! I wrote about this at Keep­ing up with the Rheinlanders

~~There’s a few give­aways going on this week for BOTH copies of Dark­house and Red Fox. I believe you can win the paper­back copies here at Romanc­ing the Dark­side (and read a post about “Dex — the anti-hero”) and e-format copies at Naughty Between the Stacks (and read a post about sex).

More reviews are com­ing in!


~~ “With great lead char­ac­ters such as Perry and Dex, this was a book that was hard to put down. Halle puts an inter­est­ing and enter­tain­ing view within the para­nor­mal world filled with ghosts” 4.5/5 stars at Livin’ Life Through Books

~~“A super thrill ride of a book. I devoured this book, seri­ously I did not want to put it down. I’m a big fan of ghost sto­ries and ghost hunt­ing in gen­eral so pick­ing this up was a no-brainer for me” 5/5 stars at Get­ting Naughty Between the Stacks

~~“If I were to cre­ate a genre for this book it would be a YA/Spooky Chick­lit. What a com­bi­na­tion! Yet every­thing flowed well and the char­ac­ters were excep­tion­ally fun to read. Kind of like a grown up R. L. Stine” 4/5 stars at A Chick Who Reads

Red Fox

~~“This books takes Perry and Dex to New Mex­ico and smack dab into Navajo mythol­ogy. I’m not really up on my Native Amer­i­can Myths, but this was really inter­est­ing. Your pulled in not just by the case, which is fas­ci­nat­ing, but by the rela­tion­ship grow­ing between Perry and Dex” 5/5 stars at Get­ting Naughty Between the Stacks

~~“Remem­ber how much I loved Dark­house, which I reviewed a few days ago? Well, I think it’s pos­si­ble that I loved Red Fox just a lit­tle bit more. While Dark­house set the stage for bring­ing the char­ac­ters together, Red Fox really fleshed them out and made them more three-dimensional…There were def­i­nitely some creepy moments, but to me the story was more about devel­op­ing the strange rela­tion­ship between Dex and Perry than advanc­ing the super­nat­ural angle. No com­plaints there though, as that was what I was hop­ing for, and the action came often enough to keep me engrossed in the over­all plot” 5/5 stars at Pretty

Oh yeah, and over the week­end I inter­viewed drum­mer John Stanier (who was in Hel­met, is in Bat­tles and is one of the best drum­mers out there…like, can’t take your eyes off of him, jack­ham­mer machine, totally in awe kind of drummer).

Inter­view went great. At the end of the inter­view, I gave him a copy of Red Fox. Why? Well, because his band Tom­a­hawk wrote/recorded the song Red Fox. Which inspired the book (actu­ally the whole album, Anony­mous, inspired the book). He seemed really impressed that not only did I write a book but that it was based from a song he’s recorded. He asked me to sign his ver­sion. And then I asked him to sign my ver­sion. Then he asked me lots of ques­tions about the books and then he talked more about Anony­mous and…wow, I am still in lit­tle fan­girl awe here. Tom­a­hawk is in my Top 5 favorite bands of all time. This was one of the coolest, most sur­real things to ever hap­pen to me (and I’ve had a lot of really cool things hap­pen over the last few years). This time it was great to just have some­one that impresses YOU seem impressed by some­thing you did. Amazing.

Oh and I rec­om­mend you head on over to iTunes and buy Tom­a­hawk Anony­mous. It’s the per­fect com­pan­ion to Red Fox. Just lis­ten to it on repeat as you read, I am seri­ous. GO NOW!