With a blog tour going on in full swing, and the fact that other reviews of the book are coming in, I’ve been having a delightfully busy couple of days. The reviews have been stellar too, which is always a relief (especially on PMS days when I’m wallowing in “what the hell am I doing?” etc.).
Here are a few guests posts I’ve done recently:
- Music and characters: What songs do I feel relate best to my characters courtesy of Deena Reimel’s Place
- My Favorite Scene in Darkhouse courtesy of Just Another Book Addict
And some reviews for Darkhouse:
- “The story being told from Perry’s eyes was good perspective. She freaks out over the normal, and seemingly stays calm during things that are weird and out of the ordinary.“
“Normally, the men in stories hold little mystery to me, but in Darkhouse, Dex was an entirely different story. From the way Karina describes him smirking to the way he seems so sinuous at times, it had me intrigued. It also left me wondering when, and if, I could ever trust his motives or him in general.” 4/5 stars.
Read full review here on the delightfully named blog Me, My Shelf and I
-“Karina Halle’s book, the first in the “Experiment in Terror” series, is a great introduction both to the premise of the series and the characters. Perry is very sympathetic in her uncertainty because she expresses many of the concerns that we all face at one time or another.“
“Halle is able to make the reader feel, as Perry does, that Dex is not only hard to read, but completely inconsistent. Every time it seems something about him is coming into focus, you realize that it’s not exactly what you thought it would be.” 4/5 stars.
Read full review here on Fameless Ramblings
- “Perry is a self-discovering, flawed protagonist you can’t help but love. Sure she might get on your nerves a tad bit, at times, but just about every woman who has been 22 can identify with her in one way or another.“
“I’m all for loving a bad boy but didn’t really fall for Dex in this book, he has potential, but there are times you just want to slap him and give him a piece of your mind (which was for more than half of the book in my case)! As unappealing as he might seem after my assessment, Dex and Perry have some great moments and sexual tension that keeps you interested throughout the story.“
“Karina Halle does a fantastic job of keeping her story and characters believable while extremely entertaining. Fans of the paranormal and supernatural will find Darkhouse a promising start to a series that can only get better!” 4/5 stars.
Read full review here at the sinfully fun Romancing the Darkside
And another review for Red Fox, the next book in the series!
- “Red Fox is unique because although it has a similar thread when compared to Darkhouse (the paranormal) it is not the same story, different setting. I liked the variation from haunting ghosts to Navajo shapeshifters and the characters reactions to the experience through their inexperience.“
“The tension between Dex and her increases to the point you’re screaming, “Just kiss each other!” For me, this is a positive and rather refreshing take on sexual tension. It is sweet, vulnerable, restrained and leading somewhere (I hope). As I mentioned in my previous review, the flawed characters are attractive, relatable and oddly heroic. Perfection is not a looming attribute and it is in this depiction of life that draws me in and keeps me reading.” 4/5 stars.
Check out the full review on Bitsy Bling Books