All up in your grill…

With a blog tour going on in full swing, and the fact that other reviews of the book are com­ing in, I’ve been hav­ing a delight­fully busy cou­ple of days. The reviews have been stel­lar too, which is always a relief (espe­cially on PMS days when I’m wal­low­ing in “what the hell am I doing?” etc.).

Here are a few guests posts I’ve done recently:

- Music and char­ac­ters: What songs do I feel relate best to my char­ac­ters cour­tesy of Deena Reimel’s Place

- My Favorite Scene in Dark­house cour­tesy of Just Another Book Addict

And some reviews for Darkhouse:

- “The story being told from Perry’s eyes was good per­spec­tive. She freaks out over the nor­mal, and seem­ingly stays calm dur­ing things that are weird and out of the ordi­nary.“
“Nor­mally, the men in sto­ries hold lit­tle mys­tery to me, but in Dark­house, Dex was an entirely dif­fer­ent story. From the way Karina describes him smirk­ing to the way he seems so sin­u­ous at times, it had me intrigued. It also left me won­der­ing when, and if, I could ever trust his motives or him in gen­eral.” 4/5 stars.
Read full review here on the delight­fully named blog Me, My Shelf and I

-“Karina Halle’s book, the first in the “Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror” series, is a great intro­duc­tion both to the premise of the series and the char­ac­ters. Perry is very sym­pa­thetic in her uncer­tainty because she expresses many of the con­cerns that we all face at one time or another.“
“Halle is able to make the reader feel, as Perry does, that Dex is not only hard to read, but com­pletely incon­sis­tent. Every time it seems some­thing about him is com­ing into focus, you real­ize that it’s not exactly what you thought it would be.” 4/5 stars.
Read full review here on Fame­less Ramblings

- “Perry is a self-discovering, flawed pro­tag­o­nist you can’t help but love. Sure she might get on your nerves a tad bit, at times, but just about every woman who has been 22 can iden­tify with her in one way or another.“
“I’m all for lov­ing a bad boy but didn’t really fall for Dex in this book, he has poten­tial, but there are times you just want to slap him and give him a piece of your mind (which was for more than half of the book in my case)! As unap­peal­ing as he might seem after my assess­ment, Dex and Perry have some great moments and sex­ual ten­sion that keeps you inter­ested through­out the story.“
“Karina Halle does a fan­tas­tic job of keep­ing her story and char­ac­ters believ­able while extremely enter­tain­ing. Fans of the para­nor­mal and super­nat­ural will find Dark­house a promis­ing start to a series that can only get bet­ter!” 4/5 stars.
Read full review here at the sin­fully fun Romanc­ing the Darkside

And another review for Red Fox, the next book in the series!

- “Red Fox is unique because although it has a sim­i­lar thread when com­pared to Dark­house (the para­nor­mal) it is not the same story, dif­fer­ent set­ting. I liked the vari­a­tion from haunt­ing ghosts to Navajo shapeshifters and the char­ac­ters reac­tions to the expe­ri­ence through their inex­pe­ri­ence.“
“The ten­sion between Dex and her increases to the point you’re scream­ing, “Just kiss each other!” For me, this is a pos­i­tive and rather refresh­ing take on sex­ual ten­sion. It is sweet, vul­ner­a­ble, restrained and lead­ing some­where (I hope). As I men­tioned in my pre­vi­ous review, the flawed char­ac­ters are attrac­tive, relat­able and oddly heroic. Per­fec­tion is not a loom­ing attribute and it is in this depic­tion of life that draws me in and keeps me read­ing.” 4/5 stars.
Check out the full review on Bitsy Bling Books