Guest Posts Galore

So I went away this week­end to another gor­geous, arbu­tus tree-strewn island. Did I get any writ­ing done? Uh, a para­graph. After writ­ing 15 guest posts plus all my music assign­ments, I’ve been a lit­tle burnt out. It was nice not to write, but it didn’t mean ideas, con­ver­sa­tions and char­ac­ters weren’t stew­ing up in the ol’ nog­gin. Now I’ve got a week off from blog post writ­ing (this doesn’t count) AND music writ­ing so I can actu­ally con­cen­trate and get the impor­tant stuff done…Book Four.

In the mean­time here are a few of the posts I wrote for the blog tour:

- “Embrac­ing Char­ac­ter Flaws” — For My Neu­rotic Book Affair

- The Young Adult Books that I loved grow­ing up (totally 90’s) - For Reader Girls

- From Con­cept to Book: How Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror changed from first out­line — For It’s All About Books.

And here are two new (and RAVE) reviews from Pretty Opin­ion­ated and The Dog-Eared Page:
“I loved Dark­house. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I can’t say it enough. I’ve never related to a char­ac­ter as much as I did to Perry Palomino.“
“The para­nor­mal mys­tery aspect was well-written too, but it was the char­ac­ters that really drew me in, and the hint of more to come in the next parts of the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror series.“
“I also love that Dex isn’t the typ­i­cal lead male char­ac­ter and poten­tial love inter­est for the hero­ine of the story. Actu­ally, he’s kind of the oppo­site of dash­ing and charm­ing for most of this book. He’s really quite an arro­gant jerk at times, but he has a strangely endear­ing under­side that peeks out here and there through­out his time with Perry. Besides, Perry is just as sar­donic as Dex, so they’re a good fit.” — Nikki,
Full Review Here.

While the super­nat­ural part of the book – the haunted light­house – is essen­tially what the tale is about, I found myself more drawn in by the char­ac­ter­i­za­tion and voices. I loved Perry. She’s so lost in her life, no idea what she wants to do, just fum­bling around try­ing to keep going. She’s funny and smart – but she’s not TOO funny, she’s not a one-liner for every lit­tle (or big) thing going on around her. And while gen­uinely ter­ri­fied of cer­tain things hap­pen­ing to her (believe me, the Creepy Clown Lady would have me run­ning and scream­ing down the street, far far away), she has a core of courage and brav­ery and keeps going on.“
“Perry’s back­ground expe­ri­ences are prob­a­bly the most intrigu­ing to me. As a child she had “imag­i­nary” play­mates, and she saw things. We don’t get a huge lot of detail, but it seems to be some­thing that sent her off the rails as a teenager. There seemed to be a brief period of drug tak­ing and most of the things that hap­pened to her she has chalked down to that, or she just doesn’t remem­ber them. I really hope that aspect of her life gets explored fur­ther in the next books.“
“Dex is a strange, strange char­ac­ter. Dude, this guy is weird! I hon­estly couldn’t work him out – one minute I was expect­ing him to do some­thing totally evil or even mean to Perry, the next I was wait­ing for him to jump her bones.” — Jaki, The DogEared Page
Full Review Here.

OH YEAH I totally for­got I’m going to be on the radio tonight. So that’s what the but­ter­flies and feel­ing of nau­sea are all about. YIKES.

You can tune in at 6PM tonight, Mon­day July 18th, on LA TALK RADIO’s The Sheena Metal Expe­ri­ence