So I went away this weekend to another gorgeous, arbutus tree-strewn island. Did I get any writing done? Uh, a paragraph. After writing 15 guest posts plus all my music assignments, I’ve been a little burnt out. It was nice not to write, but it didn’t mean ideas, conversations and characters weren’t stewing up in the ol’ noggin. Now I’ve got a week off from blog post writing (this doesn’t count) AND music writing so I can actually concentrate and get the important stuff done…Book Four.
In the meantime here are a few of the posts I wrote for the blog tour:
- “Embracing Character Flaws” — For My Neurotic Book Affair
- The Young Adult Books that I loved growing up (totally 90’s) - For Reader Girls
- From Concept to Book: How Experiment in Terror changed from first outline — For It’s All About Books.
And here are two new (and RAVE) reviews from Pretty Opinionated and The Dog-Eared Page:
“I loved Darkhouse. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I can’t say it enough. I’ve never related to a character as much as I did to Perry Palomino.“
“The paranormal mystery aspect was well-written too, but it was the characters that really drew me in, and the hint of more to come in the next parts of the Experiment in Terror series.“
“I also love that Dex isn’t the typical lead male character and potential love interest for the heroine of the story. Actually, he’s kind of the opposite of dashing and charming for most of this book. He’s really quite an arrogant jerk at times, but he has a strangely endearing underside that peeks out here and there throughout his time with Perry. Besides, Perry is just as sardonic as Dex, so they’re a good fit.” — Nikki,
Full Review Here.
“While the supernatural part of the book – the haunted lighthouse – is essentially what the tale is about, I found myself more drawn in by the characterization and voices. I loved Perry. She’s so lost in her life, no idea what she wants to do, just fumbling around trying to keep going. She’s funny and smart – but she’s not TOO funny, she’s not a one-liner for every little (or big) thing going on around her. And while genuinely terrified of certain things happening to her (believe me, the Creepy Clown Lady would have me running and screaming down the street, far far away), she has a core of courage and bravery and keeps going on.“
“Perry’s background experiences are probably the most intriguing to me. As a child she had “imaginary” playmates, and she saw things. We don’t get a huge lot of detail, but it seems to be something that sent her off the rails as a teenager. There seemed to be a brief period of drug taking and most of the things that happened to her she has chalked down to that, or she just doesn’t remember them. I really hope that aspect of her life gets explored further in the next books.“
“Dex is a strange, strange character. Dude, this guy is weird! I honestly couldn’t work him out – one minute I was expecting him to do something totally evil or even mean to Perry, the next I was waiting for him to jump her bones.” — Jaki, The DogEared Page
Full Review Here.
OH YEAH I totally forgot I’m going to be on the radio tonight. So that’s what the butterflies and feeling of nausea are all about. YIKES.
You can tune in at 6PM tonight, Monday July 18th, on LA TALK RADIO’s The Sheena Metal Experience